首页 > 系统相关 >必趣CB1核心板、H616主控linux验证IO模拟I2C驱动DS1307时钟芯片


时间:2024-09-14 11:36:54浏览次数:1  
标签:scl H616 struct DS1307 主控 必趣 gpiod line sda

使用了#include <gpiod.h>内部库作为IO驱动

`#ifndef __DS1307_H

define __DS1307_H

define NUM_LEDS 21 // 控制4个GPIO引脚

define CHIPNAME "gpiochip0" // GPIO 芯片的名称

define WRITE_CMD 0x00

define READ_CMD 0x01

define DEV_ADDR 0xD0//器件地址,0x68<<1

define DS1307_I2C_ADDR 0x68

define DS1307_REG_SECOND 0x00

define DS1307_REG_MINUTE 0x01

define DS1307_REG_HOUR 0x02

define DS1307_REG_DOW 0x03

define DS1307_REG_DATE 0x04

define DS1307_REG_MONTH 0x05

define DS1307_REG_YEAR 0x06

define DS1307_REG_CONTROL 0x07

define DS1307_REG_UTC_HR 0x08

define DS1307_REG_UTC_MIN 0x09

define DS1307_REG_CENT 0x10

define DS1307_REG_RAM 0x11

define DS1307_TIMEOUT 1000

uint16_t DS1307_GetYear(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
uint8_t DS1307_GetDay(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
uint8_t DS1307_GetMonth(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
uint8_t DS1307_GetDate(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
uint8_t DS1307_GetHour(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
uint8_t DS1307_GetHourMode(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_SetHourMode(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t mode);
void DS1307_SetAMPM(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t data);
uint8_t DS1307_GetAMPM(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
uint8_t DS1307_GetMinute(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
uint8_t DS1307_GetSecond(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_SetYear(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint16_t year);
void DS1307_SetDay(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t day);
void DS1307_SetMonth(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t month);
void DS1307_SetDate(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t date);
void DS1307_SetHour(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t hour);
void DS1307_SetMinute(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t min);
void DS1307_SetSecond(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t sec);
bool DS1307_ReadHaltFlag(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_SetHaltFlag(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_ClearHaltFlag(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_SQWEnable(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_SQWDisable(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_SetSqureWaveFreq(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl,uint8_t rate);
void DS1307_OutHigh(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_OutLow(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);
void DS1307_Init(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl);


`#include <stdio.h>

include <stdlib.h>

include <string.h>

include <sys/types.h>

include <unistd.h>

include <stdio.h>

include <fcntl.h>

include <sys/socket.h>

include <sys/time.h>

include <errno.h>

include <wiringPi.h>

include <termios.h>

include <time.h>

include <sys/syscall.h>

include <signal.h>

include <sys/wait.h>

include <gpiod.h>

define TRUE 1

define FALSE 0

define ML302_PWR_IO 21

define ML302_RESET_IO 7

ifndef BOOL

typedef int BOOL;


typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef const char cint8_t;

typedef signed short int16_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;

typedef unsigned int uint32_t;


  • I2C驱动函数

  • I2C驱动函数

  • I2C驱动函数
    //延迟函数,控制 I2C 速度
    static void i2c_delay(void) {
    usleep(1000); // 可以根据需要调整
    // 设置 SDA 和 SCL 的电平
    static void set_gpio_value(struct gpiod_line *line, int value) {
    gpiod_line_set_value(line, value);
    // I2C 起始信号
    static void i2c_start(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl) {
    set_gpio_value(sda, 1);
    set_gpio_value(scl, 1);
    set_gpio_value(sda, 0); // SDA 拉低,开始信号
    set_gpio_value(scl, 0); // SCL 拉低,准备传输
    // I2C 结束信号
    static void i2c_stop(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl) {
    set_gpio_value(sda, 0);
    set_gpio_value(scl, 1);
    set_gpio_value(sda, 1); // SDA 拉高,停止信号
    // 等待从设备发送 ACK 信号
    static int i2c_wait_ack(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl) {
    int ack;
    uint16_t wait_time=0;

    gpiod_line_request_input(sda, "i2c_read"); // 设置 SDA 为输入模式

    if (wait_time>=200)
    printf("i2c_wait_ack no recv\r\n");
    ack = 1;
    ack = gpiod_line_get_value(sda); // 读取 ACK 位
    set_gpio_value(scl, 1); // 拉高时钟
    set_gpio_value(scl, 0); // 拉低时钟

