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时间:2022-12-27 17:33:38浏览次数:30  
标签:fp 文件 使用 import print path 第二次 os


  • 文本文件

  • 二进制文件

 with open('test.txt','r') as fp:
     data = fp.readlines()
 data = [int(line.strip()) for line in data]
 data = [str(i)+'\n' for i in data]
 with open('data_asc.txt','w') as fp:

 filename = 'demo6.py'
 with open(filename,'r') as fp:
     lines = fp.readlines()  #用读取行的方式,这样能够直接生成一个数组lines,这里面就是读取的值
 maxLength = len(max(lines,key=len))
 lines = [line.rstrip().ljust(maxLength)+'#'+str(index) + '\n' for index,line in enumerate(lines)]
 with open(filename[:-3]+'_new.py','w')as fp:

 from os import listdir
 from chardet import detect
 fns = (fn for fn in listdir() if fn.endswith('.txt'))
 for fn in fns:
     with open(fn,'rb+')as fp:
         content = fp.read()
         encoding = detect(content)['encoding']
         content = content.decode(encoding).encode('gbk')


 import pickle
 i = 13000000
 a = 99.056
 s = '中国人名123abc'
 list = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
 tu = (-5,10,8)
 coll = {4,5,6}
 dic = {'a':'apple','b':'banana','g':'grape','o':'orange'}
 data = [i,a,s,list,tu,coll,dic]
 with open('sample_pickle.dat','wb') as f:
         for item in data:
 import pickle
 with open('sample_pickle.dat','rb') as f:
     n = pickle.load(f)
     for i in range(n):
         x = pickle.load(f)
 encode 英文是编码的意思
 s.encode() 这种是实现字符串的编码方式
 import struct
 n = 1300000
 x = 3.14
 b = True
 s = 'abc测试'
 sn = struct.pack('if?',n,x,b)
 with open('sample_struct.dat','wb') as fp:
     fp. write(sn)
 整数、实数、逻辑判断用 struct.unpack()来解码
 字符串用 decode()来解码
 import struct
 with open('sample_struct.dat','rb') as fp:
     sn = fp.read(9)
     #解码:整数、实数、逻辑值的方法,解码之后(1300000, 3.140000104904175, True)
     tu = struct.unpack('if?', sn)
     n, x, bl = tu
     print('n=', n, 'x=', x, 'bl=', bl)
     s = fp.read(9).decode()
     print('s=', s)



 os.path.isfile(fname)   判断文件是不是文件,而不是目录哪些的
 import os
 print([fname for fname in os.listdir() if os.path.isfile(fname) and fname.endswith('.py')])
 import os
 file_list = [filename for filename in os.listdir() if filename.endswith('htm')]
 for filename in file_list:
     newname = filename[:-4]+'.html'
 import shutil


 import os
 print(os.getcwd())  #获取当前目录位置
 # os.mkdir(os.getcwd()+'\\temp') #在当前文件目录下创建temp
 os.chdir(os.getcwd()+'\\temp')  #改变当前工作目录
 # os.mkdir(os.getcwd()+'\\test') #在当前目录下创建test
 print(os.listdir('..'))     #.表示当前路径   ..表示成列上级路径
 os.rmdir('test')    #移出目录
 os.path.isdir(path)   判断路径是否为目录
 import os
 def vistDir(path):
     if not os.path.isdir(path):
     for lists in os.listdir(path):
         sub_path = os.path.join(path,lists)
         if os.path.isdir(sub_path):
 from os import listdir
 from os.path import join, isfile, isdir
 def listDirWidthFirst(directory):
     dirs = [directory]
     while dirs:
         current = dirs.pop(0)
         for subPath in listdir(current):
             path = join(current,subPath)
             if isfile(path):
             elif isdir(path):
 import os
 def visitDir2(path):
     if not os.path.isdir(path):
     list_dirs = os.walk(path)
     for root,dirs,files in list_dirs:
         for d in dirs:
         for f in files:


 import zlib
 import binascii
 with open('sample.txt',encoding='gbk') as fp:
     print(max(len(line.strip()) for line in fp))
 import hashlib
 import hashlib
 import os.path
 import sys
 fileName = sys.argv[0]
 if os.path.isfile(fileName):
     with open(fileName,'rb') as fp:
         data = fp.read()
 def is_gif(fname):
     with open(fname,'rb') as fp:
         first4 = fp.read(4)
     return first4 == b'GIF8'


 print(ascii_letters)   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
 from os import listdir, rename
 from os.path import splitext, join
 from random import randint, choice
 from string import ascii_letters
 def randomFileName(directory):
     for fn in listdir(directory):
         name,ext = splitext(fn)
         n = randint(5,20)
         newName = ''.join((choice(ascii_letters) for i in range(n)))


 from xlwt import *
 book = Workbook()
 sheet1 = book.add_sheet("First")
 a1 = Alignment()
 a1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
 a1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
 borders = Borders()
 borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
 style = XFStyle()
 style.alignment = a1
 style.borders = borders
 row0 = sheet1.row(0)
 import xlrd
 book = xlrd.open_workbook(r'D:\test.xls')
 sheet1 = book.sheet_by_name('First')
 row0 = sheet1.row(0)
 import Pywin32
 import win32com
 xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
 xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open('D:\\1.xls')
 xlSht = xlBook.worksheets('sheet')
 aaa = xlSht.Cells(1,2).value
 xlSht.Cells(2,3).Value = aaa


 import sys
 from win32com import client
 filename = r'D:\test.doc'   #找到文件位置
 word = client.Dispatch('Word.Application')  #打开window上的word应用
 doc = word.Document.Open(filename)  #采用D:\test.doc文件
 content = str(doc.Content)  #获取文件中的内容
 doc.Close() #关闭文档
 word.Quit() #退出应用
 repeateWords = []
 lens = len(content)
 for i in range(lens-2):
     ch,ch1,ch2 = content[i:i+3]
     if('\u4e00'<=ch<='\u9fa5') or ch in(',','。','、'):
         if ch == ch1 and ch+ch1 not in repeateWords:
         elif ch==ch2 and ch+ch1+ch2 not in repeateWords:
 from docx import Document
 doc = Document('test.doc')
 contents = ''.join((p.text for p in doc.paragraphs))
 words = set()
 for index,ch in enumerate(contents[:-2]):
     if ch==contents[index+1] or ch == contents[index+2]:
         word = contents[index:index+3]
         if word not in words:
 import os
 import filecmp
 import shutil
 import sys
 def autoBackup(scrDir,dstDir):
     if(not os.path.isdir(scrDir) or (not os.path.isdir(dstDir)) or (os.path.abspath(scrDir)!=scrDir) or (os.path.abspath(dstDir)!=dstDir)):
     for item in os.listdir(scrDir):
         scrItem = os.path.join(scrDir,item)
         dstItem = scrItem.replace(scrDir,dstDir)
         if os.path.isdir(scrItem):
             if not os.path.exists(dstItem):
         elif os.path.isfile(scrItem):
             if(not os.path.cmp(scrItem,dstItem,shallow=False)):
 def usage():
     print('For example:{0} C:\\aaa'.format(sys.argv[0]))
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     if len(sys.argv) != 3:
     scrDir,dstDir = sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2]


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/buchijiuminvhai/p/17008597.html


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