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CSSE1001/CSSE7030 卡片游戏

时间:2023-04-28 19:00:12浏览次数:41  
标签:CSSE1001 CSSE7030 卡片 get damage entity player method card

Due date: 28th April 2023 16:00 GMT+10
1 Introduction
Slay the Spire is a rogue-like deck building card game in which a player must build a deck of cards, which
they use during encounters with monsters. Details of the original Slay the Spire game can be found here. In
Assignment 2, you will create an object-oriented text-based game inspired by (though heavily simplified and
altered from) Slay the Spire1.
You are required to implement a collection of classes and methods as specified in Section 5 of this document.
Your program’s output must match the expected output exactly ; minor differences in output (such as whitespace
or casing) will cause tests to fail, resulting in zero marks for those tests. Any changes to this document will be
listed in a changelog on Blackboard.
2 Getting Started
Download a2.zip from Blackboard — this archive contains the necessary files to start this assignment. Once
extracted, the a2.zip archive will provide the following files / directories:
The game engine. This is the only file you submit and modify. Do not make changes to any other files.
Support code to assist in more complex parts of the assignment, and to handle randomness. Note that
when implementing random behaviour, you must use the support functions, rather than calling functions
from random yourself.
A folder containing several text files of playable games.
A folder containing example output from running the completed assignment.
3 Gameplay
At the beginning of the game, the user selects a player character; different player characters have different
advantanges and disadvantages, such as starting with higher HP or a better deck of cards. The user then selects
a game file, which specifies the encounters that they will play. After this, gameplay can begin.
During gameplay, the player users a deck of cards to work through a series of encounters with monsters. Each
encounter involves between one and three monsters, which the player must battle in parallel over a series of
turns. At the start of each turn the user draws 5 cards at random from their deck into their hand. Each card
costs between 0 and 3 energy point to play. The user may play as many cards as they like from their hand
during their turn provided they still have the energy points required to play the requested cards. The user opts
to end their turn when they are finished playing cards, at which point the monsters in the encounter each take
an action (which may affect the player’s HP or other stats, or the monster’s own stats). When a card is played
it is immediately sent to the player’s discard pile. At the end of a turn, all cards in the players hand (regardless
of whether they were played that turn) are sent to the discard pile. Cards in the discard pile cannot be drawn
1Where the behaviour of the original game differs from this specification, implement the assignment as per the specification
(not to the original behaviour of the game).
until the entire deck has been drawn, at which point the deck is replenished with all the cards from the discard
pile. An encounter ends when either the player has killed all monsters (reduced their HP to 0) or when the
monsters have killed the player (reduced the player’s HP to 0). If the player wins an encounter, an encounter
win message is printed and the next encounter begins. If no more encounters remain, the game terminates with
a game win message, and if the player loses an encounter, the program terminates with a loss message. See
a2_support.py for the relevant messages. You can find examples of gameplay in the game_examples folder
provided in a2.zip. For more details on the behaviour of main, see Section 5.4.
4 Class overview and relationships
You are required to implement a number of classes, as well as a main function. You should develop the classes
first and ensure they all work (at minimum, ensure they pass the Gradescope tests) before beginning work on
the main function. The class diagram in Figure 1 provides an overview of all of these classes, and the basic
relationships between them. The details of these classes and their methods are described in depth in Section
Hollow-arrowheads indicate inheritance (i.e. the “is-a” relationship).
Dotted arrows indicates composition (i.e. the “has-a” relationship). An arrow marked with 1-1 denotes
that each instance of the class at the base of the arrow contains exactly one instance of the class at the
head of the arrow. An arrow marked with 1-n denotes that each instance of the class at the base of the
arrow may contain many instances of the class at the head of the arrow. E.g. an Encounter instance may
contain between 1 and 3 Monster instances, but only one Player instance.
Blue classes are abstract classes. You should only ever instantiate the green classes in your program,
though you should instantiate the blue classes to test them before beginning work on their subclasses.
Figure 1: Basic class relationship diagram for the classes which need to be implemented for this assignment.
5 Implementation
This section outlines the classes, methods, and functions that you are required to implement as part of your
assignment. It is recommended that you implement the classes in the order in which they are described. Ensure
each class behaves as per the examples (and where possible, the Gradescope tests) before moving on to the next
5.1 Cards
Cards are used by the player during encounters to attack monsters, defend, or apply status modifiers. When
implementing this class, it is not necessary that you yet understand the mechanics of how these effects will be
applied. You will handle this later in your implementation. Card classes simply provide information about the
effects each type of card has; they are not responsible for directly causing these effects.