    gpiod_line_request_output(sda, "sda", 1);//设置 SDA 为输入模式
    return ack;
    // 发送 NACK 信号
    static void i2c_send_nack(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl) {
    gpiod_line_request_output(sda, "i2c", 1); // 设置 SDA 为输出模式
    set_gpio_value(sda, 1); // 发送 NACK (SDA 为高电平)
    set_gpio_value(scl, 1); // 拉高时钟
    set_gpio_value(scl, 0); // 拉低时钟
    // I2C 写入 1 位数据
    static void i2c_write_bit(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl, int bit) {
    set_gpio_value(sda, bit);
    set_gpio_value(scl, 1); // 时钟线拉高,数据稳定传输
    set_gpio_value(scl, 0); // 时钟线拉低,准备下一位
    // I2C 写入 1 字节数据
    static void i2c_write_byte(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl, unsigned char byte) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    i2c_write_bit(sda, scl, (byte & 0x80) != 0); // 最高位先发送
    byte <<= 1;
    // I2C 读取 1 位数据
    static int i2c_read_bit(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl) {
    int bit;

    gpiod_line_request_input(sda, "i2c_read"); // 设置 SDA 为输入模式

    set_gpio_value(scl, 1); // 拉高时钟
    bit = gpiod_line_get_value(sda); // 读取 SDA 线的电平
    set_gpio_value(scl, 0); // 拉低时钟

    gpiod_line_request_output(sda, "sda", 0);

    return bit;
    // I2C 读取 1 字节数据
    static unsigned char i2c_read_byte(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl) {
    unsigned char byte = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    byte <<= 1;
    byte |= i2c_read_bit(sda, scl);
    return byte;

  • DS1307驱动函数

  • DS1307驱动函数

  • DS1307驱动函数

  • @brief Decodes the raw binary value stored in registers to decimal format.

  • @param bin Binary-coded decimal value retrieved from register, 0 to 255.

  • @return Decoded decimal value.
    static uint8_t BCDToDec(uint8_t bin) {


return (((bin & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10) + (bin & 0x0f);


unsigned char temp;




  • @brief Encodes a decimal number to binaty-coded decimal for storage in registers.
  • @param dec Decimal number to encode.
  • @return Encoded binary-coded decimal value.
    static uint8_t DecToBCD(uint8_t dec) {
    return ((dec % 10) + ((dec / 10) << 4));
  • 函 数 名: uint8_t DS1307_Read(sda,scl,uint8_t address)
  • 功能说明: 向DS1307寄存器读取数据
  • 形 参:寄存器地址
  • 返 回 值: 读出的数据
    static uint8_t DS1307_Read(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t address)
    uint8_t dat;
    i2c_start(sda, scl);
    i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,DEV_ADDR | WRITE_CMD);//器件寻址+写
    if(i2c_wait_ack(sda, scl) == 1)
    printf("i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,0xd0) nonono\r\n");//
    i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,address);//发送寄存器地址
    if(i2c_wait_ack(sda, scl) == 1)
    printf("i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,address) nonono\r\n");//
    i2c_stop(sda, scl);
    i2c_start(sda, scl);//重新启动IIC总线
    i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,0xd1); //发送设备地址,读指令m
    if(i2c_wait_ack(sda, scl) == 1)
    printf("i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,0xd1) nonono\r\n");//
    dat=i2c_read_byte(sda, scl); //读一个字节数据
    i2c_send_nack(sda, scl);
    i2c_stop(sda, scl);
    return dat;

  • 函 数 名: DS1307_Write(uint8_t address , uint8_t dat)
  • 功能说明: 向DS1307寄存器写数据
  • 形 参:address:寄存器地址,dat:要写入的数据
  • 返 回 值: 无

static void DS1307_Write(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl, uint8_t address , uint8_t dat)
i2c_start(sda, scl);
i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,DEV_ADDR | WRITE_CMD);//器件寻址+写
if(i2c_wait_ack(sda, scl) == 1)
printf("i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,DEV_ADDR | WRITE_CMD) nonono\r\n");//
i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,address);//发送寄存器地址
if(i2c_wait_ack(sda, scl) == 1)
printf("i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,address) nonono\r\n");//
i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,dat);//写一个字节数据
if(i2c_wait_ack(sda, scl) == 1)
printf("i2c_write_byte(sda, scl,dat) nonono\r\n");//
i2c_stop(sda, scl);

