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[ARC145B] AB Game

时间:2022-12-17 08:33:06浏览次数:32  
标签:stones 石子 AB bmod move Alice Game ARC145B

The game is played by Alice and Bob. Initially, there are $n$ stones.

The players alternate turns, making a move described below, with Alice going first. The player who becomes unable to make a move loses.

  • In Alice's turn, she must remove a number of stones that is a positive multiple of $A$.
  • In Bob's turn, he must remove a number of stones that is a positive multiple of $B$.

In how many of Game $1$, Game $2$, ..., Game $N$ does Alice win when both players play optimally?


  • $1 \leq N ,A,B \leq 10^{18}$
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$N$ $A$ $B$


Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

4 2 1

Sample Output 1


In Game $1$, Alice cannot make a move and thus loses.

In Game $2$, Alice removes $2$ stones, and then Bob cannot make a move: Alice wins.

In Game $3$, Alice removes $2$ stones, Bob removes $1$ stone, and then Alice cannot make a move and loses.

In Game $4$, Alice removes $2 \times 2 = 4$ stones, and then Bob cannot make a move: Alice wins.

Therefore, Alice wins in two of the four games.

Sample Input 2

27182818284 59045 23356

Sample Output 2

### 题解 设这一局有 $x$ 个石子,先手取完石子后有 $x'$ 个石子。同时先手取得石子是 $a$ 的倍数,后手取的石子为 $b$ 的倍数 1. 若 $x<a$,必败 2.="" 若="" $x="">a$ 且 $a\le b$,先手可以取尽量多的石子,则 $x'=x \bmod a$ 个石子,因为 $x'=(x \bmod a)<a\le b$,轮到后手时转为情况="" 1。因此先手必胜。="" 3.="" 若="" $x="">a$ 且 $a>b$,如果先手取完石子后,$x'\ge b$,那么轮到后手时变成情况 2。所以当且仅当 $x'<b$,先手必胜。由于 $x'$="" 最小为="" $x="" \bmod="" a$,所以当且仅当="" $(x="" a)<b$="" 时,先手必胜。="" <p="">综上所述,先手必胜的条件是 \((x\ge a)\) 且 \((x \bmod a<b)\)

所以问题转化为有多少个 \(x\in[A,n]\) 满足 \(x \bmod A<b\)

把 \([A,n]\) 的数按照 \(\bmod A\) 的余数分组,每 \(A\) 个为一组。那么共有 \(\left\lfloor\frac{n-A}{A}\right\rfloor\) 个完整的组。每一组里面有 \(\min(a,b)\) 个合法的数。剩下的 \(n \bmod A +1\) 个数里面又有 \(\min(n\bmod A+1,b)\) 个合法的数。我们就可以 \(O(1)\) 求出答案。

注意特判 \(n<A\)

#define ll long long
#define p1 998244353
#define p2 1000000007
using namespace std;
ll n,a,b,ans;
int main()
	if(n<a) printf("0");
	return 0;

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/mekoszc/p/16988596.html