All instantiable cards inherit from the abstract Card class, and should inheret the default Card behaviour except
where specified in the descriptions of each specific type of card.
Card (abstract class)
An abstract class from which all instantiable types of cards inheret. Provides the default card behaviour, which
can be inhereted or overwritten by specific types of cards. The __init__ method for all cards do not take any
arguments beyond self.
get_damage_amount(self) -> int (method)
Returns the amount of damage this card does to its target (i.e. the opponent it is played on). By default, the
damage done by a card is 0.
get_block(self) -> int (method)
Returns the amount of block this card adds to its user. By default, the block amount provided by a card is
get_energy_cost(self) -> int (method)
Returns the amount of energy this card costs to play. By default, the energy cost should be 1.
get_status_modifiers(self) -> dict[str, int] (method)
Returns a dictionary describing each status modifiers applied when this card is played. By default, no status
modifiers are applied; that is, this method should return an empty dictionary in the abstract Card class.
get_name(self) -> str (method)
Returns the name of the card. In the Card superclass, this is just the string ‘Card’.
get_description(self) -> str (method)
Returns a description of the card. In the Card superclass, this is just the string ‘A card.’.
requires_target(self) -> bool (method)
Returns True if playing this card requires a target, and False if it does not. By default, a card does require a
__str__(self) -> str (method)
Returns the string representation for the card, in the format ‘{Card name}: {Card description}’.
__repr__(self) -> str (method)
Returns the text that would be required to create a new instance of this class identical to self.
>>> card = Card()
>>> card.get_damage_amount()
>>> card.get_block()
>>> card.get_energy_cost()
>>> card.get_status_modifiers()
>>> card.get_name()
>>> card.get_description()
'A card.'
>>> card.requires_target()
>>> str(card)
'Card: A card.'
>>> card
Strike (class)
Inherits from Card
Strike is a type of Card that deals 6 damage to its target. It costs 1 energy point to play.
>>> strike = Strike()
>>> print(strike.get_damage_amount(), strike.get_block(), strike.get_energy_cost())
6 0 1
>>> strike.get_name()
>>> strike.get_description()
'Deal 6 damage.'
>>> strike.requires_target()
>>> str(strike)
'Strike: Deal 6 damage.'
>>> strike
Defend (class)
Inherits from Card
Defend is a type of Card that adds 5 block to its user. Defend does not require a target. It costs 1 energy point
to play.
>>> defend = Defend()
>>> print(defend.get_damage_amount(), defend.get_block(), defend.get_energy_cost())
0 5 1
>>> defend.get_name()
>>> defend.get_description()
'Gain 5 block.'
>>> defend.requires_target()
>>> str(defend)
'Defend: Gain 5 block.'
>>> defend
Bash (class)
Inherits from Card
Bash is a type of Card that adds 5 block to its user and causes 7 damage to its target. It costs 2 energy points
to play.
>>> bash = Bash()
>>> print(bash.get_damage_amount(), bash.get_block(), bash.get_energy_cost())
7 5 2
>>> bash.get_name()
>>> bash.get_description()
'Deal 7 damage. Gain 5 block.'
>>> bash.requires_target()
>>> str(bash)
'Bash: Deal 7 damage. Gain 5 block.'
>>> bash
Neutralize (class)
Inherits from Card
Neutralize is a type of card that deals 3 damage to its target. It also applies status modifiers to its target;
namely, it applies 1 weak and 2 vulnerable. Neutralize does not cost any energy points to play.
>>> neutralize = Neutralize()
>>> print(neutralize.get_damage_amount(), neutralize.get_block(), neutralize.get_energy_cost())
3 0 0
>>> neutralize.get_status_modifiers()
{'weak': 1, 'vulnerable': 2}
>>> neutralize.get_name()
>>> neutralize.get_description()
'Deal 3 damage. Apply 1 weak. Apply 2 vulnerable.'
>>> str(neutralize)
'Neutralize: Deal 3 damage. Apply 1 weak. Apply 2 vulnerable.'
>>> neutralize
Survivor (class)
Inherits from Card
Survivor is a type of card that adds 8 block and applies 1 strength to its user. Survivor does not require a
>>> survivor = Survivor()
>>> print(survivor.get_damage_amount(), survivor.get_block(), survivor.get_energy_cost())
0 8 1
>>> survivor.get_status_modifiers()
{'strength': 1}
>>> survivor.requires_target()
>>> survivor.get_name()
>>> survivor.get_description()
'Gain 8 block and 1 strength.'
