首页 > 其他分享 >OpenCL神经网络FPGA加速器与DeepCL


时间:2023-01-09 05:11:18浏览次数:36  
标签:FPGA OpenCL deepcl PipeCNN bit DeepCL

PipeCNN是一种基于OpenCL的大规模卷积神经网络FPGA加速器。在FPGA界中,利用高级合成(HLS)工具来设计和实现FPGA上的定制电路的趋势越来越大。与基于RTL的设计方法相比,HLS工具通过将高级语言(如C/C++)中的算法自动合成为RTL/硬件,提供了更快的硬件开发周期。开放运算语言™ 是一种开放、新兴的跨平台并行编程语言,可用于GPU和FPGA开发。该项目的主要目标是在FPGA上提供一种通用的、但高效的基于OpenCL的CNN加速器设计。PipeCNN利用Pipelined CNN函数内核来提高推理计算的吞吐量。设计在性能和硬件资源方面都是可扩展的,因此可以部署在各种FPGA平台上。PipeCNN支持Intel OpenCL SDK和基于Xilinx Vitis的FPGA设计流程。
./run.exe conv.aocx
• VGG-16
• ResNet-50
目前,正在使用Intel的OpenCL SDK和Xilinx Vitis工具包来编译OpenCL/HLS代码,并在FPGA上实现生成的RTL。
• Intel OpenCL SDK Pro v20.1
• Xilinx Vitis 2020.1
Tested Boards
• Terasic's DE5a-net-ddr4 (Arria-10 GX1150 FPGA)
• Intel's Arria-10 Dev Kit (Arria-10 GX1150 FPGA)
• Xilinx's U50 Acceleration Card (VU35P FPGA)
• Xilinx's ZCU102 Dev Board (ZU9EG FPGA)
• Xilinx's ZC706 Dev Board (Zynq-7045 FPGA)
PipeCNN也可以在其他FPGA板上运行,包括Terasic的DE10标准/DE10 nano、Intel的PAC卡、Xilinx Ultra96-v2板。然而,由于时间和资源有限,尚未对此进行验证。

*Note: ResNet-50被用作benchmark. Image size is 227x227x3.
Dong Wang, Ke Xu and Diankun Jiang, “PipeCNN: An OpenCL-Based Open-Source FPGA Accelerator for Convolution Neural Networks”, FPT 2017.
Dong Wang, Ke Xu, Qun Jia and Soheil Ghiasi, “ABM-SpConv: A Novel Approach to FPGA-Based Acceleration of Convolutional Neural Network Inference”, DAC 2019.
• U. Aydonat, S. O'Connell, D. Capalija, A. C. Ling, and G. R. Chiu. "An OpenCL™ Deep Learning Accelerator on Arria 10," in Proc. FPGA 2017.
• N. Suda, V. Chandra, G. Dasika, A. Mohanty, Y. F. Ma, S. Vrudhula, J. S. Seo, and Y. Cao, "Throughput-Optimized OpenCL-based FPGA accelerator for large-scale convolutional neural networks," in Proc. FPGA 2016.
• C. Zhang, P. Li, G. Sun, Y. Guan, B. J. Xiao, and J. Cong, "Optimizing FPGA-based accelerator design for deep convolutional neural networks," in Proc. FPGA 2015.

• Python API
• Command line API
• C++ API
• Q-learning
• To build
• Development
• Changes
OpenCL library to train deep convolutional networks
• C++
• OpenCL
• Deep convolutional
• Python wrappers
• Lua wrappers
• Q-learning
• Python
• c++
• command-line
Layer types:
• convolutional
• max-pooling
• normalization
• activation
• dropout
• random translations
• random patches
• loss
Loss layer types:
• softmax
• cross-entropy (synonymous with multinomial logistic, etc)
• square loss
• Anneal
• Nesterov
• Adagrad
• Rmsprop
• Adadelta
• tanh
• scaled tanh (1.7519 * tanh(2/3x) )
• linear
• sigmoid
• relu
• elu (new!)
Loader formats:
• jpegs
• mnist
• kgsv2
• norb
Weight initializers:
• original
• uniform
• more possible...


