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rte_malloc 分析

时间:2022-12-10 13:03:07浏览次数:35  
标签:rte 分析 malloc socket elem heap size



  heap结构主要是通过malloc_heap进行封装的,针对每个numa节点都会构建这样一个数据结构,在heap初始化阶段主要是完成malloc_elem的预分配处理,如图所示每个malloc_elem区间是有可能包含多个rte_memseg的,因此其物理空间同样可能是不连续的。为了便于查找临近的malloc_elem做区间合并(前提:需要在同一个 rte_memseg_list且虚拟空间连续),malloc_elem是采用双向链表结构来进行关联的。



  与内核处理方式相类似,为了避免分配过程中外部碎片的产生,主要是基于伙伴分配算法来对heap空间做分配管理,heap内部共声明了13个free_list(存储256B ~ 1GB区间的数据,4倍递增),相同容量的malloc_elem会以链表形式进行关联。malloc申请操作需要在malloc_heap#lock锁内进行,申请到的空间会做cache_line对齐处理(参考 RTE_CACHE_LINE_ROUNDUP),申请过程主要通过heap_alloc函数来进行,大致处理流程如下:









rte_malloc 分析_代码实现






* Allocate memory on default heap.
void *
rte_malloc(const char *type, size_t size, unsigned align)
return rte_malloc_socket(type, size, align, SOCKET_ID_ANY);
* Allocate memory on specified heap.
void *
rte_malloc_socket(const char *type, size_t size, unsigned int align,
int socket_arg)
return malloc_socket(type, size, align, socket_arg, true);


static void *
malloc_socket(const char *type, size_t size, unsigned int align,
int socket_arg, const bool trace_ena)
void *ptr;

/* return NULL if size is 0 or alignment is not power-of-2
if (size == 0 || (align && !rte_is_power_of_2(align)))
return NULL;

/* if there are no hugepages and if we are not allocating from an
* external heap, use memory from any socket available. checking for
* socket being external may return -1 in case of invalid socket, but
* that's OK - if there are no hugepages, it doesn't matter.
/如果 internal_config.no_hugetlbfs =1即程序在初始化的时候已经设置了不存在hugepage
//则将socket_arg设为SOCKET_ID_ANY 同时 不允许从其他的heap上分配内存
if (rte_malloc_heap_socket_is_external(socket_arg) != 1 &&
socket_arg = SOCKET_ID_ANY;//则将socket_arg设为SOCKET_ID_ANY
ptr = malloc_heap_alloc(type, size, socket_arg, 0,
align == 0 ? 1 : align, 0, false);

if (trace_ena)
rte_eal_trace_mem_malloc(type, size, align, socket_arg, ptr);
return ptr;



static void *
malloc_socket(const char *type, size_t size, unsigned int align,
int socket_arg, const bool trace_ena)
void *ptr;

/* return NULL if size is 0 or alignment is not power-of-2
if (size == 0 || (align && !rte_is_power_of_2(align)))
return NULL;

/* if there are no hugepages and if we are not allocating from an
* external heap, use memory from any socket available. checking for
* socket being external may return -1 in case of invalid socket, but
* that's OK - if there are no hugepages, it doesn't matter.
/如果 internal_config.no_hugetlbfs =1即程序在初始化的时候已经设置了不存在hugepage
//则将socket_arg设为SOCKET_ID_ANY 同时 不允许从其他的heap上分配内存
if (rte_malloc_heap_socket_is_external(socket_arg) != 1 &&
socket_arg = SOCKET_ID_ANY;//则将socket_arg设为SOCKET_ID_ANY
ptr = malloc_heap_alloc(type, size, socket_arg, 0,
align == 0 ? 1 : align, 0, false);

if (trace_ena)
rte_eal_trace_mem_malloc(type, size, align, socket_arg, ptr);
return ptr;



void *
malloc_heap_alloc(const char *type, size_t size, int socket_arg,
unsigned int flags, size_t align, size_t bound, bool contig)
int socket, heap_id, i;
void *ret;

/* return NULL if size is 0 or alignment is not power-of-2
if (size == 0 || (align && !rte_is_power_of_2(align)))
return NULL;

if (!rte_eal_has_hugepages() && socket_arg < RTE_MAX_NUMA_NODES)
socket_arg = SOCKET_ID_ANY;

if (socket_arg == SOCKET_ID_ANY)
socket = malloc_get_numa_socket();
socket = socket_arg;

