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时间:2022-12-20 23:24:39浏览次数:54  
标签:past 翻译 causality Acausality they Type 因果

Acausality is the ability to act unrestrained by conventional cause and effect, on a scale that varies depending on the character. For some characters, this means not being affected by changes to the past; for others, this means defying all logic and acting with disregard for traditional causality.

Type 1: 免疫时间悖论: Characters with this type of Acausality are rendered immune to changes in the past and standard temporal paradoxes, but remain just as vulnerable in the present and can be affected by normal Causality Manipulation and similar abilities.

Examples: The Doctor (Doctor Who), Goku Black with Time Ring (Dragon Ball), Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)

Type 2: Temporal Singularity: Characters with this type of Acausality do not exist in either the past or the future, only the present. This means they cannot be affected by changes to the past, while also making them resistant to Precognition that works by viewing the future, as they do not exist within it, and Fate Manipulation, for the same reason. In essence, they are able to choose their own fates, but they remain just as vulnerable at the point in time in which they do exist.

Examples: Zagreus (Doctor Who)

Type 3: Temporal Permanence: Characters with this type of Acausality are incredibly difficult to kill, as other versions of themselves - from other points in time and/or from other universes - can survive the destruction of the "original" and act in their place. This also grants them immunity to changes in the past.

Examples: Lavos (Chrono), The Shrike (Hyperion Cantos), Solaris (Sonic the Hedgehog)

Type 4: 不规则因果: Characters with this type of Acausality operate on a different and irregular system of cause and effect than regular causality. This grants them resistance to abilities such as Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, and Precognition, among others.

Examples: Riven of a Thousand Voices (Destiny), Lord Drakkon (Power Rangers)

Type 5: 因果超越性: 拥有这种反因果能力的角色完全独立于因果,他们存在于因果逻辑之外。如果vb在某角色的词条写上这种能力,需要有证据证明该角色无法被依赖于因果关系系统的结果改变,这意味着无法正常的与他们互动
虽然这个角色而完全独立于 因果
Though the character is completely Independent of causality to the point of being unaffected by any outside change, this only extends to as far as evidence shows and not to things beyond it's feats.

Note: Being completely independent of time or laws; or similar forces, does not make you completely independent of causality without the relationship between these forces and causality being clarified, with it only being considered as evidence for an irregular relationship with causality otherwise.

例子: Outer Gods (Cthulhu Mythos), Daedric Princes (The Elder Scrolls)

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/celerity/p/16995317.html


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