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L10U5-2-Finding a solution to a problem

时间:2022-11-13 21:24:33浏览次数:59  
标签:list ideas idea Finding brainstorming solutions L10U5 problem possible

L10U5-2-Finding a solution to a problem

Reading Brainstorming tips

Read the text about brainstorming tips and answer the questions.

Brainstorming tips

Brainstorming is a creative technique used by groups to find possible ideas or solutions for a specific problem.
Ideas are written down as members of the group think of them. There is no analysis of the ideas at the time.

The most important thing is to let group members know that there are no bad ideas in brainstorming.
The point is to gather as many ideas as possible. There should be no judgment. Ideas can be evaluated later.
People should feel free to say whatever they think of. Even crazy or wild ideas – thinking outside the box – should be welcomed.
You never know which ideas will turn out to be the best ones. Sometimes ideas can also be combined.

Brainstorming doesn't always generate the best ideas,
but it can build trust among group members and encourage people to speak more freely without fear of being judged.
It can help a team come together.

Connect the matching texts.

Gather as many ideas as possible.

Try to find possible ideas or solutions.

It's important to feel that there are no bad ideas.

Do not analyze ideas during brainstorming.

People should think outside the box.

Brainstorming can build trust among group members.

Expressions Brainstorming

Listing ideas

Use the following expressions for a brainstorming (brainstorming) meeting in which the object is to generate a list of ideas quickly, without stopping to evaluate them.

We need a list of possible solutions. We can evaluate them later.
We need a list of possible solutions. We can evaluate them later.

In this meeting, keep an open mind.
In this meeting, keep an open mind.

Be creative. Think outside the box.
Be creative. Think outside the box.

No idea is a bad idea.
No idea is a bad idea.

We have to generate a solid list of ideas; no analysis yet.
We have to generate a solid list of ideas; no analysis yet.

Joe is brainstorming solutions to the company's lease problem with his team. Put the text in the correct order.

we're here to generate a list of possible solutions.

So we're brainstorming,right?

Keep an open mind.Think outside the box.

No idea is a bad idea.

No opinions or analyzing at this meeting.

We already have two ideas... Let's keep going.

Select the correct words.

We can think evaluate the list of solutions later; no analysis now.

Keep an open mind.

Think outside the box.

First, we need to generate a list of ideas; no evaluation yet.

No idea is a bad idea.

Listen and record what you hear.

This is a brainstorming meeting.
We need a list of possible solutions.

Keep an open mind.

Think outside the box.
No idea is a bad idea.

We can evaluate our ideas later.

Expressions Pros and cons

Advantages and disadvantages

Use the following pairs of words to talk about good points and bad points.

advantage – disadvantage
advantage – disadvantage

plus – minus
plus – minus

benefit – drawback
benefit – drawback

pro – con
pro – con

downside – upside
downside – upside

英 [ˈdaʊnsaɪd] 美 [ˈdaʊnsaɪd]

英 [ˈʌpsaɪd] 美 [ˈʌpsaɪd]

英 [ˈdrɔːbæk] 美 [ˈdrɔːbæk]

英 [plʌs , pluː] 美 [plʌs , pluː]

英 [ˈmaɪnəs] 美 [ˈmaɪnəs]

What are the drawbacks of the warehouse district?

Listen and record what you hear.

Not moving would be a huge benefit.

They will extend the lease at the higher price.

Not moving is just delaying a decision.

There are pluses and minuses to all the options.

The pros and cons are obvious.

I think we should do more research.

Final Task Solving the problem

You've received an email from the property management company.
It is raising your rent but has agreed to extend your lease at the higher price.
Meet with your CEO and CFO. At the blank, state your opinion. Listen and record the correct response.

Yes. There are advantages and disadvantages to all of them.

Yes. It's just delaying a decision. Eventually, we will have to move.

True, but we'd still be paying someone else every month.

Well, the pros and cons are obvious. Control and cost.

I got an email. They will extend the lease at the higher price.

I think that we should _____.

That's an excellent idea!

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16886977.html


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