使用来自kgsgo v2数据集的3360万个训练样本,在下一步预测任务中获得了37.2%的测试准确率

使用了命令行/deepcl_train数据集=kgsgoal netdef=12*(32c5z relu)-500n-tanh-361n numerages=15 learningrate=0.0001

2个时期,每个时期2天,在Amazon GPU实例上,包括一半NVidia GRID K520 GPU(大约是GTX780的一半)

在MNIST上获得99.5%的测试准确率,使用netdef=rt2-8c5z-relu-mp2-16c5z-relu-mp3-150n-tanh-10n numeracs=20多组=6学习率=0.002

历元时间99.8秒,使用Amazon GPU实例,即半个NVidia GRID K520 GPU(因为正在并行学习6个网络,所以每个网络历元时间16.6秒)




• OpenCL-enabled GPU or APU, along with appropriate OpenCL driver installed
• Tested using Windows 2012 RC2, and (New!) Visual Studio 2015, this is how the CI builds run
• Download latest binary zip file from http://deepcl.hughperkins.com/Downloads/ (eg from v8.0.0rc8)
• unzip it, which creates the dist folder
• To test it:
o open a cmd
o run call dist\bin\activate.bat (adjusting the path appropriately for wherever you downloaded deepcl binaries to)
o now, eg try deepcl_unittests
o (New!), you can choose which gpu to run tests on now, eg: deepcl_unittests gpuindex=1
• OpenCL-enabled GPU or APU, along with appropriate OpenCL driver installed (can check by running clinfo, which should show your desired GPU device)
• Tested using Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit/64-bit
• Download latest tar file from http://deepcl.hughperkins.com/Downloads/ (eg from v8.0.0rc8)
• untar it, which creates the dist sub-folder
• in a bash prompt, run source dist/bin/activate.sh (adjust the path appropriate for wherever you untarred the binaries tar file to)
• test by doing, from the same bash prompt, eg deepcl_unittests
o (New!), you can choose which gpu to run tests on now, eg: deepcl_unittests gpuindex=1
Note that you need to "activate" the installation each time you open a new bash prompt (or you can call activate.sh from your .bashrc file)
Python wrappers
• make sure you already installed the native library, and "activate"d it, by doing call dist\bin\activate.bat, or source dist/bin/activate.sh
• run pip install --pre DeepCL
• test by doing python -c "import PyDeepCL; cl = PyDeepCL.DeepCL()"
To build from source
Building from source is only needed if installing from binaries doesn't work for your configuration, or if you want to modify DeepCL.
See Build.md
What if it doesn't run?
• Check if you have an OpenCL-enabled device on your system
o ideally a GPU, or accelerator, since there is no attempt to optimize DeepCL for CPUs (at least, not currently, could change, feel free to submit a pull request :-) )
• Try running gpuinfo (from EasyCL, but built as part of this project too, for ease of use )
o it should output at least one OpenCL-enabled device
o if it doesn't, then you need to make sure you have an OpenCL-enabled device, and that appropriate drivers are installed, and that the ICD is configured appropriately (registry in Windows, and /etc/OpenCL/vendors in linux)
What if I need a new feature?
Please raise an issue, let me know you're interested.
• If it's on my list of things I was going to do sooner or later anyway (see below), I might do it sooner rather than later.
• If it's to do with usability, I will try to make that a priority
What if I want to contribute myself?
• please feel free to fork this repository, tweak things, send a pull request. Or get in contact. Or both :-)
Third-party libraries
• EasyCL
• clew
• libpng++
• lua
• cogapp
Hardware/driver specific issues
• If you're using Clover, you might want to look at:
o this thread #35
o this branch https://github.com/hughperkins/DeepCL/tree/clover-compatibility
o Note that Clover is NOT supported, these are just provided as "starting-points", in case someone wants to dabble in this :)
Related projects
• kgsgo-dataset-preprocessor Dataset based on kgsgo games; 33 million data points
• cltorch
• clnn
Mozilla Public License 2.0
Recent changes
• 2017 May 2nd:
o branch update-easycl-mac updated to latest EasyCL, and unit-tests tested on Mac Sierra against:
 Intel HD Graphics 530 GPU
 Radeon Pro 450 GPU
o This latest EasyCL lets you use environment variable CL_GPUOFFSET to select gpus, eg set to 1 for second GPU, or 2 for third
o Thank you to my employer ASAPP for providing me use of said Mac Sierra :-)
