标签:jhsdb java 17 MB -- 内存 jmap connect
Java 17
Windows 11
运行了一个 java程序,基于 Java 17 的。
在使用 jmap 查看堆内存分配时,出现了错误:
>jmap -heap 8400 Error: -heap option used Cannot connect to core dump or remote debug server. Use jhsdb jmap instead |
提示使用 jhsdb jamp 替代。ben发布于博客园
jhsdb 帮助信息
>jhsdb --help
>jhsdb --help clhsdb command line debugger hsdb ui debugger debugd --help to get more information jstack --help to get more information jmap --help to get more information jinfo --help to get more information jsnap --help to get more information |
注意,这里有 jmap、jstack、jinfo 等 子命令。
jhsdb jmap 帮助信息
>jhsdb jmap --helpben发布于博客园
>jhsdb jmap --help <no option> To print same info as Solaris pmap. --heap To print java heap summary. --binaryheap To dump java heap in hprof binary format. --dumpfile <name> The name of the dump file. Only valid with --binaryheap. --gz <1-9> The compression level for gzipped dump file. Only valid with --binaryheap. --histo To print histogram of java object heap. --clstats To print class loader statistics. --finalizerinfo To print information on objects awaiting finalization. --pid <pid> To attach to and operate on the given live process. --core <corefile> To operate on the given core file. --exe <executable for corefile> --connect [<serverid>@]<host>[:registryport][/servername] To connect to a remote debug server (debugd).
The --core and --exe options must be set together to give the core file, and associated executable, to operate on. They can use absolute or relative paths. The --pid option can be set to operate on a live process. The --connect option can be set to connect to a debug server (debugd). --core, --pid, and --connect are mutually exclusive.
Examples: jhsdb jmap --pid 1234 or jhsdb jmap --core ./core.1234 --exe ./myexe or jhsdb jmap --connect serverid@debugserver:1234/servername
jhsdb jmap 查看堆信息
错误命令:没有 --pid
>jhsdb jmap --heap 8400 SA agent option related exception occurred: You have to set --pid or --exe or --connect. sun.jvm.hotspot.SAGetoptException: You have to set --pid or --exe or --connect. at jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.SALauncher.buildAttachArgs(SALauncher.java:178) at jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.SALauncher.runJMAP(SALauncher.java:340) at jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.SALauncher.main(SALauncher.java:500) <no option> To print same info as Solaris pmap.
>jhsdb jmap --heap --pid 8400 Attaching to process ID 8400, please wait... Debugger attached successfully. Server compiler detected. JVM version is 17.0.10+13-LTS
using thread-local object allocation. Garbage-First (G1) GC with 8 thread(s)
Heap Configuration: MinHeapFreeRatio = 40 MaxHeapFreeRatio = 70 MaxHeapSize = 2118123520 (2020.0MB) NewSize = 1363144 (1.2999954223632812MB) MaxNewSize = 1270874112 (1212.0MB) OldSize = 5452592 (5.1999969482421875MB) NewRatio = 2 SurvivorRatio = 8 MetaspaceSize = 22020096 (21.0MB) CompressedClassSpaceSize = 1073741824 (1024.0MB) MaxMetaspaceSize = 17592186044415 MB G1HeapRegionSize = 1048576 (1.0MB)
Heap Usage: G1 Heap: regions = 2020 capacity = 2118123520 (2020.0MB) used = 75820528 (72.30809020996094MB) free = 2042302992 (1947.691909790039MB) 3.5796084262356898% used G1 Young Generation: Eden Space: regions = 45 capacity = 54525952 (52.0MB) used = 47185920 (45.0MB) free = 7340032 (7.0MB) 86.53846153846153% used Survivor Space: regions = 3 capacity = 4194304 (4.0MB) used = 3507696 (3.3451995849609375MB) free = 686608 (0.6548004150390625MB) 83.62998962402344% used G1 Old Generation: regions = 25 capacity = 38797312 (37.0MB) used = 25126912 (23.962890625MB) free = 13670400 (13.037109375MB) 64.76456925675676% used
“JHSDB,即 Java HotSpot Serviceability Debugger,是OpenJDK提供的一款强大的进程外调试工具。”
“JHSDB虽然是JDK 9中才正式提供,但之前已经以sa-jdi.jar包里面的HSDB(可视化工 具)和CLHSDB(命令行工具)的形式存在了很长一段时间。它们两个都是JDK的正式成员,随着JDK一同发布,无须独立下载,使用也是完全免费的。”
2024.04.15 15:09
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/luo630/p/18438911