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Peppa 21-30

时间:2022-11-20 15:12:14浏览次数:38  
标签:... 21 Mummy 30 Pig Peppa Daddy George

21 Mummy Pigs Birthday.

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Mummy Pig's Birthday!
Today is Mummy Pig's birthday. Daddy Pig has made Mummy Pig breakfast in bed.
Happy birthday, Mummy Pig!
Peppa and George have made Mummy Pig a birthday card.
Happy Birthday, Mummy!
Ooh! What a IoveIy birthday surprise! And there are more surprises to come! Enjoy your birthday breakfast!
Take your time. Mmm! Yummy!
Quick! We have to get everything eIse ready!
Daddy Pig has made a birthday cake for Mummy Pig.
We've just got to put the candIes on!
One.. TWo Here I come!
Mummy Pig has finished her birthday breakfast.
Mummy's coming!
Oh, no. We're not ready yet. Err. Who is it?
It's Mummy. Can I come in? No! No!
Is there something secret going on? Er, no, nothing's going on.
But you can't come in. I see.
Mummy Pig, Why don't you reIax in the sitting room?
That sounds nice.
WeII, it is your birthday! Ok, Peppa, I think I knoW Where the sitting room is! Here's a nice magazine.
Thank you, Peppa.
And here's some pretty music. Thank you, Peppa.
We need the same number of candIes as Mummy's age.
One... tWo... three...
Oh, dear. We haven't got nearIy enough candIes. Daddy? HoW oId is Mummy? I'II Whisper it in your ear.
WoW! ReaIIy oId!
You knoW, I think
three candIes WiII be fine.
Mummy Pig's birthday cake is ready! Hurray!
We just have to put up the decorations in the sitting room.
HeIIo, Mummy!
Ah, there you aII are!
I Was getting a IittIe bored.
Mummy? WouId you Iike to have a nice WaIk in the garden? Do I have any choice?
Bye bye, Mummy! Have a IoveIy WaIk! We'II caII you
When it's safe to come back in. I'd forgotten What hard Work birthdays Were!
Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are decorating the sitting room. This is fun!
Granny and Grandpa Pig have arrived for Mummy Pig's birthday. Happy Birthday, Mummy Pig!
Aren't you coming inside?
Oh, I can't come in yet. Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are doing secret things for my birthday.
HoW IoveIy! See you Iater! Bye!
WouId you Iike to come inside noW?
I'd Iove to. CIose your eyes!
Keep your eyes cIosed, Mummy! One... tWo... three...
Open your eyes!
Happy Birthday, Mummy Pig! What a IoveIy surprise!
BIoW the candIes out and make a Wish!
Mummy, Mummy, open your present! Can you guess What it is?
I've no idea! Open it and see.
It's a beautifuI dress! You're beautifuI, Mummy!
NoW you just need someWhere nice to Wear it.
What's this?
TWo tickets to the theater! Tonight! Thank you!
Mummy Pig Ioves going to the theater.
And Granny Pig and I are
going to baby-sit the IittIe ones. Hurray!
What a super birthday! I'm the Iuckiest Mummy in the WhoIe WorId!
And the most beautifuI!

