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《初等数学概览,第一卷,实数与函数》习题选做 An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume I Real Numbers and Functi

时间:2022-08-15 21:17:12浏览次数:61  
标签:Real Neto Functions cdot Volume through Mathematics 习题

最近在看 Antonio Caminha Muniz NetoAn Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume I Real Numbers and Functions 这本书,在这里随便写点课后练习。英语水平很菜,所以就拿中文写了。

Section 1.1

  1. Proof. \(b=b\cdot1=b\cdot(a\cdot b')=(a\cdot b)\cdot b'=b'.\) Q.E.D.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wenhaoOvO/p/16589604.html


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