>>> str(survivor)
'Survivor: Gain 8 block and 1 strength.'
>>> survivor
5.2 Entities
Entities in the game include the player and enemies (monsters). All entities have:
Health points (HP): This starts at the maximum HP for the entity, and may decrease over the course of
one or more encounters. An entity is defeated when its HP is reduced to 0.
Block: This is the amount of defense the entity has. When an entity is attacked, damage is applied to
the block first. Only once the block has been reduced to 0 will any remaining damage be caused to the
entity’s HP. For example, if an entity with 10 HP and 5 block is attacked with a damage of 8, their block
will be reduced to 0 and their HP reduced to 7.
Strength: The amount of additional strength this entity has. When an entity plays a card that causes
damage to a target, the damage caused will increase by 1 for each strength point the entity has. Strength
does not wear off until the end of an encounter.
Weak: The number of turns for which this entity is weak. If an entity is weak on a given turn, all cards
played by the entity that cause damage will cause 25% less damage.
Vulnerable: The number of turns for which this entity is vulnerable. If an entity is vulnerable on a turn,
damage caused to it will be increased by 50%.
In this assignment you must implement an abstract Entity class, which provides the base entity functionality
that all entities inherit. Except where specified, entities have the default behaviour inherited from the Entity
Entity (abstract class)
Abstract base class from which all entities inherit.
__init__(self, max_hp: int) -> None (method)
Sets up a new entity with the given max_hp. An entity starts with the maximum amount of HP it can have.
Block, strength, weak, and vulnerable all start at 0.
get_hp(self) -> int (method)
Returns the current HP for this entity.
get_max_hp(self) -> int (method)
Returns the maximum possible HP for this entity.
get_block(self) -> int (method)
Returns the amount of block for this entity.
get_strength(self) -> int (method)
Returns the amount of strength for this entity.
get_weak(self) -> int (method)
Returns the number of turns for which this entity is weak.
get_vulnerable(self) -> int (method)
Returns the number of turns for which this entity is vulnerable.
get_name(self) -> str (method)
Returns the name of the entity. The name of an entity is just the name of the most specific class it belongs
reduce_hp(self, amount: int) -> None (method)
Attacks the entity with a damage of amount. This involves reducing block until the amount of damage has
been done or until block has reduced to zero, in which case the HP is reduced by the remaining amount. For
example, if an entity has 20 HP and 5 block, calling reduce_hp with an amount of 10 would result in 15 HP
and 0 block. HP cannot go below 0.
is_defeated(self) -> bool (method)
Returns True if the entity is defeated, and False otherwise. An entity is defeated if it has no HP remaining.
add_block(self, amount: int) -> None (method)
Adds the given amount to the amount of block this entity has.
add_strength(self, amount: int) -> None (method)
Adds the given amount to the amount of strength this entity has.
add_weak(self, amount: int) -> None (method)
Adds the given amount to the amount of weak this entity has.
add_vulnerable(self, amount: int) -> None (method)
Adds the given amount to the amount of vulnerable this entity has.
new_turn(self) -> None (method)
Applies any status changes that occur when a new turn begins. For the base Entity class, this involves setting
block back to 0, and reducing weak and vulnerable each by 1 if they are greater than 0.
__str__(self) -> str (method)
Returns the string representation for the entity in the format ‘{entity name}: {current HP}/{max HP}
__repr__(self) -> str (method)
Returns the text that would be required to create a new instance of this class identical to self.
