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The doc of Bump.js

时间:2022-11-13 10:37:34浏览次数:40  
标签:use hit sprite Bump doc js collision true sprites



Bump - A 2D Collision library for Pixi (v3.0.11)


Bump is a lightweight suite of easy-to-use 2D collision methods for use with the
Pixi rendering engine. You can use these methods to make almost any
kind of 2D action or arcade game.

(Important! this library targets Pixi v3.0.11, which is the most stable version of Pixi, and is the only version I can recommend using. This library will eventually be upgraded for Pixi v4 when the v4 branch matures.)

Setting up

Using Bump's collision methods

Hit: A universal collision detection method

hitTestPoint: Check whether a point is intersecting a sprite

hitTestCircle: Check whether 2 circles are touching

circleCollision: Bounce a moving circle against a stationary circle

movingCircleCollision: Bounce two moving circles apart

hitTestRectangle: Check whether two rectangular or square sprites are touching

rectangleCollision: Prevent two rectangular sprites from intersecting

hitTestCircleRectangle: Check whether a rectangular and circular sprite are touching

circleRectangleCollision: Bounce a circular sprite against a rectangular sprite

contain: Contain a sprite inside the boundaries of another rectangular sprite

Installing and setting up Bump

Use a <script> tag to link the bump.js file to your HTML document.

<script src="bump.js"></script>// 在全局引入即可

(If you prefer, you can load bump.js using any JavaScript module
system you might be familiar working with: ES6 modules, SystemJS, AMD or CommonJS.)
The Bump source files contain both ES5 and ES6 versions of the
bump.js code. You should probably use the ES5 version for production

Next, create a new instance of Bump at the beginning of your program.
Supply the renderer you want to use in the constructor (the defautl is PIXI) like this:

b = new Bump(PIXI);// 在头部定义实例b以使用方法

The variable b (for "bump", of course!) now represents the running
instance of Bump that you can use to access all of Bump’s collision methods.

Using Bump's collision methods

Using Bump is just a matter of choosing the collision method you want to
use, and applying it based on the examples ahead. Just append b (or
whatever variable name you chose for the Bump instance) to the
beginning of each method, like this:

b.hitTestRectangle(spriteOne, spriteTwo);

Here are all the collision methods you can use:


hit is a universal collision function. It automatically detects the
kinds of sprites that are being used in the collision and chooses the
appropriate collision function for you. This means that instead of
having to remember which of the many collision functions in Bump's
library to use, you only need remember one: hit.

In its simplest form, you can use hit like this:

hit(spriteOne, spriteTwo)

It will return true if the sprites are touching and false if they
And that’s all you need to know to start making some truly captivating games!

The sprites can be circles or rectangles. Bump's methods assumes
they're rectangular by default. But if you want the methods to
interpret a sprite as circular, give it a circular property and set
it to true.

anySprite.circular = true;

If you want the sprites to react to the collision, so that they don’t
intersect, set the third argument to true.

hit(spriteOne, spriteTwo, true)

This prevents them from overlapping, so it's useful for making walls,
floors, or any other kind of solid boundary.

If you want the sprites to bounce apart, set the fourth argument to true.

hit(spriteOne, spriteTwo, true, true)

Now your sprites will bounce!

Setting the fifth argument to true makes the hit method use the
sprites’ global coordinates.

hit(spriteOne, spriteTwo, true, true, true)

The global coordinates are the sprites positions relative to the
canvas's top left corner, instead of the top left corner of their
parent container (their local coordinates.)

If you want to check a point object for a collision against a sprite, use the point as the first argument,
like this:

hit({x: 145, y:65}, sprite)

A point object is just any object with two properties, x and y, that
define the point's position.

The hit method also lets you check for a collision between a sprite and an array of sprites. Just include
the array as the second argument. In this example the array is called

hit(ball, bricks.children, true, true, true);// 使用这一方法判断与Container内所有创建出来的场景对象的碰撞接触

You'll see that hit automatically loops through all the sprites in
the array for you and checks them against the first sprite. This means
you don’t have to write your own for loop or forEach loop.

The hit function also returns a collision object, with a return
value that matches the kinds of sprites you’re checking. For example,
if both sprites are rectangles, you could find the side on which the collision occurred like this:

let collision = hit(rectangleOne, rectangleTwo, true);
message.text = "collision side: " + collision;

collision will always be undefined if there’s no collision.

