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时间:2023-04-29 16:31:56浏览次数:38  
标签:aa based R1 route traffic match Policy classifier Specify

Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
[R1]acl 3001
[R1-acl-adv-3001]display  this
acl number 3001  
[R1-acl-adv-3001]rule permit ip source 0
[R1]acl 3002
[R1-acl-adv-3002]rule permit ip source 0
[R1]traffic classifier ?
  STRING<1-31>  Name of classifier
[R1]traffic classifier aa operator ?
  and  Rule of matching all of the statements
  or   Rule of matching one of the statements
[R1]traffic classifier aa operator or ?
  <cr>  Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1]traffic classifier aa operator or 
classifier interface view commands:
  arp-ping  ARP-ping
  backup    Backup  information
  clear     Clear
  dialer    Dialer
  display   Display information
  if-match  Specify matching statement for classification
  mtrace    Trace route to multicast source
  ping      <Group> ping command group
  quit      Exit from current mode and enter prior mode
  reset     <Group> reset command group
  return    Enter the privileged mode
  test-aaa  Accounts test
  tracert   <Group> tracert command group
  undo      Negate a command or set its defaults
[R1-classifier-aa]if-match ?
  8021p              Specify vlan 802.1p to match
  acl                Specify ACL to match
  any                Specify any data packet to match
  app-protocol       Specify app-protocol to match
  cvlan-8021p        Specify inner vlan 802.1p of QinQ packets to match. 
  cvlan-id           Specify inner vlan id of QinQ packets to match. 
  destination-mac    Specify destination MAC address to match
  dlci               Specify a DLCI to match
  dscp               Specify DSCP (DiffServ CodePoint) to match
  fr-de              Specify FR DE to match. 
  inbound-interface  Specify an inbound interface to match
  ip-precedence      Specify IP precedence to match
  ipv6               Specify IPv6 
  l2-protocol        Specify layer-2 protocol to match
  mpls-exp           Specify MPLS EXP value to match
  protocol           Specify ipv4 or ipv6 packets to match
  protocol-group     Specify protocol-group to match
  pvc                Specify a PVC to match
  rtp                Specify RTP port to match
  source-mac         Specify source MAC address to match
  tcp                Specify TCP parameters to match
  vlan-id            Specify a vlan id to match
[R1-classifier-aa]if-match acl 3001 
[R1]traffic classifier ?
  STRING<1-31>  Name of classifier
[R1]traffic classifier bb ?
  operator  Specify the operation relation for classification rules 
  <cr>      Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1]traffic classifier bb op	
[R1]traffic classifier bb operator or ?
  <cr>  Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1]traffic classifier bb operator or 
[R1-classifier-bb]if-match acl 3002
[R1]traffic behavior ?
  STRING<1-31>  Name of behavior
[R1]traffic behavior aa ?
  <cr>  Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1]traffic behavior aa 
behavior interface view commands:
  arp-ping        ARP-ping
  backup          Backup  information
  car             Specify CAR (Committed Access Rate) feature
  clear           Clear
  deny            Specify filter deny parameters
  dialer          Dialer
  display         Display information
  drop-profile    Specify IP precedence based WRED
  gts             Specify GTS (General Traffic Shape) feature
  mirror          Mirroring operation of packets
  mtrace          Trace route to multicast source
  permit          Specify filter permit parameters
  ping            <Group> ping command group
  queue           Specify queue feature 
  queue-length    Max queue length
  quit            Exit from current mode and enter prior mode
  redirect        Redirect packets
  remark          Remark QoS values of the packet
  reset           <Group> reset command group
  return          Enter the privileged mode
  statistic       Statistic
  test-aaa        Accounts test
  tracert         <Group> tracert command group
  traffic-policy  Specify nest policy feature
  undo            Negate a command or set its defaults
[R1-behavior-aa]redirect ip-nexthop ?
  post-nat  Post nat
  track     Track nqa
  <cr>      Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1-behavior-aa]redirect ip-nexthop 
[R1]traffic behavior bb ?
  <cr>  Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1]traffic behavior bb 
[R1-behavior-bb]redirect ip-nexthop ?
  post-nat  Post nat
  track     Track nqa
  <cr>      Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1-behavior-bb]redirect ip-nexthop 
[R1]traffic ?
  behavior    Configure traffic behavior 
  classifier  Configure traffic classifier
  policy      Configure traffic policy
[R1]traffic policy ?
  STRING<1-31>  Name of Traffic policy
[R1]traffic policy aa 
trafficpolicy interface view commands:
  arp-ping    ARP-ping
  backup      Backup  information
  classifier  Specify the classifier to which policy relates
  clear       Clear
  dialer      Dialer
  display     Display information
  mtrace      Trace route to multicast source
  ping        <Group> ping command group
  quit        Exit from current mode and enter prior mode
  reset       <Group> reset command group
  return      Enter the privileged mode
  test-aaa    Accounts test
  tracert     <Group> tracert command group
  undo        Negate a command or set its defaults
[R1-trafficpolicy-aa]classifier aa behavior aa 
[R1-trafficpolicy-aa]classifier bb behavior bb
[R1-trafficpolicy-aa]display this 
traffic policy aa
 classifier aa behavior aa
 classifier bb behavior bb
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/0]traffic-policy aa ?
  inbound   Apply the traffic policy to the inbound direction of the interface
  outbound  Apply the traffic policy to the outbound direction of the interface
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/0]traffic-policy aa inbound  ?
  <cr>  Please press ENTER to execute command 
[R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/0]traffic-policy aa inbound  


From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_11726705/6236811


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