>>> entity = Entity(20)
>>> entity.get_name()
>>> print(entity.get_hp(), entity.get_max_hp(), entity.get_block())
20 20 0
>>> print(entity.get_strength(), entity.get_weak(), entity.get_vulnerable())
0 0 0
>>> entity.reduce_hp(2)
>>> entity.get_hp()
>>> entity.add_block(5)
>>> entity.get_block()
>>> entity.reduce_hp(10)
>>> entity.get_hp()
>>> entity.get_block()
>>> entity.is_defeated()
>>> entity.add_strength(2)
>>> entity.add_weak(3)
>>> entity.add_vulnerable(4)
>>> print(entity.get_strength(), entity.get_weak(), entity.get_vulnerable())
2 3 4
>>> entity.add_block(5)
>>> entity.get_block()
>>> entity.new_turn()
>>> print(entity.get_strength(), entity.get_weak(), entity.get_vulnerable())
2 2 3
>>> entity.get_block()
>>> entity.get_hp()
>>> entity.reduce_hp(15)
>>> entity.get_hp()
>>> entity.is_defeated()
Player (abstract class)
Inherits from Entity
A Player is a type of entity that the user controls. In addition to regular entity functionality, a player also
has energy and cards. Player’s must manage three sets of cards; the deck (cards remaining to be drawn),
their hand (cards playable in the current turn), and a discard pile (cards that have been played already this
__init__(self, max_hp: int, cards: list[Card] | None = None) -> None (method)
In addition to executing the initializer for the Entity superclass, this method must initialize the player’s energy
which starts at 3, as well as three lists of cards (deck, hand, and discard pile). If the cards parameter is not
None, the deck is initialized to be cards. Otherwise, it should be initialized as an empty list. The players hand
and discard piles start as empty lists.
get_energy(self) -> int (method)
Returns the amount of energy the user has remaining.
get_hand(self) -> list[Card] (method)
Returns the players current hand.
get_deck(self) -> list[Card] (method)
Returns the players current deck.
get_discarded(self) -> list[Card] (method)
Returns the players current discard pile.
start_new_encounter(self) -> None (method)
This method adds all cards from the player’s discard pile to the end of their deck, and sets the discard pile to be
an empty list. A pre-condition to this method is that the player’s hand should be empty when it is called.
end_turn(self) -> None (method)
This method adds all remaining cards from the player’s hand to the end of their discard pile, and sets their
hand back to an empty list.
new_turn(self) -> None (method)
This method sets the player up for a new turn. This involves everything that a regular entity requires for a new
turn, but also requires that the player be dealt a new hand of 5 cards, and energy be reset to 3.
Note: You must use the draw_cards function from a2_support.py to achieve dealing the player new cards.
You must call the draw_cards function exactly once from this method. Do not use the select_cards method
from a2_support.py to achieve the random selection of cards.
play_card(self, card_name: str) -> Card | None (method)
Attempts to play a card from the player’s hand. If a card with the given name exists in the player’s hand and
the player has enough energy to play said card, the card is removed from the player’s hand and added to the
discard pile, the required energy is deducted from the player’s energy, and the card is returned. If no card with
the given name exists in the player’s hand, or the player doesn’t have enough energy to play the requested card,
this function returns None.
Note: this example section, and many that follow, should be completely replicable if you start a new IDLE
shell (i.e. re-run your program before entering the commands). If you run multiple example sections without
restarting the IDLE shell in between, the cards allocated to the player’s hand during new_turn may differ from
what is shown in the examples.
>>> player = Player(50, [Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Bash()])
>>> player.get_name()
>>> player.get_hp()
>>> player.get_energy()
>>> print(player.get_hand(), player.get_discarded())
[] []
>>> player.get_deck()
[Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Bash()]
>>> player.new_turn()
>>> player.get_hand()
[Strike(), Defend(), Strike(), Strike(), Bash()]
>>> player.get_deck()
[Defend(), Defend()]
>>> player.get_discarded()
>>> player.play_card('Bash')
>>> player.get_hand()
[Strike(), Defend(), Strike(), Strike()]
>>> player.get_deck()
[Defend(), Defend()]
>>> player.get_discarded()
>>> player.end_turn()
>>> player.get_hand()
>>> player.get_deck()
[Defend(), Defend()]
>>> player.get_discarded()
[Bash(), Strike(), Defend(), Strike(), Strike()]
>>> player.reduce_hp(10)
>>> str(player)
'Player: 40/50 HP'
IronClad (class)
Inherits from Player
IronClad is a type of player that starts with 80 HP. IronClad’s deck contains 5 Strike cards, 4 Defend cards,
and 1 Bash card. The __init__ method for IronClad does not take any arguments beyond self.
Note: restart your IDLE shell before running these examples to replicate the cards drawn into the hand.
>>> iron_clad = IronClad()
>>> iron_clad.get_name()
>>> str(iron_clad)
'IronClad: 80/80 HP'
>>> iron_clad.get_hp()
>>> iron_clad.get_hand()
>>> iron_clad.get_deck()
[Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Bash()]
>>> iron_clad.new_turn()
>>> iron_clad.get_hand()
[Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Bash(), Strike()]
>>> iron_clad.get_deck()
[Strike(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend()]
Silent (class)
Inherits from Player
Silent is a type of player that starts with 70 HP. Silent’s deck contains 5 Strike cards, 5 Defend cards, 1 Neutralize
card, and 1 Survivor card. The __init__ method for Silent does not take any arguments beyond self.