A final feature is that you can use an optional callback function as
the sixth argument. This lets you inject some extra code that should
run when the collision occurs. This is especially useful for checking a
collision between a single sprite and an array of sprites. If there’s a
collision, the callback will run, and you can access both the collision
return value and the sprite involved in the collision. Here’s how you
could use this feature to check for a collision between a sprite
called player and an array of sprites in an array called world.platforms:

let playerVsPlatforms = hit(
  true, false, false, 
  function(collision, platform){

    //`collision` tells you the side on player that the collision occurred on.
    //`platform` is the sprite from the `world.platforms` array
    //that the player is colliding with

This is a compact way of doing complex collision checks that gives you a
lot of information and low-level control but saves you from having to
manually loop through all the sprites in the array.

However, the hit method is just a high-level wrapper for Bump's many
lower level collision methods. If you prefer to use the lower-level
methods, they're all listed next.


The most basic collision test is to check whether a point is
intersecting a sprite. hitTestPoint will help you to figure this out.
hitTestPoint takes two arguments: a point object with x and y
properties, and a sprite:

  {x: 128, y: 128},  //An object with `x` and `y` properties 
  anySprite          //A sprite

hitTestPoint will return true if the point intersects the sprite,
and false if it doesn’t.

The hitTestPoint method works equally well with rectangular and
circular sprites. If the sprite has a radius property, hitTestPoint
assumes that the sprite is circular and applies a point collision detection
algorithm for circles. If the sprite doesn’t have a radius property, the
method assumes it is a square. You can give any sprite a radius
property. An easy way to do this is to give the sprite a circular property and set
it to true.

anySprite.circular = true;

The sprite will now be interpreted as circular and have a new radius
property which is equal to half the sprite's width.


If you want to check for a collision between two circular sprites,
use the hitTestCircle method:

hitTestCircle(sprite1, sprite2)

Use it with any sprite that has a radius property. It returns true
if the circles are touching, so you can use it with an if statement to check for a
collision, like this:

if (hitTestCircle(sprite1, sprite2)) {
  //The circles are touching


If a moving circle hits a non-moving circle, you can create a collision
reaction using the circleCollision method:

circleCollision(circle1, circle2, true);

This stops the circles from intersecting.

The first argument is the moving ball, and the second is the
non-moving ball. The third argument is an optional Boolean that
determines whether the first circle should bounce off the second. (The
Boolean will default to false if you leave it out, so if you want the
circles to bounce, set it to true. You probably want to do this!)

There's an optional fourth argument that, if you set it to true,
makes the method use the sprites’ global coordinates. This is important
if you want to check for collisions between sprites that have different
parent containers.


You can create a collision reaction between two moving circles using
the movingCircleCollision method. Supply two circular sprites as arguments:

movingCircleCollision(circle1, circle2)

If the circles have a mass property, that value will be used to help
figure out the force with which the circles should bounce off each other.
The movingCircleCollision method makes the sprites bounce apart by default.
An important feature of this method is that when two moving circles collide,
they transfer their velocities to each other in a way that makes them bounce
apart very realistically.

Checking for multiple collisions

If you have a bunch of moving circles, like marbles,
you need to check for a collision between each of them on every frame
of your game loop. To do this you need to make sure that no pair of marbles
is checked for collisions with each other more than once. The key to making
this work is to use a nested for loop and to start the counter of the inner
loop by one greater than the outer loop. Here’s some example code that
using the movingCircleCollision method to make an array of marbles bounce off
each other (the marble sprites are in an array called

for (let i = 0; i < marbles.children.length; i++) {

  //The first marble to use in the collision check
  var c1 = marbles.children[i];
  for (let j = i + 1; j < marbles.children.length; j++) {

    //The second marble to use in the collision check
    let c2 = marbles.children[j];

    //Check for a collision and bounce the marbles apart if they collide
    movingCircleCollision(c1, c2);

You can see that the inner loop starts at a number that’s one greater than the outer loop:

let j = i + 1

This prevents any pair of objects from being checked for collisions more than once.

