- Open函数
func Open(name string) (*File, error) {
调用OpenFile函数, 传入文件名,只读模式和权限0
权限: linux的文件权限0777,8进制rwx
return OpenFile(name, O_RDONLY, 0)
- OpenFile函数
func OpenFile(name string, flag int, perm FileMode) (*File, error) {
// 打开文件*File返回并赋值给f
f, err := openFileNolog(name, flag, perm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f.appendMode = flag&O_APPEND != 0
return f, nil
- openFileNolog函数
func openFileNolog(name string, flag int, perm FileMode) (*File, error) {
// setSticky: false为不创建文件, true为创建文件
setSticky := false
默认值: supportsCreateWithStickyBit == false
O_RDONLY & O_CREATE: 0x0 & 0x200 如果以只读模式传入,0和任意数位于皆为0,条件为假不继续判断,跳过
ModeSticky: 1048576
if !supportsCreateWithStickyBit && flag&O_CREATE != 0 && perm&ModeSticky != 0 {
// 如果打开文件的错误信息是"文件不存在"则修改setSticky的值为true
if _, err := Stat(name); IsNotExist(err) {
setSticky = true
var r int
for {
var e error
// 调用了syscall.Open,该函数类似c中open,返回fd
r, e = syscall.Open(name, flag|syscall.O_CLOEXEC, syscallMode(perm))
if e == nil {
// We have to check EINTR here, per issues 11180 and 39237.
if e == syscall.EINTR {
return nil, &PathError{Op: "open", Path: name, Err: e}
// open(2) itself won't handle the sticky bit on *BSD and Solaris
// 如果需要创建文件则修改打开模式
if setSticky {
// There's a race here with fork/exec, which we are
// content to live with. See ../syscall/exec_unix.go.
if !supportsCloseOnExec {
return newFile(uintptr(r), name, kindOpenFile), nil
- newFile函数
func newFile(fd uintptr, name string, kind newFileKind) *File {
fdi := int(fd)
// 如果fd小于0,比如一般认为是-1为打开失败
if fdi < 0 {
return nil
// 创建File实例
f := &File{&file{
pfd: poll.FD{
Sysfd: fdi,
IsStream: true,
ZeroReadIsEOF: true,
name: name,
stdoutOrErr: fdi == 1 || fdi == 2,
kind: (此时来自openFileNolog) 1
kindOpenFile: 1
kindPipe: 2
kindNonBlock: 3
// pollable 为true
pollable := kind == kindOpenFile || kind == kindPipe || kind == kindNonBlock
// If the caller passed a non-blocking filedes (kindNonBlock),
// we assume they know what they are doing so we allow it to be
// used with kqueue.
if kind == kindOpenFile {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "darwin", "ios", "dragonfly", "freebsd", "netbsd", "openbsd":
var st syscall.Stat_t
err := ignoringEINTR(func() error {
return syscall.Fstat(fdi, &st)
typ := st.Mode & syscall.S_IFMT
// Don't try to use kqueue with regular files on *BSDs.
// On FreeBSD a regular file is always
// reported as ready for writing.
// On Dragonfly, NetBSD and OpenBSD the fd is signaled
// only once as ready (both read and write).
// Issue 19093.
// Also don't add directories to the netpoller.
if err == nil && (typ == syscall.S_IFREG || typ == syscall.S_IFDIR) {
pollable = false
// In addition to the behavior described above for regular files,
// on Darwin, kqueue does not work properly with fifos:
// closing the last writer does not cause a kqueue event
// for any readers. See issue #24164.
if (runtime.GOOS == "darwin" || runtime.GOOS == "ios") && typ == syscall.S_IFIFO {
pollable = false
if err := f.pfd.Init("file", pollable); err != nil {
// An error here indicates a failure to register
// with the netpoll system. That can happen for
// a file descriptor that is not supported by
// epoll/kqueue; for example, disk files on
// Linux systems. We assume that any real error
// will show up in later I/O.
} else if pollable {
// We successfully registered with netpoll, so put
// the file into nonblocking mode.
if err := syscall.SetNonblock(fdi, true); err == nil {
f.nonblock = true
runtime.SetFinalizer(f.file, (*file).close)
return f
- File结构
type File struct {
*file // os specific
- file结构
type file struct {
pfd poll.FD // 这个相当于c里open函数返回的文件描述符
name string // 文件名
dirinfo *dirInfo // 目录信息,打开文件时值为nil, 打开文件时为非空值
nonblock bool // 是否以无锁模式打开
stdoutOrErr bool // whether this is stdout or stderr
appendMode bool // 是否是追加模式打开
- poll.FD结构
// 文件描述符结构
type FD struct {
// Lock sysfd and serialize access to Read and Write methods.
fdmu fdMutex
// 文件描述符,默认打开一个文件就是3, 0 标准输入,1标准输出,2标准错误输出
Sysfd int
// I/O 轮询器
pd pollDesc
// Writev 缓存
iovecs *[]syscall.Iovec
// 文件关闭时的信号量
csema uint32
// 是否阻塞模式: 如果文件处于阻塞模式,这个值非0
isBlocking uint32
// 是否是数据流套接字: 打开文件则为假,打开网络连接时则为真
IsStream bool
// 读取0个字节是否为EOF: 操作文件为真,操作套接字为假
ZeroReadIsEOF bool
// 是否文件: 文件为真,套接字为假
isFile bool
- 文件打开模式
const (
// O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR这三个不能同时使用
O_RDONLY int = syscall.O_RDONLY // == 0x0; 只读模式
O_WRONLY int = syscall.O_WRONLY // == 0x1; 只写模式
O_RDWR int = syscall.O_RDWR // == 0x2; 读写模式
O_APPEND int = syscall.O_APPEND // == 0x8; 追加模式
O_CREATE int = syscall.O_CREAT // == 0x200; 文件不存在则创建
O_EXCL int = syscall.O_EXCL // == 0x800; 和O_CREATE一起使用时, 文件必须不存在
O_SYNC int = syscall.O_SYNC // == 0x80; 打开文件使用同步IO
O_TRUNC int = syscall.O_TRUNC // == 0x400; 截断文件,会清空文件
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ishmaelwanglin/p/17056881.html