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Secrets in different family traditions-------learning journals 2

时间:2023-03-10 23:44:06浏览次数:44  
标签:different families traditions family people but


  Through this week's study, I learned that different families have different traditions, but they also hide some secrets.

  The story of each family is different from the tradition. According to research, the differences of most families are due to the region, culture and country. Because different regions have different lifestyles and different weather, different crops are created, resulting in different diets. For example, the staple food of most families in southern China is rice, while in the north it is noodles. This is because the north is suitable for the growth environment of wheat, while the south is suitable for rice. The reason is the weather, the north is dry, and the south is rainy.

  But there are still subtle differences between the stories and traditions of each family in the same place. According to the survey, the reason is different lifestyles and different views of the world. For example, I have a friend who goes home to meet her grandparents every weekend because she lives in the city, while my grandparents are in the countryside, but I am different. Because I live with my grandparents, I can see them every day. She always believes that science can explain everything that happens in the world, but I always believe that God and some supernatural powers exist.

   But all the above does not represent all families. After all, people often have a stereotype of people from some places at some times. For example, people always think that children in Inner Mongolia, China, go to school by horse, but in fact, not all families in Inner Mongolia are herders. Or people think that people from Africa have very poor English, but in fact, there are not a few who are good at English. We should avoid this point, just like we should not think that all families have a tradition of eating dumplings during the Spring Festival, which is just most families.

  Overall,Every family has its own tradition, so just be yourself. After all, we can find the secret that only belongs to our family tradition.






From: https://www.cnblogs.com/cquc/p/17205021.html
