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Istio从入门到精通——Istio Deployment Models

时间:2023-02-18 18:44:20浏览次数:30  
标签:control multiple Models Deployment Istio single deployment HA

Istio Deployment Models


  When configuring a production deployment of Istio, you need to answer a number of questions. Will the mesh be confined to a single cluster or distributed across multiple clusters? Will all the services be located in a single fully connected network, or will gateways be required to connect services across multiple networks? Is there a single control plane, potentially shared across clusters, or are there multiple control planes deployed to ensure high availability (HA)? Are all clusters going to be connected into a single multicluster service mesh or will they be federated into a multi-mesh deployment?

  (在配置 Istio 的生产部署时,您需要回答一些问题。网格是局限于一个集群还是分布在多个集群中?所有服务是位于一个完全连接的网络中,还是需要网关来跨多个网络连接服务?是否有一个可能跨集群共享的控制平面,或者有多个控制平面部署以确保高可用性(HA) ?所有集群是连接到一个单一的多集群服务网格中,还是将它们联合到一个多网格部署中?)

  所有的这些问题,都导向一个 Istio 部署的配置,比如:

    • single or multiple cluster(单个或多个群集)
    • single or multiple network(单个或多个网络)
    • single or multiple control plane(单个或多个控制平面)
    • single or multiple mesh(单个或多个网格)

  In a production environment involving multiple clusters, you can use a mix of deployment models. For example, having more than one control plane is recommended for HA, but you could achieve this for a 3 cluster deployment by deploying 2 clusters with a single shared control plane and then adding the third cluster with a second control plane in a different network. All three clusters could then be configured to share both control planes so that all the clusters have 2 sources of control to ensure HA.

  (在涉及多个集群的生产环境中,可以混合使用多种部署模型。例如,对于 HA 推荐使用多个控制平面,但是您可以通过部署具有单个共享控制平面的2个集群,然后在不同的网络中添加具有第二个控制平面的第三个集群来实现3个集群的部署。然后,可以将所有三个集群配置为共享两个控制平面,以便所有集群都有两个控制源来确保 HA。)

  Choosing the right deployment model depends on the isolation, performance, and HA requirements for your use case. This guide describes the various options and considerations when configuring your Istio deployment.

  (选择正确的部署模型取决于用例的隔离、性能和 HA 要求。本指南描述配置 Istio 部署时的各种选项和注意事项。)


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/zuoyang/p/17133278.html
