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L10U5-4 Responding to a compeitiors challenge 20221116

时间:2022-11-16 01:33:06浏览次数:43  
标签:threats 20221116 challenge opportunities Let our L10U5 Our company

1 Reading A SWOT analysis

Read the article about a SWOT analysis and answer the questions.

S ==> Strengths

W ==> Weaknesses

O ==> Opportunities

T ==> Threats

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a step-by-step process used to evaluate a product, industry or even a person.

The first step in a SWOT analysis is identifying the objective or goal of the business project.
The next step is identifying the favorable and unfavorable things that could affect that objective,
both internally and externally. This means identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) to whatever is being analyzed.

Strengths are what give the business or project an advantage. It could be high-quality products.
Weaknesses are what put the business or project at a disadvantage – for example, outdated software.
Opportunities are things that the business could use to its advantage – for instance, a lack of competition in Africa.
Threats are things that could cause problems for the business. This could be something like a new, advanced product from a competitor.

SWOT is a very important process for analyzing a company's situation to help planning be more effective.
It might even tell planners that a project is not possible and cause a complete change in plans.
Success depends on many things, and SWOT can be a very valuable tool in achieving that success.

Match the words to their definitions.

a strength ==> an advantage the business has

a threat ==> danger from outside the company

an opportnity ==> a chance to do something good

a weakness ==> a disadvantage the business has

2 Vocabulary Analyzing your company

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

One common way to analyze your company's position is to look at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Our major strength is the quality of our software.
Our major strength is the quality of our software.

Our most serious weakness is that we're only in the UK.
Our most serious weakness is that we're only in the UK.

The biggest threat we face is from Omniplex Megacomputers.
The biggest threat we face is from Omniplex Megacomputers.

We have a tremendous opportunity to expand overseas.
We have a tremendous opportunity to expand overseas.

Analyzing your company

We have a tremendous opportunity in South America.

A weakness is our lack of revenue.

We face a terrible threat from local companies.

Our strength is that we're a global company.

Select the correct words.

Our competitors are weak right now. We have a great opportunity.

Our product is the best on the market. It's our big strength.

Our competitor has a great new product. They are a real threat to us.

Our software is old and slow. It's a weakness.

3 Expressions Discussing a company

Starting the discussion

Use these expressions to introduce the topic, start the discussion and state any limits.

OK. We're here to discuss our market and competition.
OK. We're here to discuss our market and competition.

We only have 30 minutes, so we should get going. I'll take notes.
We only have 30 minutes, so we should get going. I'll take notes.

Moving from point to point

Here are some expressions for introducing the main points of a discussion and moving from point to point.

Let's start by discussing strengths.
Let's start by discussing strengths.

Let's move on to threats.
Let's move on to threats.

OK. So where are our opportunities?
OK. So where are our opportunities?

Next steps and closing

These expressions will help you state next steps and close the discussion.

What are our next steps?
What are our next steps?

I'll follow up with Sunset and email you a summary of the discussion.
I'll follow up with Sunset and email you a summary of the discussion.

Great meeting! Thanks, everyone.
Great meeting! Thanks, everyone.

Put the text in the correct order.

we're here to discuss our competition.

Let's start by discussing out strengths and weaknesses.

Now,let's move on to threats.

Finally,where are our opportunities?

Our next step is follow up with Sunset Computers.

Great meeting!Thanks,everyone.

Listen and record what you hear.

Is there anything else?

I'll follow up with the executive team.

Let's move on to threats.

Let's start by talking about our strengths.

We're here to analyze our company's market.

Great meeting! Thanks, everyone.

Now, where are our opportunities?

4 Final Task Analyze the competition

You are going to lead a discussion about your company and the competition. Listen and record the correct response.

Yes. We only have 30 minutes, so we should get going.

Let's start with our strengths. What are they?

That's a really good strength to have. Anything else?

So, the UK is really good. How about in other places?

So, outside of Europe, we sell very little. Let's move on to threats.

OK, so that's our threat. What about opportunities?

OK. That sounds like a good idea. Is that our next step?

I'll follow up and summarize the results. Great meeting, everyone.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16894592.html


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