22 The Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy!
Peppa and George are having
their favorite food --- spaghetti! What a lot of noise!
Ah, now we'll have a bit of quiet! What's that?
It's a tooth!
Where did that come from?
Peppa, maybe you should look in the mirror! Oh!
It's my tooth! It's fallen out! Don't worry, Peppa.
It's just a milk tooth - They're meant to fall out.
Will I grow a new one, Mummy? Yes, you will, Peppa.
It also means the Tooth Fairy will be paying you a visit.
Tooth Fairy?
Yes, the Tooth Fairy.
If you put the tooth under your pillow tonight,
the Tooth Fairy will come.
The Tooth Fairy will take the tooth. And in its place,
she will leave a shiny coin! When I grow up,
I want to be a Tooth Fairy!
And what would you like to be when you grow up, George? Dine-Saw!
A dinosaur!
Quick, George, it's bedtime!
We don't want to
miss the Tooth Fairy! Before going to bed,
Peppa and George brush their teeth. Peppa, what are you doing?
I'm brushing my tooth so it is nice and clean for the Tooth Fairy.
Peppa cannot wait to get into bed.
Peppa is putting her tooth under the pillow
for the Tooth Fairy.
Goodnight, Peppa and George. Goodnight, Mummy!
Goodnight, Daddy!
Goodnight, my Little piggies!
George, I'm not going to sleep! Let's both stay awake all night and see the Tooth Fairy!
This Tooth Fairy is very late!
The Tooth Fairy is taking a long time to arrive.
Where is that Tooth Fairy? What is that noise?
Is it the Tooth Fairy?
George, can you hear something? Oh, George!
Oh, the noise is George.
He was so tired, he has fallen asleep.
George is not very good
at staying awake, but I am. I am going to stay awake and see the Tooth Fairy.
I'm not going to sleep... The Tooth Fairy has arrived. But Peppa is asleep.
Hello, Peppa.
Would you like this coin in return for your tooth?
What a nice, clean tooth. Thank you, Peppa, Goodnight. Peppa, George, wake up.
It's morning.
What? I wasn't asleep! Did the Tooth Fairy come? No!
Let's take a look under your pillow.
Look, Peppa! The Tooth Fairy
has been and she's left you a coin! Hurray!
You fell asleep, didn't you? Well, maybe I fell asleep just for a Little bit...
Next time, I will stay awake, and I will see
the Tooth Fairy!

23 The New Car
The New Car!
Today, Peppa and her family are going for a drive
in their red car.
Shall we have the roof down? Yes, please!
Peppa and George love their car. Is everybody ready?
Then let's go!
I love our car!
And our car loves us, too! Don't you?
Oh, dear, the car does not sound very well.
What's wrong, Daddy? Hmmm! Er... I don't know. Let's take it to
Granddad Dog's Garage. He can fix it.
That's a good idea, Mummy Pig. Woof!
Granddad Dog runs the garage; he is very good at mending cars. Woof! Oh, dear, Daddy Pig!
Your car does not sound very well. Can you fix it, please,
Granddad Dog? Yes...
...but it will take all day. Ohhh...
We wanted to go for a drive in our car. Woof! Don't worry.
You can borrow this new car while I fix yours.
Thank you, Granddad Dog. Would you like the roof down? Yes, please!
I'll just press this red button. What a clever car!
Woof! When you come back, I will have fixed your car.
Thank you, Grandad Dog. Goodbye.
Bye bye!
Goodbye! Woof!
Peppa and her family like the new blue car.
There are so many buttons in this new car.
What does the green button do, Daddy? Let's see.
Magic windows!
Daddy! Make the magic windows go down. What does the blue button do?
I don't know. Let's see. Arrgh!
I love this new car. Can we keep it? No, we can't keep it, Peppa.
We've only borrowed it for today. Ohh.
Oh, no, I think it's going to rain. Yes, I'll just put the roof up.
Now, which is the button to close the roof?
Oops! Silly me. Aha! This must be the button.
The new car has squirted Daddy Pig with water.
Silly Daddy, that's not the roof! This button! Oops!
Not that one! This button! Arrgh! Help!
Daddy Pig has forgotten
which button closes the roof. I don't think this car likes me! Let's try the red button.
But now it's stopped raining. Can we open the roof again? Er, yes. Which button was it? The red one! Hurray!
Granddad Dog has fixed the car. Your car is fixed.
Thank you, Granddad Dog, and keep the change.
Thank you, Daddy Pig. Woof! Woof! Goodbye! Goodbye!
Bye bye!
Ahhh! It's good to get our old car back again!
I liked the new car
but I like our old car better.
And I think our old car
likes us, too. Don't you?