  • 函数名:DS1307_GetYear
  • 功 能:获取年份
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:年份,十进制
  • 说 明:将BCD码转为十进制
    uint16_t DS1307_GetYear(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint16_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_YEAR);
    return BCDToDec(temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetDay
  • 功 能:获取星期几
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:星期几,十进制,1~7
  • 说 明:无
    uint8_t DS1307_GetDay(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_DOW);
    return BCDToDec(temp & 0x07);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetMonth
  • 功 能:获取月份
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:月份,十进制,1~12
  • 说 明:无
    uint8_t DS1307_GetMonth(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_MONTH);
    return BCDToDec(temp & 0x1F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetDate
  • 功 能:获取日期
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:日,十进制,1~31
  • 说 明:无
    uint8_t DS1307_GetDate(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_DATE);
    return BCDToDec(temp & 0x3F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetHour
  • 功 能:获取小时
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:小时,十进制,112或023
  • 说 明:返回的值需要结合小时模式及AM/PM位区分具体时间
    uint8_t DS1307_GetHour(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR);
    if ((temp & 0x40) == 0x40)//12小时模式
    return BCDToDec(temp & 0x1F);
    return BCDToDec(temp & 0x3F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetHourMode
  • 功 能:获取小时模式
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:0,24小时模式,1,12小时模式
  • 说 明:bit6
    uint8_t DS1307_GetHourMode(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR);
    temp &= 0x40;
    return (temp >> 6);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetHourMode
  • 功 能:设置小时模式
  • 参 数:mode,0,24小时模式,1,12小时模式
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:bit6,datasheet要求,更改模式时,小时必须重新初始化,
    void DS1307_SetHourMode(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t mode)
    uint8_t hour = 0;//原时间
    uint8_t temp = 0;//原模式
    uint8_t reg = 0;//写入寄存器的值
    temp = DS1307_GetHourMode(sda,scl);
    if (mode != temp)//修改模式
    reg |= ((mode & 0x01) << 6);//模式在bit6
    hour = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR);;//读取原寄存器的值,保存原时间
    if (mode == 0)//改为24小时模式,之前是12小时模式,先判断AM/PM
    if ((hour & 0x20) == 0x20)//bit5,1=PM
    hour &= 0x1F;//提取0~4位的时间
    hour = BCDToDec(hour);//BCD转为十进制
    hour += 12;
    reg |= DecToBCD(hour);//BCD
    hour &= 0x1F;//提取0~4位的时间
    reg |= hour;
    hour &= 0x3F;
    hour = BCDToDec(hour);//BCD转为十进制
    if (hour > 12)//PM
    hour -= 12;
    reg |= DecToBCD(hour);//BCD
    reg |= 0x20;//bit5置1
    reg |= DecToBCD(hour);//BCD
    reg &= 0xDF;//bit5置0
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR, reg);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetAMPM
  • 功 能:设置AM/PM模式
  • 参 数:data,0为AM上午,1为PM下午
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:小时寄存器bit5,须在12小时模式下使用
    void DS1307_SetAMPM(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t data)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR);//先把原数据读出
    (data == 0) ? (temp &= 0xDF) : (temp |= 0x20);
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetAMPM
  • 功 能:读取AM/PM模式
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:0为AM上午,1为PM下午
  • 说 明:小时寄存器bit5,须在12小时模式下使用
    uint8_t DS1307_GetAMPM(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR);
    return ((temp & 0x20) >> 5);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetMinute
  • 功 能:获取分钟
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:分钟,十进制,0~59
  • 说 明:无
    uint8_t DS1307_GetMinute(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_MINUTE);
    return BCDToDec(temp & 0x7F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_GetSecond
  • 功 能:获取秒
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:秒,十进制,0~59
  • 说 明:无
    uint8_t DS1307_GetSecond(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_SECOND);
    return BCDToDec(temp & 0x7F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetYear
  • 功 能:写入年份
  • 参 数:year:年份,十进制,2000~2099
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:将十进制转为BCD码
    void DS1307_SetYear(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint16_t year)
    uint8_t temp = DecToBCD(year);
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_YEAR, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetDay
  • 功 能:写入星期几
  • 参 数:day:星期几,1~7
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:无
    void DS1307_SetDay(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t day)
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_DOW, day & 0x07);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetMonth
  • 功 能:写入月份
  • 参 数:month:月份,1~12
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:转为BCD码
    void DS1307_SetMonth(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t month)
    uint8_t temp = DecToBCD(month);
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_MONTH, temp & 0x1F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetDate
  • 功 能:写入日
  • 参 数:date:日,1~31
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:无
    void DS1307_SetDate(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t date)
    uint8_t temp = DecToBCD(date);
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_DATE, temp & 0x3F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetHour
  • 功 能:写入小时
  • 参 数:hour:小时,112或023
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:无
    void DS1307_SetHour(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t hour)
    uint8_t temp = DecToBCD(hour);
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_HOUR, temp & 0x3F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetMinute
  • 功 能:写入分钟
  • 参 数:min:分钟,0~59
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:无
    void DS1307_SetMinute(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t min)
    uint8_t temp = DecToBCD(min);
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_MINUTE, temp & 0x7F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetSecond
  • 功 能:写入秒
  • 参 数:sec:秒,0~59
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:无
    void DS1307_SetSecond(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t sec)
    uint8_t temp = DecToBCD(sec);
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_SECOND, temp & 0x7F);
  • 函数名:DS1307_ReadHaltFlag
  • 功 能:读Halt标志
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:无
    bool DS1307_ReadHaltFlag(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    bool temp = 0;
    temp = ((DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_SECOND) & 0x80) == 0x80) ? 1 : 0;
    return temp;
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetHaltFlag
  • 功 能:Halt标志置1
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:先读80寄存器,再写入CH位
    void DS1307_SetHaltFlag(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_GetSecond(sda,scl);
    temp |= 0x80;
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_SECOND, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_ClearHaltFlag
  • 功 能:Halt标志置0
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:先读80寄存器,再写入CH位,该位为0,时钟才开始工作
    void DS1307_ClearHaltFlag(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_GetSecond(sda,scl);
    temp &= 0x7F;
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_SECOND, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SQWEnable
  • 功 能:使能方波输出
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:bit4写1
    void DS1307_SQWEnable(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL);
    temp |= 0x10;
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SQWDisable
  • 功 能:禁止方波输出
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:bit4写0
    void DS1307_SQWDisable(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL);
    temp &= 0xEF;
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_SetSqureWaveFreq
  • 功 能:设置方波频率
  • 参 数:rate:0,1Hz;1,4.096kHz;2,8.192kHz;3,32.768kHz
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:已经使能方波输出的情况下使用,设置RS0/RS1即bit0/bit1位
    void DS1307_SetSqureWaveFreq(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl,uint8_t rate)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL);
    rate &= 0x03;
    switch (rate)
    case 0: temp &= 0xFC; break;//1Hz
    case 1: temp &= 0xFD; temp |=0x01; break;//4.096kHz
    case 2: temp |= 0x02; temp &=0xFE; break;//8.192kHz
    case 3: temp |= 0x03; break;//32.768kHz
    default: break;
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_OutHigh
  • 功 能:Out引脚输出高电平
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:bit7写1,在禁止方波输出的情况下使用
    void DS1307_OutHigh(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL);
    temp |= 0x80;
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_OutLow
  • 功 能:Out引脚输出低电平
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:bit7写0,在禁止方波输出的情况下使用
    void DS1307_OutLow(struct gpiod_line sda, struct gpiod_line scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL);
    temp &= 0x7F;
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,DS1307_REG_CONTROL, temp);
  • 函数名:DS1307_Init
  • 功 能:初始化时钟芯片
  • 参 数:无
  • 返回值:无
  • 说 明:
    void DS1307_Init(struct gpiod_line *sda, struct gpiod_line *scl)
    uint8_t temp = 0;
    temp = DS1307_Read(sda,scl,0x08);//读RAM第一字节
    if (temp != 0x5A)//不正确,重新初始化
    DS1307_Write(sda,scl,0x08, 0x5A);//写入0x5A


