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TLM通信示例4:TLM Port export imp port连接

时间:2022-09-05 15:45:52浏览次数:86  
标签:示例 comp component uvm phase trans port TLM

TLM Port export imp port连接

在前面的示例中,我们已经看到将端口连接到 imp 端口。此示例显示连接 TLM port -> export -> Imp_port。

TLM TesetBench 组件:

Name                Type 
uvm_test_top         basic_test 
env                        environment 
comp_a                 component_a 
trans_out               uvm_blocking_put_port 
comp_b                 component_b
sub_comp_b_a      sub_component_b_a 
trans_in                 uvm_blocking_put_imp 
trans_in               uvm_blocking_put_export 

在 comp_a 中实现 TLM port,

在 comp_a 中实现 TLM port涉及以下步骤:

1. 声明 uvm_blocking_put_port

2. 创建端口

3. 随机化事务类

4. 通过 put() 方法将事务发送到 comp_b

class component_a extends uvm_component;
  //Step-1. Declaring blocking port
  uvm_blocking_put_port #(transaction) trans_out;
  // Constructor
  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);
    super.new(name, parent);
      trans_out = new("trans_out", this);  //Step-2. Creating the port
  endfunction : new
    // run_phase
  virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    trans = transaction::type_id::create("trans", this);
    void'(trans.randomize());  //Step-3. randomizing the transction
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" tranaction randomized"),UVM_LOW)
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Printing trans, \n %s",trans.sprint()),UVM_LOW)
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Before calling port put method"),UVM_LOW)
     trans_out.put(trans);  //Step-4. Sending trans through port put method
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" After  calling port put method"),UVM_LOW)
  endtask : run_phase
endclass : component_a

在 sub_comp_b_a 中实现 TLM port

在 sub_comp_b_a 中实现 TLM 端口涉及以下步骤,

1. 声明 uvm_blocking_put_imp

2. 创建 imp 端口

3. 实现 put() 方法来接收事物

class sub_component_b_a extends uvm_component;
  transaction trans;
  //Step-1. Declaring blocking imp port 
  uvm_blocking_put_imp#(transaction,sub_component_b_a) trans_in; 
  // Constructor
  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);
    super.new(name, parent);
    trans_in = new("trans_in", this);  //Step-2. Creating imp port
  endfunction : new
  // Imp port put method
  //Step-3. Implementing imp port
  virtual task put(transaction trans);
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Recived trans On IMP Port"),UVM_LOW)
    `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf(" Printing trans,\n %s",trans.sprint()),UVM_LOW)
endclass : sub_component_b_a

在 comp_b 中实现 TLM export

在 comp_b 中实现 TLM export包括以下步骤: 

1. 声明 uvm_blocking_put_export

2. 创建export

3. 将export连接到 imp port

class component_b extends uvm_component;
  sub_component_b_a sub_comp_b_a;
  //Step-1. Declaring blocking export
  uvm_blocking_put_export#(transaction) trans_in; 
  // Constructor
  function new(string name, uvm_component parent);
    super.new(name, parent);
    trans_in = new("trans_in", this);  //Step-2. Creating export
  endfunction : new
  // build_phase - Create the components
  function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    sub_comp_b_a = sub_component_b_a::type_id::create("sub_comp_b_a", this);
  endfunction : build_phase
  // Connect_phase
  function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
     trans_in.connect(sub_comp_b_a.trans_in);  //Step-3. Connecting export to the imp port
  endfunction : connect_phase
endclass : component_b

在 env 中 将comp_a port与 comp_b export连接。

function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    comp_a.trans_out.connect(comp_b.trans_in);  //Connecting port with export
endfunction : connect_phase


UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [RNTST] Running test basic_test...
Name                Type                     Size  Value
uvm_test_top        basic_test               -     @1817
  env               environment              -     @1884
    comp_a          component_a              -     @1916
      trans_out     uvm_blocking_put_port    -     @1967
    comp_b          component_b              -     @2000
      sub_comp_b_a  sub_component_b_a        -     @2084
        trans_in    uvm_blocking_put_imp     -     @2134
      trans_in      uvm_blocking_put_export  -     @2050
UVM_INFO component_a.sv(29) @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a]  tranaction randomized
UVM_INFO component_a.sv(30) @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a]  Printing trans, 
Name     Type         Size  Value
trans    transaction  -     @2187
  addr   integral     4     'h3  
  wr_rd  integral     1     'h0  
  wdata  integral     8     'h33 

UVM_INFO component_a.sv(32) @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a]  Before calling port put method
UVM_INFO sub_component_b_a.sv(24) @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_b.sub_comp_b_a [sub_component_b_a]  Recived trans On IMP Port
UVM_INFO sub_component_b_a.sv(26) @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_b.sub_comp_b_a [sub_component_b_a]  Printing trans, 
Name     Type         Size  Value
trans    transaction  -     @2187
  addr   integral     4     'h3  
  wr_rd  integral     1     'h0  
  wdata  integral     8     'h33 
UVM_INFO component_a.sv(34) @ 0: uvm_test_top.env.comp_a [component_a]  After  calling port put method
UVM_INFO /xcelium20.09/tools//methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.2/sv/src/base/uvm_objection.svh(1271) @ 0: reporter [TEST_DONE] 'run' phase is ready to proceed to the 'extract' phase
UVM_INFO /xcelium20.09/tools//methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.2/sv/src/base/uvm_report_server.svh(847) @ 0: reporter [UVM/REPORT/SERVER] 


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/fuqiangblog/p/16658385.html


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