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GL-Making big decisions

时间:2022-11-10 00:13:50浏览次数:56  
标签:do what get career your Making GL decisions him

2022.11.09 Wednesday


Making big decisions

A counselor (顾问) is someone who gives advice or guidance,for example about career choice.

Practice giving advice and helping your classmate make an important decision.

Lesson aim

by the end of this lesson,you will be able to use decision-making idioms and fixed phrases to draw conclusions.

Welcome to class Donghai L.I see you are listening today.Feel free to participate when you are read and do not hesitate to ask me any questions.

How do you influence others?

A leader is best when people barely know she exists.When her work is done,her aim fulfilled,they will say:"We did it ourselves"

What could you say to help them understand their own goals?

The best leaders are able to guide others.Imagine you are trying to help a colleague make a career decision.


Ask him some questions to help him understand what he wants most now. If he wants to get what he wants, what should he do most now.


Or guide him to what is most important to him now, and encourage him to do something to realize his idea.


I get the feeling that..

I would say that...

I assume that...

I suspect that...

I get the impression that...

It appears to me that..

it's obvious to me that

You are a career counselor.Help these people find their career paths.

what other decision-marking idioms

follow your heart

think long and hard

look at the bigger picture

take a calculated risk

make up your mind

Now try using the idioms to give advice to your colleague.

My mind is made up, I'm going to learn English, so that I can go to Australia and nothing can stop me!

You are a career counselor.Help these people find their career paths.

I get the feeling that your like animals.

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16875667.html


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