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct gpiod_line *sda, *scl;
// 打开 GPIO 芯片
struct gpiod_chip *chip = gpiod_chip_open_by_name(CHIPNAME);
if (!chip) {
perror("Open gpiochip failed");
return 1;

scl = gpiod_chip_get_line(chip, 76);
sda = gpiod_chip_get_line(chip, 75);
if (!scl || !sda) {
	perror("Get GPIO line failed");
	return 1;
if ((gpiod_line_request_output(scl, "scl", 0) < 0) || (gpiod_line_request_output(sda, "sda", 0) < 0)) {
	perror("Request GPIO as output failed");
	return 1;


DS1307_Write(sda,scl,0x08, 0x5A);//写入0x5A  

while (1) {
	printf("getyear = [%d]\r\n",DS1307_GetYear(sda,scl));//24
	printf("getmonth = [%d]\r\n",DS1307_GetMonth(sda,scl));//1
	printf("getday = [%d]\r\n",DS1307_GetDate(sda,scl));//31
	printf("gethour = [%d]\r\n",DS1307_GetHour(sda,scl));//23
	printf("getminute = [%d]\r\n",DS1307_GetMinute(sda,scl));//18
	printf("getsecond = [%d]\r\n",DS1307_GetSecond(sda,scl));//1
	printf("getweek = [%d]\r\n",DS1307_GetDay(sda,scl));//3

// 释放 GPIO
return 0;




From: https://www.cnblogs.com/embedded-jee/p/18413615


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