def softmax_loss_with_negative_mining(user_emb, item_emb, labels, num_negative_samples=4, embed_normed=False, weights=1.0, gamma=1.0, margin=0, t=1): """Compute the softmax loss based on the cosine distance explained below. Given mini batches for `user_emb` and `item_emb`, this function computes for each element in `user_emb` the cosine distance between it and the corresponding `item_emb`, and additionally the cosine distance between `user_emb` and some other elements of `item_emb` (referred to a negative samples). The negative samples are formed on the fly by shifting the right side (`item_emb`). Then the softmax loss will be computed based on these cosine distance. Args: user_emb: A `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, embedding_size]. The embedding of user. item_emb: A `Tensor` with shape [batch_size, embedding_size]. The embedding of item. labels: a `Tensor` with shape [batch_size]. e.g. click or not click in the session. It's values must be 0 or 1. num_negative_samples: the num of negative samples, should be in range [1, batch_size). embed_normed: bool, whether input embeddings l2 normalized weights: `weights` acts as a coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is simply scaled by the given value. If `weights` is a tensor of shape `[batch_size]`, then the loss weights apply to each corresponding sample. gamma: smooth coefficient of softmax margin: the margin between positive pair and negative pair t: coefficient of support vector guided softmax loss Return: support vector guided softmax loss of positive labels """ batch_size = get_shape_list(item_emb)[0] assert 0 < num_negative_samples < batch_size, '`num_negative_samples` should be in range [1, batch_size)' if not embed_normed: user_emb = tf.nn.l2_normalize(user_emb, axis=-1) item_emb = tf.nn.l2_normalize(item_emb, axis=-1) vectors = [item_emb] for i in range(num_negative_samples): shift = tf.random_uniform([], 1, batch_size, dtype=tf.int32) neg_item_emb = tf.roll(item_emb, shift, axis=0) vectors.append(neg_item_emb) # all_embeddings's shape: (batch_size, num_negative_samples + 1, vec_dim) all_embeddings = tf.stack(vectors, axis=1) mask = tf.greater(labels, 0) mask_user_emb = tf.boolean_mask(user_emb, mask) mask_item_emb = tf.boolean_mask(all_embeddings, mask) if isinstance(weights, tf.Tensor): weights = tf.boolean_mask(weights, mask) # sim_scores's shape: (num_of_pos_label_in_batch_size, num_negative_samples + 1) sim_scores = tf.keras.backend.batch_dot( mask_user_emb, mask_item_emb, axes=(1, 2)) pos_score = tf.slice(sim_scores, [0, 0], [-1, 1]) neg_scores = tf.slice(sim_scores, [0, 1], [-1, -1]) loss = support_vector_guided_softmax_loss( pos_score, neg_scores, margin=margin, t=t, smooth=gamma, weights=weights) return loss def support_vector_guided_softmax_loss(pos_score, neg_scores, margin=0, t=1, smooth=1.0, threshold=0, weights=1.0): """Refer paper: Support Vector Guided Softmax Loss for Face Recognition (""" new_pos_score = pos_score - margin cond = tf.greater_equal(new_pos_score - neg_scores, threshold) mask = tf.where(cond, tf.zeros_like(cond, tf.float32), tf.ones_like(cond, tf.float32)) # I_k new_neg_scores = mask * (neg_scores * t + t - 1) + (1 - mask) * neg_scores logits = tf.concat([new_pos_score, new_neg_scores], axis=1) if 1.0 != smooth: logits *= smooth loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy( tf.zeros_like(pos_score, dtype=tf.int32), logits, weights=weights) # set rank loss to zero if a batch has no positive sample. loss = tf.where(tf.is_nan(loss), tf.zeros_like(loss), loss) return loss
pariwise Loss实现
def pairwise_loss(labels, logits): pairwise_logits = tf.expand_dims(logits, -1) - tf.expand_dims(logits, 0) logging.info('[pairwise_loss] pairwise logits: {}'.format(pairwise_logits)) pairwise_mask = tf.greater( tf.expand_dims(labels, -1) - tf.expand_dims(labels, 0), 0) logging.info('[pairwise_loss] mask: {}'.format(pairwise_mask)) pairwise_logits = tf.boolean_mask(pairwise_logits, pairwise_mask) logging.info('[pairwise_loss] after masking: {}'.format(pairwise_logits)) pairwise_pseudo_labels = tf.ones_like(pairwise_logits) loss = tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy(pairwise_pseudo_labels, pairwise_logits) # set rank loss to zero if a batch has no positive sample. loss = tf.where(tf.is_nan(loss), tf.zeros_like(loss), loss) return los
class SampledSoftmaxLayer(keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, num_sampled=5, **kwargs): self.num_sampled = num_sampled super(SampledSoftmaxLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) def build(self, input_shape): print(input_shape) self.size = input_shape[0][0] self.zero_bias = self.add_weight(shape=[self.size], initializer=keras.initializers.Zeros, dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name="bias") super(SampledSoftmaxLayer, self).build(input_shape) def call(self, inputs_with_label_idx, training=None, **kwargs): embeddings, inputs, label_idx = inputs_with_label_idx loss = tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(weights=embeddings, # self.item_embedding. biases=self.zero_bias, labels=label_idx, inputs=inputs, num_sampled=self.num_sampled, num_classes=self.size, # self.target_song_size ) return tf.expand_dims(loss, axis=1) def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return (None, 1) def get_config(self, ): config = {'num_sampled': self.num_sampled} base_config = super(SampledSoftmaxLayer, self).get_config() return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items())) # output=SampledSoftmaxLayer()([embeddings,inputs,label_idx]) # output
标签:采样,loss,emb,self,mask,num,minbatch,tf,全局 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/demo-deng/p/17075901.html