24 Treasure Hunt

Treasure Hunt!
Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are making a treasure hunt for
Peppa and Geroge.
Granny Pig is drawing the treasure map.
Grandpa Pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden.
Grandpa Pig! Have you finished?!
Peppa and George will be here soon! No need to panic, Granny Pig!
Peppa and her family are here!
Quick, Grandpa Pig! They're here! Almost done!
Grandpa Pig just finished in time! Granny Pig! We're here!
Ganggy lg!
Hello, my Little ones! Grandpa Pig!
Baba lg!
Ahoy there, me hearties! Peppa, George, we've
made you a treasure hunt! Somewhere in the garden is buried treasure!
Wow! Treasure! Where is it? You have to look for it.
Here's a treasure map for Peppa.
And George can wear my pirate hat. Ahoy there, Captain George!
The map is a bit difficult. Daddy, can you help?
Of course, Peppa.
I'm very good with maps. Er. It is a bit difficult.
Daddy Pig,
you're holding the map upside down! Yes, I thought as much.
It's easy! The red cross shows where the treasure is!
But where in the garden are those two apple trees?
Hmmm... I don't know. Would you like a clue? Yes, please!
The first clue is in a bottle. But where is the bottle?
I can see it!
Peppa has found the first clue. A message in a bottle.
Look, everyone! Here's the bottle! Well done, Peppa!
Let's see what the message says. Oh it's a message from a pirate!
Mummy? Can you read the pirate's message? Hmm... This pirate has very bad handwriting.
The pirate's handwriting is excellent. No, I can't make it out at all.
The pirate has clearly written, "Follow the arrows!"
Follow the arrows?
George has found the second clue! Sticks in the shape of an arrow!
Look! They point this way! Peppa and George are following the arrows.
Look, George! A key!
Peppa has found the next clue. A key! Well done, Peppa!
Now you just have to find
the treasure chest that it unlocks. But there aren't any more clues.
Maybe you should take another look at the map...
Look, Peppa, the map has two apple trees on it. Here's an apple tree!
And here's an apple tree!
So the treasure must be here! Let's take a look!
Oh, dear. There doesn't
seem to be anything here...
Hang on! There is something here! Wow! Treasure!
Well done! Well done!
I've got the key to open it! Wow! I can't believe it!
Gold coins! They must be worth a fortune! It's better than that!
They are not gold coins, they are chocolate coins! And there's a chocolate coin for everybody.
Peppa and George love chocolate coins. Everyone loves chocolate coins.
Granny, Grandpa,
this is the best treasure hunt ever!

