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GL-Facing a challenge 20221115

时间:2022-11-15 00:55:46浏览次数:55  
标签:do was challenge had Facing person questions GL ever


2022.11.14 Monday

23:30 - 00:15


Facing a challenge

What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?how did you manage to ovvercome the obstacles in your path?

Discuss with the class how you faced the challenge.


Now it's your turn

what is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?


The most difficult thing I've ever encountered is systematically learning and understanding computer algorithms,
for example, I want to do 500 questions on the LEETcode website

For example,I want to finish 500 questions on the leecode website.

Rather say:One hard thing I had to do was completing 500 questions online.


30 years ago I am worked in the Sahara desert inspite of the nature of envoronment was bad.

Rather say:on of the hardest things I had to do was working on the Sahara desert wihile the envoronment wasn't in good state.

  • Jenny

Your answer:

one of the hardest things I had ever done brunch out into uncharated territory.

One of the haedest things I have ever done brunch out into uncharted territory.

  • Weichen

Your answer:Talk to my ex-girlfriend is very hard

what are you most confident about doing?

why do you feel that way?

Read the sentences below Notice the sentence structure.

In spite of suffering from a physically disabling disease,Stephen Hawking was determined to make a difference in science.

**Regardless of **the adversity he faced,Nelson Mandela had a steadfast desire to free his country from apartheid.

Despite growing increasingly deaf,Beethoven persevered as a composer.

I most confident is to finish some algorithms questions on the leecode website,
because I systematically learned some classical computer algorithms and underlying principles

How does our attitude help us achieve?

I think it's still a person's resilience and optimistic character when we have problems

You are on a panel that is selecting the person who has relized the

Student A: Choose a person from your country.Tell Student B why that person should be nominated for the award.

Student B:Choose a different person,and tell Student A why that person also deservers the award.


I have no quesion ===> I have no questions.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16891096.html


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