Note: restart your IDLE shell before running these examples to replicate the cards drawn into the hand.
>>> silent = Silent()
>>> silent.get_name()
>>> str(silent)
'Silent: 70/70 HP'
>>> silent.get_hp()
>>> silent.get_hand()
>>> silent.get_deck()
[Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(),
Defend(), Neutralize(), Survivor()]
>>> silent.new_turn()
>>> silent.get_hand()
[Strike(), Strike(), Strike(), Neutralize(), Defend()]
>>> silent.get_deck()
[Strike(), Strike(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Defend(), Survivor()]
Monster (abstract class)
Inherits from Entity
A Monster is a type of entity that the user battles during encounters. In addition to regular entity functionality,
each monster also has a unique id, and an action method that handles the effects of the monster’s action on
itself, and describes the effect the monster’s action would have on its target.
During gameplay, each monster in an encounter will get to take one action per turn (see Section 5.3 for more
details). When implementing the Monster class and subclasses, however, it is not important to understand how
the turn-taking system or how the monster’s action effects will be applied to the player. The monster classes
are only responsible for applying the effects of a monster’s actions to the monster itself (e.g. some monsters will
increase their own stats during their action) and returning a dictionary describing how the action would affect
the player.
__init__(self, max_hp: int) -> None (method)
Sets up a new monster with the given maximum HP and a unique id number. The first monster created should
have an id of 0, the second monster created should have an id of 1, etc.
get_id(self) -> int (method)
Returns the unique id number of this monster.
action(self) -> dict[str, int] (method)
Performs the current action for this monster, and returns a dictionary describing the effects this monster’s action
should cause to its target. In the abstract Monster superclass, this method should just raise a NotImplementedError.
This method must be overwritten by the instantiable subclasses of Monster, with the strategies specific to each
type of monster.
Note: you may need to restart your IDLE shell before running these examples to replicate the monster
>>> monster = Monster(20)
>>> monster.get_id()
>>> another_monster = Monster(3)
>>> another_monster.get_id()
>>> monster.get_id()
>>> monster.action()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
raise NotImplementedError
>>> monster.get_name()
>>> monster.reduce_hp(10)
>>> str(monster)
'Monster: 10/20 HP'
Louse (class)
Inherits from Monster
The Louse’s action method simply returns a dictionary of {‘damage’: amount}, where amount is an amount
between 5 and 7 (inclusive), randomly generated when the Louse instance is created. You must use the
random_louse_amount function from a2_support.py to generate the amount each louse will attack. Youmust
only call the random_louse_amount function once for each Louse instance, when the louse is created.
Note: you may need to restart your IDLE shell before running these examples to replicate the monster
>>> louse = Louse(20)
>>> str(louse)
'Louse: 20/20 HP'
>>> louse.get_id()
>>> louse.action()
{'damage': 6}
>>> louse.action() # should be the same amount of damage
{'damage': 6}
>>> louse.action()
{'damage': 6}
>>> another_louse = Louse(30)
>>> another_louse.action()
{'damage': 7}
>>> another_louse.get_id()
Cultist (class)
Inherits from Monster
The action method for Cultist should return a dictionary of {‘damage’: damage_amount, ‘weak’: weak_amount}.
For each Cultist instance, damage_amount is 0 the first time action is called. For each subsequent call to action,
damage_amount = 6 + num_calls, where num_calls is the number of times the actionmethod has been called
on this specific Cultist instance. The weak_amount alternates between 0 and 1 each time the action method is
called on a specific Cultist instance, starting at 0 for the first call.
>>> cultist = Cultist(20)
>>> cultist.action()
{'damage': 0, 'weak': 0}
>>> cultist.action()
{'damage': 7, 'weak': 1}
>>> cultist.action()
{'damage': 8, 'weak': 0}
>>> cultist.action()
{'damage': 9, 'weak': 1}
>>> cultist.action()
{'damage': 10, 'weak': 0}
>>> another_cultist = Cultist(30)
>>> another_cultist.action()
{'damage': 0, 'weak': 0}
JawWorm (class)
Inherits from Monster
Each time action is called on a JawWorm instance, the following effects occur:
Half of the amount of damage the jaw worm has taken so far (rounding up) is added to the jaw worm’s
own block amount.