• 7th August 2016:
o "standard" version of windows compiler changed from msvc2010 to msvc2015 update 3 (no change to linux/mac)
o "standard" version of python 3.x on windows changed from 3.4 to 3.5 (no change to linux/mac)
o (note: python2.7 continues to work as before on all of Windows 32/64, linux, Mac)
o standard c++ version on linux/mac changed from c++0x to c++11
• 29th July 2016:
o python fixes:
 CHANGE: must use numpy tensors now, array.array no longer accepted
 New feature: can provide numpy tensors as 4d tensors now, no longer have to be 1d tensors
 Bug fix: q-learning working again now (hopefully)
• 26th July 2016:
o fixed some bugs in manifest loader
o no longer need to specify the number of images in the first line of the manifest file
o added gpuindex= option to deepcl_unittests (quite beta for now...)
• 4th January 2016:
o fixed a number of build warnings on Mac, both in OpenCL build, and C++ build
• 3rd January 2016:
o create Mac OS X build on Travis, and fix the build, https://travis-ci.org/hughperkins/DeepCL
• 27th November:
o added ELU
• Week of 26th October:
o created branch clblas-2.8.0, which works with Visual Studio 2015. It uses the latest 2.8.x release of clBLAS. Thank you to jakakonda for helping to test this and get it working.
• Aug 28th:
o merged 8.x branch to master, will release first version of 8.x shortly
o installation of 8.x from binaries on Windows works now, by doing, eg on 32-bit Windows 7, and assuming you already activated an appropriate python environment (assumes 7-zip is installed, in default location, otherwise do the unzip by hand):
powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
rem following command is like `wget` in linux:
powershell.exe -Command (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://deepcl.hughperkins.com/Downloads/deepcl-win32-v8.0.0rc8.zip', 'deepcl-win32-v8.0.0rc8.zip')
rem following command is like `tar -xf` in linux:
"c:\program files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x deepcl-win32-v8.0.0rc8.zip
call dist\bin\activate.bat
pip install --pre DeepCL
python -c "import PyDeepCL; cl = PyDeepCL.DeepCL()"
# (last line is just to check works ok)
• Aug 26th: installation of 8.x from binaries on linux works now, by doing, eg on 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04:
mkdir 8.0.0rc4
cd 8.0.0rc4
wget http://deepcl.hughperkins.com/Downloads/deepcl-linux64-v8.0.0rc4.tar.bz2
tar -xf deepcl-linux64-v8.0.0rc4.tar.bz2
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
source dist/bin/activate.sh
pip install --pre DeepCL
python -c "import PyDeepCL; cl = PyDeepCL.DeepCL()"
(last line is just to check works ok)
• Aug 21st-24th:
o 8.x finally builds again on all CI tested configurations!
 ubuntu 14.04 32-bit Python 2.7
 ubuntu 14.04 32-bit Python 3.4
 ubuntu 14.04 64-bit Python 2.7
 ubuntu 14.04 64-bit Python 3.4
 visual studio 2010 32-bit python 2.7
 visual studio 2010 32-bit python 3.4
 visual studio 2010 64-bit python 2.7
 visual studio 2010 64-bit python 3.4
• Aug 19th-20th:
o Python wrappers now built using a very thin setup.py layer, on top of the standard native DeepCL build
• Aug 18th:
o added BackwardIm2Col layer, which uses im2col for backward propagation
o added BackpropWeightsIm2Col layer, which uses im2col for weight update
o added BackwardAuto layer, which automatically selects fastest Backward layer
o added BackpropWeightsAuto layer, which automatically selects faster weight update layer
o under the covers:
 created ClBlasHelper, to handle Gemm and Gemv
 factorized im2col into Im2Col class
• week up to Aug 17th:
o added forward and backward im2col layer
o forward im2col automatically used during forward propagation, where appropriate
o backwards has yet to be integrated
o under the covers:
 added clBLAS
 migrated the Python build process to use cmake, rather than setup.py (whether this turns out to be good or bad is a bit up in the air for now)
• June 22nd:
o removed lua wrappers
o if you want to use lua with OpenCL, please consider using cltorch and clnn


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/wujianming-110117/p/17035926.html