25 Not Very Well.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Not Very WeII!
Mummy and Daddy Pig have just made breakfast for Peppa and George.
Breakfast is ready!
Peppa has red spots on her face! Mummy, I don't feeI very WeII.
Oh, dear, Peppa. You don't Iook very WeII. Don't Worry. I'II ring Dr. BroWn-Bear.
Dr. BroWn-Bear speaking. Peppa is not very WeII.
Her face is covered in red spots! Put Peppa to bed and
I'II come straight round.
Dr. BroWn Bear has come to make Peppa better.
HeIIo, Peppa, hoW are you today? I am not very WeII.
Stick your tongue out, pIease. Hmmm... It's not anything serious. Peppa has just got a rash.
Do I need medicine?!
The rash WiII cIear up quickIy.
But if you Iike, I can give you just a IittIe medicine. Yes, pIease.
I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice. Open Wide, pIease.
Eeuuurgh! Disgusting! You are a brave IittIe one for taking it so WeII.
Peppa must stay in bed.
I'II caII back Iater
to check that she is better. Can Peppa have visitors?
Oh, yes, she can have visitors. The rash isn't catching. Goodbye! Goodbye! Dr. BroWn Bear!
Mummy, can I get up noW? Dr. BroWn Bear says that you must stay in bed
for a IittIe bit, Peppa. But it's so boring!
Dr. BroWn Bear did say you couId have visitors. Can Suzy Sheep visit me?
Suzy Sheep is Peppa's best friend. I'II ring Suzy Sheep's mummy.
HeIIo, Mrs. Pig.
May Peppa taIk With Suzy, pIease? HeIIo, Suzy!
HeIIo, Peppa.
I'm not very WeII.
I have red spots on my face. Has the doctor been?
Yes, Dr. BroWn Bear Was here! He said I Was not very WeII and that I Was very brave.
So are you reaIIy iII?
Yes, yes! It's not pretend! I have to stay in bed!
Dr. BroWn Bear
gave me medicine that tasted reaIIy horribIe! I'm coming to see you! I'm going to Wear my nurse's outfit!!!
Suzy Sheep has come to see Peppa. Suzy is Wearing her nurse's costume.
Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit have come aIong, too.
HeIIo, Peppa!
HoW do you feeI?
I am not very WeII, Suzy. I have to stay in bed.
What can We do to make you better? You couId get me some orange juice. Ok!
Peppa seems to be quite enjoying herseIf. Thank you, Suzy.
Do you feeI any better? A IittIe bit. Danny, Woof!
Ask my mummy
if I couId have some ice cream. And Rebecca,
couId you bring me
some fIoWers from the garden? Dr. BroWn Bear is here,
to see if Peppa is better.
Ah, good, the nurse is aIready here! HoW is the patient?
Err... I'm not a reaI nurse, it's just pretend.
I see. WouId you Iike me to take a Iook myseIf?
Yes, pIease.
I say! No more red spots! You're compIeteIy better! Aren't I stiII a bit iII?
HoW do you feeI?
I think I shouId stay in bed
a IittIe bit more.
Hmm.. I fancy a game With this baII in the garden!!
Who Wants to join me? Me! Me! Me!
Me, too!
WeII, I never! A compIete recovery!
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George.

26 snow
Peppa and George are very excited today. It is snowing outside!
Mummy! Can we go and play in the snow?
Yes, but it's very cold outside, so you must wrap up warm. Hurray!
And don't forget to wear your hats, and scarves and gloves.
It is very cold outside.
Peppa and George must wear their hats...and scarves... and gloves.
Come on, George!
Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow.
Peppa and George Iove making footprints in the snow! Oops!
Oh, dear It's not funny!
George, let's play snowballs! Peppa has made a snowball.
Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. George, come back, you Iittle piggy!
Oh, dear. Maybe this game is getting a Iittle too rough. Sorry, George.
George! Let's build a snowman!
Peppa and George are making a snowman. First, they make the body.
George, this is the snowman's body. Now, they make the snowman's head.
Now, he needs arms and eyes and a mouth!
George has found some sticks for the snowman's arms.
Peppa has found some stones for the snoWman's eyes and mouth.
This is his face. Now the snowman needs a nose.
Peppa has got a carrot, to make the snowman's nose. The snowman looks very happy.
But maybe he is bit cold.
The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm.
George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm!
The snowman is wearing his hat... and scarf... and gloves. Mummy! Daddy! Come and look!
Mummy Pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves. That is the best snowman I have ever seen!
Daddy Pig looks quite coId.
He isn't wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.
Daddy, Why aren't you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves?
I don't know where they are! I can't find them anywhere.
I think I know where
Daddy's hat, scarf and gIoves are... Daddy Pig's hat and scarf and gIoves are on the snowman!