Half of the amount of damage the jaw worm has taken so far (rounding down) is used for damage to the
The amount of damage taken so far is the difference between the jaw worm’s maximum HP and its current
>>> jaw_worm = JawWorm(20)
>>> jaw_worm.get_block()
>>> jaw_worm.action() # Should generate 0 at the start as jaw_worm hasn't lost any HP
{'damage': 0}
>>> jaw_worm.get_block()
>>> jaw_worm.reduce_hp(11)
>>> jaw_worm.action()
{'damage': 5}
>>> jaw_worm.get_block()
>>> jaw_worm.reduce_hp(5)
>>> jaw_worm.get_hp()
>>> jaw_worm.get_block()
>>> jaw_worm.reduce_hp(5)
>>> jaw_worm.get_hp()
>>> jaw_worm.action()
{'damage': 7}
>>> jaw_worm.get_block()
5.3 Encounters
Encounter (class)
Each encounter in the game is represented as an instance of the Encounter class. This class manages one player
and a set of 1 to 3 monsters, and facilitates the interactions between the player and monsters. This section
describes the methods that must be implemented as part of the Encounter class.
__init__(self, player: Player, monsters: list[tuple[str, int]]) -> None (method)
The initializer for an encounter takes the player instance, as well as a list of tuples describing the monsters
in the encounter. Each tuple contains the name (type) of monster and the monster’s max HP. The initializer
should use these tuples to construct monster instances in the order in which they are described. The initializer
should also tell the player to start a new encounter (see Player.start_new_encounter), and should also start
a new turn (see start_new_turn below for a description).
start_new_turn(self) -> None (method)
This method sets it to be the player’s turn (i.e. the player is permitted to attempt to apply cards) and called
new_turn on the player instance.
end_player_turn(self) -> None (method)
This method sets it to not be the player’s turn (i.e. the player is not permitted to attempt to apply cards),
and ensures all cards remaining in the player’s hand move into their discard pile. This method also calls the
new_turn method on all monster instances remaining in the encounter.
get_player(self) -> Player (method)
Returns the player in this encounter.
get_monsters(self) -> list[Monster] (method)
Returns the monsters remaining in this encounter.
is_active(self) -> bool (method)
Returns True if there are monsters remaining in this encounter, and False otherwise.
player_apply_card(self, card_name: str, target_id: int | None = None) -> bool
This method attempts to apply the first card with the given name from the player’s hand (where relevant, the
target for the card is specified by the given target_id). The steps executed by this method are as follows:
1. Return False if the application of the card is invalid for any of the following reasons:
If it is not the player’s turn
If the card with the given name requires a target but no target was given
If a target was given but no monster remains in this encounter with that id.
2. The player attempts to play a card with the given name. If this is not successful (i.e. the card did not
exist in the player’s hand, the player didn’t have enough energy, or the card name doesn’t map to a card),
this function returns False. Otherwise, the function should execute the remaining steps.
3. Any block and strength from the card should be added to the player.
4. If a target was specified:
(a) Any vulnerable and weak from the card should be applied to the target.
(b) Damage is calculated and applied to the target. The base damage is the amount of damage caused
by the card, plus the strength of the player. If the target is vulnerable (i.e. their vulnerable stat
is non-zero) the damage should be multiplied by 1.5 and if the player is weak (i.e. their weak stat
is non-zero) it should be multiplied by 0.75. The damage amount should be converted to an int
before being applied to the target. Int conversions should round down (note that this is the default
behaviour of type casting to an int).
(c) If the target has been defeated, remove them from the list of monsters.
5. Return True to indicate that the function executed successfully.
Note: The order of these steps is important. For example, status modifiers such as strength, vulnerable, and
weak should be applied before calculating the amount of damage to apply to a target. Checking all conditions
that would make a card invalid in step 1 must occur before step 2, so as not to reduce the player’s energy if the
card application is invalid.
enemy_turn(self) -> None (method)
This method attempts to allow all remaining monsters in the encounter to take an action. This method
immediately returns if it is the player’s turn. Otherwise, each monster takes a turn (in order) as follows:
1. The monster attempts its action (see the action method in the Monster class).
2. Any weak and vulnerable generated by the monster’s action are added to the player.
3. Any strength generated by the monster’s action are added to the monster.
4. Damage is calculated and applied to the target. The base damage is the amount of damage caused by
the monster’s action, plus the strength of the monster. If the player is vulnerable the damage should be
multiplied by 1.5 and if the monster is weak it should be multiplied by 0.75. The damage amount should
be converted to an int before being applied to the player.
