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【转】Typescript: how to convert number to an int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16, or uint32

时间:2022-11-15 11:44:49浏览次数:65  
标签:int32 convert Typescript return val number sign let result

转载:Typescript: how to convert number to an int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16, or uint32

export class CONVERT
   static NumberToUint32(x:number):number 
      return x >>> 0;
   static NumberToUint16(x:number):number 
      return this.NumberToUint32(x) & 0xFFFF;
   static NumberToUint8(x:number):number 
      return this.NumberToUint32(x) & 0xFF;

   static NumberToInt32(x:number): number
      return x >> 0;
   static NumberToInt16(x:number): number
      let r: number = 0; 
      let n = this.NumberToUint16(x);
      if(n & 0x8000)
         r =  0xFFFF8000|(n&0x7FFF);
         r = n;         
   static NumberToInt8(x:number): number
      let r: number = 0; 
      let n = this.NumberToUint8(x);
      if(n & 0x80)
         r =  0xFFFFFF80|(n&0x7F); 
         r = n;     

   static StrToNumber(val: string, defaultVal:number = 0): number
      let result:number = defaultVal;      
      if(val == null) 
         return result;            
      if(val.length == 0) 
         return result;      
      val = val.trim();
      if(val.length == 0) 
      let sign:number = 1;     
      // . obtain sign from string, and place result in "sign" local varible. The Sign naturally defaults to positive
      //     1 for positive, -1 for negative.
      // . remove sign character from val. 
      //      Note, before the function returns, the result is multiplied by the sign local variable to reflect the sign.
      // . error check for multiple sign characters
      // . error check to make sure sign character is at the head or tail of the string
         let positiveSignIndex = val.indexOf('+');
         let negativeSignIndex = val.indexOf('-');
         let nTailIndex = val.length-1;
         // make sure both negative and positive signs are not in the string
         if( (positiveSignIndex != -1) && (negativeSignIndex != -1) ) 
             return result;
         // handle postive sign
         if (positiveSignIndex != -1)
            // make sure there is only one sign character
            if( (positiveSignIndex != val.lastIndexOf('+')) )
             return result;     
             // make sure the sign is at the head or tail
             if( (positiveSignIndex > 0) && (positiveSignIndex < nTailIndex )  )
                 return result;
             // remove sign from string
             val = val.replace("+","").trim();                 
         // handle negative sign
         if (negativeSignIndex != -1)
            // make sure there is only one sign character
            if( (negativeSignIndex != val.lastIndexOf('-')) )
             return result;     
             // make sure the sign is at the head or tail
             if( (negativeSignIndex > 0) && (negativeSignIndex < nTailIndex )  )
                 return result;
             // remove sign from string
             val = val.replace("-","").trim();  
             sign = -1;                 
         // make sure text length is greater than 0
         if(val.length == 0) 
            return result;                             
      // convert string to a number
      var r = +(<any>val);
      // apply sign if no errors
      if( (r != null) && (!isNaN(r)) )
         result = r*sign;         


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ZXdeveloper/p/16891924.html


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