27 Windy Castle.

I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Windy CastIe!
Peppa and her famiIy are going out for the day.
Peppa, George,
today We are going to Windy CastIe!
What's Windy CastIe, Daddy? It's a castIe on a very high hiII! George Iikes castIes.
Windy CastIe sounds Iike a boring thing for boys. No, Peppa, you'II Iove it.
There's a great vieW
from the top of Windy CastIe.
You can even see Granny and Grandpa's house!
WoW! Let's go!
I'II map-read and
Mummy Pig WiII drive.
Are you sure, Daddy Pig? When you map-read,
We aIWays get Iost and you get grumpy.
We WiII not get Iost
and I WiII not get grumpy.
Windy CastIe, here We come! Are We nearIy there yet?
Not quite. Oh.
WouId you Iike to pIay a game?
Yes, pIease. Let's pIay ''I Spy!''
Okay. I'II go first.
Daddy Pig has to secretIy Iook at something
and the others have to guess What it is. I spy With my IittIe eye,
something coIored ''red''. Red? My dress!
That's red!
No. It's not your dress. Hmmmm.
The car!
That's right!
Our red car.
My go. I spy With my IittIe eye, something ''bIue''
George's bIue shirt! Nope.
Is it something in the car? No. Give up?
The sky! The bIue sky! I Win.
Daddy Pig? Do you
knoW Where We are?
I knoW exactIy Where We are.
AIthough... this road doesn't Iook the same as it does on the map. Oh, Daddy Pig!
We're Iost!
We are not Iost.
So hoW do We get to
Windy CastIe from here? Just give me a moment. Hmmmm!
I knoW, We can ring Granny and Grandpa.
There's no need to ring Granny and Grandpa.
I'II get us to Windy CastIe, if it takes me aII day.
We haven't got aII day. HeIIo, Grandpa Pig speaking.
Grandpa Pig,
We've got a bit Iost
on the Way to Windy CastIe.
Is Daddy Pig doing the map-reading?
Yes, Daddy Pig is doing the map-reading.
And he's a bit grumpy at the moment.
I am not grumpy. This is the best route:
keep on the main road untiI you see Windy CastIe up ahead.
Thank you, Grandpa Pig.
We foIIoW the main road
and Iook out for Windy CastIe. As I thought.
Is that a castIe?
Yes! It's Windy CastIe! Come on, car!
Come on, car! You can make it! Hurray!
Peppa and her famiIy have arrived at Windy CastIe.
WoW! It's so taII!
Let's go inside. The vieW from the top is fantastic! WoW!
Look at the vieW!
Mummy, is that Granny and Grandpa's house?
Yes, it is!
It's so far aWay!
Let's take a Iook
through the teIescope. Can I Iook first, pIease? Yes, but you must Iet
George Iook next. WoW!
The teIescope makes everything Iook bigger. I can see
Granny and Grandpa! Look, George!
Ganggy Ig! Baba Ig! George is Waving at
Granny and Grandpa Pig. SiIIy George!
Granny and Grandpa are
too far aWay to see you Waving! I knoW! We can ring them!
Grandpa Pig! We can see you from Windy CastIe!
Wave at us!
Granny and Grandpa are Waving at us!
I Iove Windy CastIe! I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George.