Once all monster’s have played an action, this method starts a new turn.
5.4 main function
The main function is run when your file is run, and manages overall gameplay. For examples of the behaviour
of the main function, and the exact prompts required, see the gameplay/ folder provided as part of a2.zip.
You will also find the constants in a2_support.py useful for some of the prompts (you are encouraged to also
define your own global constants where relevant). The main function should do the following:
1. Prompt the user for the type of player they want (either ‘ironclad’ or ‘silent’) and create the relevant
player instance. You will use this same player instance for the entire game.
2. Prompt the user for a game file. A function to assist in reading this file can be found in a2_support.py.
3. For each encounter described in the file:
(a) Start a new encounter with this set of monsters and display it.
(b) Until the encounter is no longer active (or until the game has terminated due to the player losing),
the user should be continually prompted for moves. Table 1 describes the available moves, and the
behaviour they should cause. If at the end of a move, the player has won the encounter, their turn
should be ended before starting the next encounter. If you do not end the player’s turn before starting
the new encounter, the player may lose access to the cards in their hand, and you may find the cards
selected by your program differ from the expected outputs.
4. If the player makes it through all encounters, the program should terminate with the game win message.
You may assume your program will not be tested with incorrect inputs, except that the play command may be
tested with invalid card_name and/or invalid or missing target_id.
Move name Behaviour
‘end turn’
When the user enters this command, the player’s turn should end,
and the enemy turn should be run. If the player is defeated after the
enemy turn, the game should terminate with the game lose message.
Otherwise the resulting encounter state should be displayed.
‘inspect {deck | discard}’
When the user enters ‘inspect deck’, the player’s deck should be
printed. When the user enters ‘inspect discard’, the player’s discard
pile should be printed.
‘describe {card_name}’
When the user enters this command, the description for the card
with the given card_name should be printed. Note that the
description of the card should be printed even if the player does
not have an instance of the requested card.
‘play {card_name}’ or ‘play
{card_name} {target_id}’
Attempts to play a card. If the card application fails for any
reason, the card failure message should be printed. Otherwise if
the card is successfully applied, the resulting encounter state should
be printed. You may assume that if a target_id is entered it will
be an integer, but not that a monster with that ID exists in the
Table 1: The four types of commands a user can input at the prompt for a move.
6 Postgraduate Task
Postgraduate students are required to implement two additional cards and a third type of player. This section
provides a brief overview of the player and cards required. As this is an advanced task, you are expected
to determine how to design these classes, how to test them effectively, and how to integrate them into main
6.1 Eruption
Eruption is a type of card which costs 2 energy points to play, and deals 9 damage to its target.
6.2 Vigilance
Vigilance is a type of card which costs 2 energy points to play and adds 8 block and 1 strength to its user. It
does not require a target.
6.3 Watcher
Watcher is a type of player which starts with 72 HP and a deck containing 4 Strike cards, 4 Defend cards, 1
Eruption card, and 1 Vigilance card. If the user enters ‘watcher’ at the prompt for player type, the player used
should be a Watcher instance.
7 Assessment and Marking Criteria
This assignment assesses course learning objectives:
1. apply program constructs such as variables, selection, iteration and sub-routines,
2. apply basic object-oriented concepts such as classes, instances and methods,
3. read and analyse code written by others,
4. analyse a problem and design an algorithmic solution to the problem,
5. read and analyse a design and be able to translate the design into a working program, and
6. apply techniques for testing and debugging.
7.1 Marking Breakdown
Your total grade for this assessment piece will be a combination of your functionality and style marks. For this
assignment, functionality and style have equal weighting, meaning you should be devoting at least as much time
towards proper styling of your code as you do trying to make it functional.
7.2 Functionality Marking
Your program’s functionality will be marked out of a total of 50 marks. As in assignment 1, your assignment
will be put through a series of tests and your functionality mark will be proportional to the number of tests
you pass. You will be given a subset of the functionality tests before the due date for the assignment. You may
receive partial marks within each class for partially working methods, or for implementing only a few classes.
Note that you do not need to implement the main function or Encounter class in order to pass this assignment;
implementing all classes except Encounter in a well-designed, well-styled way is sufficient to earn a passing
grade for this assignment.
You need to perform your own testing of your program to make sure that it meets all specifications given in
the assignment. Only relying on the provided tests is likely to result in your program failing in some cases and
you losing some functionality marks. Note: Functionality tests are automated, so string outputs need to match
exactly what is expected.