The Bump library also has a convenience method called
multipleCircleCollision that automates this entire nested for loop for you.
You can use it in a game loop to check all the sprites in an array with all the
other sprites in the same array, without duplication. Use it like this:


It will automatically call movingCircleCollision on each pair of sprites to make
them bounce off one another. You now know most of the important techniques you need
to make a wide range of games using circular sprites.


To find out whether two rectangular sprites are overlapping, use a function called

hitTestRectangle(rectangle1, rectangle2)

hitTestRectangle returns true if the rectangles overlap, and
false if they don't. You can use it in a simple collision test like

if (hitTestRectangle(rectangle1, rectangle2)) {
  //The rectangles are touching
} else {
  //They're not touching


rectangleCollision make the rectangles behave as though they have
solid mass. It prevents any of the rectangular sprites in its first
two arguments from overlapping:

rectangleCollision(rectangle1, rectangle2)

rectangleCollision also returns a string, whose value may be "left",
"right", "top", or "bottom", that tells you which side of the first
rectangle touched the second rectangle. You can assign the return
value to a variable and use the information in your game. Here’s how:

let collision = rectangleCollision(rectangle1, rectangle2);

//On which side of rectangle1 is the collision occuring?
switch (collision) {
  case "left":
    message.text = "Collision on left";
  case "right":
    message.text = "Collision on right";
  case "top":
    message.text = "Collision on top";
  case "bottom":
    message.text = "Collision on bottom";
    message.text = "No collision...";

collision has a default value of undefined.
This example code will prevent the rectangles from overlapping and
displays the collision side in a text sprite called message.

The rectangleCollision method has a very useful side effect.
The second sprite in the argument has the ability to push the first
sprite out of the way. If you need to add a block-pushing or
tile-sliding feature to a game, use this feature.

rectangleCollision has a third, optional Boolean argument, bounce:

rectangleCollision(rectangle1, rectangle2, true)

If bounce is true, it makes the first sprite bounce off the second
sprite when they collide. Its default value is false. (As with the all
the other collision methods, you should set the final optional argument,
global, to true if you want to use the sprites’ global coordinates.)


hitTestCircleRectangle checks for a collision between a circular and
rectangular sprite. The first argument is the circular sprite, and the
second is the rectangular sprite:

let collision = hitTestCircleRectangle(ball, box);

If they’re touching, the return value (collision) will tell you where
the circle is hitting the rectangle. It can have the value "topLeft",
"topMiddle", "topRight", "leftMiddle", "rightMiddle", "bottomLeft",
"bottomMiddle", or "bottomRight". If there’s no collision it will be


Use circleRectangleCollision to make a circle bounce off a square’s sides or corners:

circleRectangleCollision(ball, box, true);

Setting the optional third argument to true makes the sprites bounce apart,
and setting the fourth argument to true tells the method to use the
sprites’ global coordinates.


contain can be used to contain a sprite with x and
y properties inside a rectangular area.

The contain function takes four arguments: a sprite with x and y
properties, an object literal with x, y, width and height properties. The
third argument is a Boolean (true/false) value that determines if the sprite
should bounce when it hits the edge of the container. The fourth argument
is an extra user-defined callback function that you can call when the
sprite hits the container. (Only the first two arguments are required.)

contain(anySprite, {x: 0, y: 0, width: 512, height: 512}, true, callbackFunction);

The code above will contain the sprite's position inside the 512 by
512 pixel area defined by the object. If the sprite hits the edges of
the container, it will bounce. The callBackFunction will run if
there's a collision.

An additional feature of the contain method is that if the sprite
has a mass property, that value will be used to dampen the sprite's bounce
in a natural looking way.

If the sprite bumps into any of the containing object's boundaries,
the contain function will return a Set of string values that tells you which side
the sprite bumped into: “left”, “top”, “right” or “bottom”. Here's how
you could keep the sprite contained and also find out which boundary
it hit:

//Contain the sprite and find the collision value
let collision = contain(anySprite, {x: 0, y: 0, width: 512, height: 512});

//If there's a collision, display the boundary that the collision happened on
if(collision) {
  if collision.has("left") console.log("The sprite hit the left");  
  if collision.has("top") console.log("The sprite hit the top");  
  if collision.has("right") console.log("The sprite hit the right");  
  if collision.has("bottom") console.log("The sprite hit the bottom");  

If the sprite doesn't hit a boundary, the value of
collision will be undefined.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ccEupho/p/16885486.html


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