/* turn socket ID into heap ID */
heap_id = malloc_socket_to_heap_id(socket);
/* if heap id is negative, socket ID was invalid */
if (heap_id < 0)
return NULL;
ret = malloc_heap_alloc_on_heap_id(type, size, heap_id, flags, align,
bound, contig);
if (ret != NULL || socket_arg != SOCKET_ID_ANY)
return ret;

/* try other heaps. we are only iterating through native DPDK sockets,
* so external heaps won't be included.如果在指定的socket上或者在当前运行程序的lcore对应的socket上未能成功申请到内存
for (i = 0; i < (int) rte_socket_count(); i++) {
if (i == heap_id)
ret = malloc_heap_alloc_on_heap_id(type, size, i, flags, align,
bound, contig);
if (ret != NULL)
return ret;
return NULL;



/* this will try lower page sizes first */
static void *
malloc_heap_alloc_on_heap_id(const char *type, size_t size,
unsigned int heap_id, unsigned int flags, size_t align,
size_t bound, bool contig)
struct rte_mem_config *mcfg = rte_eal_get_configuration()->mem_config;
struct malloc_heap *heap = &mcfg->malloc_heaps[heap_id];
unsigned int size_flags = flags & ~RTE_MEMZONE_SIZE_HINT_ONLY;
int socket_id;
void *ret;
const struct internal_config *internal_conf =


align = align == 0 ? 1 : align;

/* for legacy mode, try once and with all flags */
if (internal_conf->legacy_mem) {
ret = heap_alloc(heap, type, size, flags, align, bound, contig);
goto alloc_unlock;

* we do not pass the size hint here, because even if allocation fails,
* we may still be able to allocate memory from appropriate page sizes,
* we just need to request more memory first.

socket_id = rte_socket_id_by_idx(heap_id);
* if socket ID is negative, we cannot find a socket ID for this heap -
* which means it's an external heap. those can have unexpected page
* sizes, so if the user asked to allocate from there - assume user
* knows what they're doing, and allow allocating from there with any
* page size flags.
if (socket_id < 0)

ret = heap_alloc(heap, type, size, size_flags, align, bound, contig);
if (ret != NULL)
goto alloc_unlock;

/* if socket ID is invalid, this is an external heap */
if (socket_id < 0)
goto alloc_unlock;

if (!alloc_more_mem_on_socket(heap, size, socket_id, flags, align,
bound, contig)) {
ret = heap_alloc(heap, type, size, flags, align, bound, contig);

/* this should have succeeded */
if (ret == NULL)
RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Error allocating from heap\n");
return ret;



* Main function to allocate a block of memory from the heap.
* It locks the free list, scans it, and adds a new memseg if the
* scan fails. Once the new memseg is added, it re-scans and should return
* the new element after releasing the lock.
static void *
heap_alloc(struct malloc_heap *heap, const char *type __rte_unused, size_t size,
unsigned int flags, size_t align, size_t bound, bool contig)
struct malloc_elem *elem;

align = RTE_CACHE_LINE_ROUNDUP(align);

/* roundup might cause an overflow */
if (size == 0)
return NULL;
elem = find_suitable_element(heap, size, flags, align, bound, contig);
if (elem != NULL) {
elem = malloc_elem_alloc(elem, size, align, bound, contig);

/* increase heap's count of allocated elements */
//&elem[1]即elem的指针向后偏移 sizeof(elem)长度。

return elem == NULL ? NULL : (void *)(&elem[1]);



rte_free(void *addr)
return mem_free(addr, true);



/* Free the memory space back to heap */
static void
mem_free(void *addr, const bool trace_ena)
if (trace_ena)

if (addr == NULL) return;
if (malloc_heap_free(malloc_elem_from_data(addr)) < 0)
RTE_LOG(ERR, EAL, "Error: Invalid memory\n");



* Given a pointer to the start of a memory block returned by malloc, get
* the actual malloc_elem header for that block.
static inline struct malloc_elem *
malloc_elem_from_data(const void *data)
if (data == NULL)
return NULL;

struct malloc_elem *elem = RTE_PTR_SUB(data, MALLOC_ELEM_HEADER_LEN);
if (!malloc_elem_cookies_ok(elem))
return NULL;
return elem->state != ELEM_PAD ? elem: RTE_PTR_SUB(elem, elem->pad);



  • 如果此被释放的内存块的next指针指向的内存块为free,则将它和后一个内存块合并,并将后一个内存块从free链表中去除;
  • 如果此被释放的内存块的pre指针指向的内存块为free,则将它和前一个内存块亦进行合并;
  • 将合并后(或不满足合并条件则不合并)的内存块,插入到对应free链表的头部。这里的对应值得是根据此内存块的大小进行匹配的,


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