29 My Cousin Chloe.
My Cousin Chloe!
Peppa and George are playing in the garden. To me, George!
You threw the ball too hard, George! So the rules say,
I win!
Now it's my turn. I win again!
Peppa, George. Today your big cousin, Chloe is coming to visit!
Yippee! Cousin Chloe!
George, Chloe is a big girl, like me.
So, don't be sad if she finds you too Little to play with.
I'm sure Chloe
will play with both of you. Chloe is here!
Aunty Pig has brought Chloe to spend the day at Peppa's house.
Chloe is Peppa and George's cousin. Chloe is a bit older than
Peppa and George. Hello, Chloe!
Hello, Peppa! Hello, George! See you later!
Do you want to play a game?
Yes! Let's play "Catch!"
Peppa loves playing "Catch". Do you still play "Catch"?
That's a game for Little children. We only play "Catch"
because George likes it. Okay. Let's play it for George.
Do you play with the proper rules or the baby rules?
Proper rules! I'll start.
Peppa! You're "it". Catch me if you can!
Peppa is "it". She has to chase Chloe and George. Can't catch me!
I'm going to easily
catch you! You're so Little! That's not fair!!
You're helping George! That's because he's Little.
Do you want me to help you? No! I don't need help.
I'm a big girl like you. Come on, then, Peppa! Try and catch us!
Can't catch us! Can't catch us! This is a silly game.
Can we play something else? Okay, I know a really good game for big children.
It's called "Sly Fox"! "Sly Fox"!!
I want to play "Sly Fox"!! What is it?
One person is the "Sly Fox" and the others creep
up on them.
Me! Me! I want to be the "Sly Fox"!
Peppa is the "Sly Fox".
While her back is turned,
the others creep up on her.
But if Peppa turns and sees someone move,
they have to go back to the start! George, I saw you move!
Back to the start! Got you! I win! You moved before I was ready!
The rules say I can move when I like. Don't they, George? Now it's Chloe's turn to be the "Sly Fox".
Peppa and George must stay very still.
Peppa! I saw you move! Back to the start!
It's not fair!
You looked too long! The rules say, I can look as long as I want.
Back to the start.
George is the winner!
Can we play a different game? Yes.
But as long as it's a grown-up game. I know!
Let's play my favorite game! It's very grown-up!
George, do you know what Peppa's favorite game is?
Peppa's favorite game is
jumping up and down in muddy puddles! George, if you jump in puddles,
you must wear your boots! I've brought some boots for you too, Chloe!
I'm too grown-up to jump in muddy puddles.
Oh. So am I.
George loves jumping in muddy puddles.
Secretly, Peppa would love to jump in the puddle.
But she wants to look grown-up. I hear there's some puddle jumping going on!
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig love jumping in muddy puddles!
It does look fun. Yes, it does.
Maybe there's a rule that says, big girls can jump in
muddy puddles.
Yes! That's a good rule! Race you!
Race you!
Peppa and Chloe love jumping up and down in muddy puddles!
Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles, even grown-up girls!

30 Babysitting.
I'm Peppa Pig.
This is my IittIe brother, George. This is Mummy Pig.
And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig.
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are going out for the evening. Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are going to baby-sit.
Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig! Ganggy Ig! Baba Ig!
HeIIo, my IittIe ones! HeIIo.
Peppa, George.
Into your beds! Quick!
Goodnight, my IittIe piggies! Goodnight. SIeep tight!
Goodnight, Mummy. Goodnight, Daddy! What IittIe darIings!
NoW go to sIeep quickIy. Yes, Mummy.
So WeII behaved!
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are Ieaving for their evening out. Peppa and George are so good. They just feII asIeep
When Mummy Pig toId them to! This babysitting is easy!
George? George, are you aWake? Shhh!
What strange noises.
I Wonder if We shouId check upstairs...
Peppa, George? Are you aWake?
WeII, I never, fast asIeep. So, it Wasn't Peppa and
George making aII that noise. I can't hear anything.
I think they reaIIy have faIIen asIeep. Let's Watch some teIevision.
Gardening. Today We are taIking about ''Roses''.
Oh, I Iove
gardening programs!
The Gavesgate is a
particuIarIy thorny rose. To prune it, start by
Iopping off the head and then snip aWay the budding shoots. Granny Pig?
Peppa? George?
You shouId be in bed asIeep!
George and I
are not sIeepy at aII. Can We Watch TV With you?
WeII... I suppose Watching a IittIe TV might make you sIeepy.
IceIandic Roses are a rare treat for the discerning horticuIturist.
But they are prone to Iobbing in temperate habitats.
This program is very boring. Grandpa Pig?
Can you pIay that game Where you throW us up and catch us?
Okay, but just one turn each! Wheeeee!
PheW... You seem heavier than before. NoW it's
George's turn. Wheeee!
My turn! Wheee!
Higher! Higher!
Maybe Grandpa Pig is a bit tired.
I knoW! Granny Pig, Iet's pIay catch! Err...
You're ''It''!
Catch us if you can! Can't catch me!
I'm going to catch you!
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are back home.
I hope our IittIe piggies are asIeep.
HeIIo? Anyone here?
The IittIe piggies are asIeep!
And so are the big piggies!


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yi2022/p/16908539.html
