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New year resolution

时间:2023-02-07 10:35:22浏览次数:43  
标签:habit my didn keep examination year New resolution

The New Year has passed. The day before yesterday was the Lantern Festival. The end of the Lantern Festival represents the official start of the new year. Last year I failed in my postgraduate entrance examination, qualification examination and some other examinations. This is what I should reflect on. My girlfriend reminded me not to fight an unprepared war. I think the reason for my failure in those exams is that I didn't have enough time to prepare. I still have to finish the goals that I didn't finish last year. Here I set my own goals.

 First, pass the intermediate network engineer qualification examination;

 Second, keep the habit of keeping a diary every day. It is best to write in English;

 Third, keep the habit of memorizing words;

 Fourth, keep the habit of exercise, even if it's just push-ups. Fifth, deposit 150000 yuan.

From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15836850/6041392


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