Your program must run in the Python interpreter (the IDLE environment). Partial solutions will be marked,
but if there are errors in your code that cause the interpreter to fail to execute your program, you will get zero
for functionality marks. If there is a part of your code that causes the interpreter to fail, comment out the code
so that the remainder can run. Your program must run using the Python 3.11 interpreter. If it runs in another
environment (e.g. Python 3.10 or PyCharm) but not in the Python 3.11 interpreter, you will get zero for the
functionality mark.
If your program cannot not run on Gradescope, you will receive no marks for functionality. It is your
responsibility to upload to Gradescope in time to debug any issues that may cause Gradescope to be unable to
run your submission. Tutors will not fix any aspect of your code (including file names).
7.3 Style Marking
The style of your assignment will be assessed by a tutor. The style mark will also be out of 50. The
key consideration in marking your code style is whether the code is easy to understand and demonstrates
understanding of object-oriented programming concepts. In this assignment, your code style will be assessed
against the following criteria.
– Program Structure: Layout of code makes it easier to read and follow its logic. This includes using
whitespace to highlight blocks of logic.
– Descriptive Identifier Names: Variable, constant, function, class and method names clearly describe
what they represent in the program’s logic. Do not use what is called the Hungarian Notation for
identifiers. In short, this means do not include the identifier’s type in its name (e.g. item_list),
rather make the name meaningful. (e.g. Use items, where plural informs the reader it is a collection
of items and it can easily be changed to be some other collection and not a list.) The main reason
for this restriction is that most people who follow the Hungarian Notation convention, use it poorly
(including Microsoft).
– Named Constants: All non-trivial fixed values (literal constants) in the code are represented by
descriptive named (symbolic) constants.
– Comment Clarity: Comments provide meaningful descriptions of the code. They should not repeat
what is already obvious by reading the code (e.g. # Setting variable to 0.). Comments should
not be verbose or excessive, as this can make it difficult to follow the code.
– Informative Docstrings: Every class, method and function should have a docstring that summarises
its purpose. This includes describing parameters and return values so that others can understand
how to use the method or function correctly.
– Description of Logic: All significant blocks of code should have a comment to explain how the
logic works. For a small method or function, the logic should usually be clear from the code and
docstring. For long or complex methods or functions, each logical block should have an in-line
comment describing its logic.
Structure will be assessed as to how well your code design conforms to good object-oriented programming
Object-Oriented Program Structure
– Classes & Instances: Objects are used as entities to which messages are sent, demonstrating understanding
of the differences between classes and instances.
– Encapsulation: Classes are designed as independent modules with state and behaviour. Methods
only directly access the state of the object on which they were invoked. Methods never update the
state of another object.
– Inheritance & Polymorphism: Subclasses are designed as specialised versions of their superclasses.
Subclasses extend the behaviour of their superclass without re-implementing behaviour, or breaking
the superclass behaviour or design. Subclasses redefine behaviour of appropriate methods to extend
the superclasses’ type. Subclasses do not break their superclass’ interface.
Algorithmic Logic
– Single Instance of Logic: Blocks of code should not be duplicated in your program. Any code that
needs to be used multiple times should be implemented as a method or function.
– Variable Scope: Variables should be declared locally in the method or function in which they are
needed. Attributes should be declared clearly within the __init__ method. Class variables are
avoided, except where they simplify program logic. Global variables should not be used.
– Control Structures: Logic is structured simply and clearly through good use of control structures
(e.g. loops and conditional statements).
7.4 Documentation Requirements
There are a significant number of classes and contained methods you have to implement for this assignment.
For each one, you must provide documentation in the form of a docstring. The only exception is for overridden
methods on subclasses, as python docstrings are inherited.
7.5 Assignment Submission
This assignment follows the same assignment submission policy as assignment 1. Please refer to the assignment
1 task sheet. You must submit your assignment as a single Python file called a2.py (use this name – all lower
case), and nothing else. Your submission will be automatically run to determine the functionality mark. If you
submit a file with a different name, the tests will fail and you will get zero for functionality. Do not submit the
a2_support.py file, or any other files. Do not submit any sort of archive file (e.g. zip, rar, 7z, etc.).
7.6 Plagiarism
This assignment follows the same plagiarism policy as assignment 1. Please refer to the assignment 1 task


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mondayw/p/17362966.html


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