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时间:2024-04-03 17:23:12浏览次数:13  
标签:function 泄漏 usage variable 内存 cpp using pointer condition



  • 64-bit portability:
    Check if there is 64-bit portability issues:

    • assign address to/from int/long
    • casting address from/to integer when returning from function
  • Assert:
    Warn if there are side effects in assert statements (since this cause different behaviour in debug/release builds).

  • Auto Variables:
    A pointer to a variable is only valid as long as the variable is in scope.

    • returning a pointer to auto or temporary variable
    • assigning address of an variable to an effective parameter of a function
    • returning reference to local/temporary variable
    • returning address of function parameter
    • suspicious assignment of pointer argument
    • useless assignment of function argument
  • Boolean:
    Boolean type checks

    • using increment on boolean
    • comparison of a boolean expression with an integer other than 0 or 1
    • comparison of a function returning boolean value using relational operator
    • comparison of a boolean value with boolean value using relational operator
    • using bool in bitwise expression
    • pointer addition in condition (either dereference is forgot or pointer overflow is required to make the condition false)
    • Assigning bool value to pointer or float
    • Returning an integer other than 0 or 1 from a function with boolean return value
  • Boost usage:
    Check for invalid usage of Boost:

    • container modification during BOOST_FOREACH
  • Bounds checking:
    Out of bounds checking:

    • Array index out of bounds
    • Pointer arithmetic overflow
    • Buffer overflow
    • Dangerous usage of strncat()
    • Using array index before checking it
    • Partial string write that leads to buffer that is not zero terminated.
    • Check for large enough arrays being passed to functions
  • Check function usage:
    Check function usage:

    • missing 'return' in non-void function
    • return value of certain functions not used
    • invalid input values for functions
    • Warn if a function is called whose usage is discouraged
    • memset() third argument is zero
    • memset() with a value out of range as the 2nd parameter
    • memset() with a float as the 2nd parameter
    • copy elision optimization for returning value affected by std::move
  • Class:
    Check the code for each class.

    • Missing constructors and copy constructors
    • Constructors which should be explicit
    • Are all variables initialized by the constructors?
    • Are all variables assigned by 'operator='?
    • Warn if memset, memcpy etc are used on a class
    • Warn if memory for classes is allocated with malloc()
    • If it's a base class, check that the destructor is virtual
    • Are there unused private functions?
    • 'operator=' should check for assignment to self
    • Constness for member functions
    • Order of initializations
    • Suggest usage of initialization list
    • Initialization of a member with itself
    • Suspicious subtraction from 'this'
    • Call of pure virtual function in constructor/destructor
    • Duplicated inherited data members
    • Check that arbitrary usage of public interface does not result in division by zero
    • Delete "self pointer" and then access 'this'
    • Check that the 'override' keyword is used when overriding virtual functions
    • Check that the 'one definition rule' is not violated
  • Condition:
    Match conditions with assignments and other conditions:

    • Mismatching assignment and comparison => comparison is always true/false
    • Mismatching lhs and rhs in comparison => comparison is always true/false
    • Detect usage of | where & should be used
    • Duplicate condition and assignment
    • Detect matching 'if' and 'else if' conditions
    • Mismatching bitand (a &= 0xf0; a &= 1; => a = 0)
    • Opposite inner condition is always false
    • Identical condition after early exit is always false
    • Condition that is always true/false
    • Mutual exclusion over || always evaluating to true
    • Comparisons of modulo results that are always true/false.
    • Known variable values => condition is always true/false
    • Invalid test for overflow. Some mainstream compilers remove such overflow tests when optimising code.
    • Suspicious assignment of container/iterator in condition => condition is always true.
  • Exception Safety:
    Checking exception safety

    • Throwing exceptions in destructors
    • Throwing exception during invalid state
    • Throwing a copy of a caught exception instead of rethrowing the original exception
    • Exception caught by value instead of by reference
    • Throwing exception in noexcept, nothrow(), attribute((nothrow)) or __declspec(nothrow) function
    • Unhandled exception specification when calling function foo()
    • Rethrow without currently handled exception
  • IO using format string:
    Check format string input/output operations.

    • Bad usage of the function 'sprintf' (overlapping data)
    • Missing or wrong width specifiers in 'scanf' format string
    • Use a file that has been closed
    • File input/output without positioning results in undefined behaviour
    • Read to a file that has only been opened for writing (or vice versa)
    • Repositioning operation on a file opened in append mode
    • The same file can't be open for read and write at the same time on different streams
    • Using fflush() on an input stream
    • Invalid usage of output stream. For example: 'std::cout << std::cout;'
    • Wrong number of arguments given to 'printf' or 'scanf;'
  • Leaks (auto variables):
    Detect when a auto variable is allocated but not deallocated or deallocated twice.

  • Memory leaks (address not taken):
    Not taking the address to allocated memory

  • Memory leaks (class variables):
    If the constructor allocate memory then the destructor must deallocate it.

  • Memory leaks (function variables):
    Is there any allocated memory when a function goes out of scope

  • Memory leaks (struct members):
    Don't forget to deallocate struct members

  • Null pointer:
    Null pointers

    • null pointer dereferencing
    • undefined null pointer arithmetic
  • Other:
    Other checks

    • division with zero
    • scoped object destroyed immediately after construction
    • assignment in an assert statement
    • free() or delete of an invalid memory location
    • bitwise operation with negative right operand
    • provide wrong dimensioned array to pipe() system command (--std=posix)
    • cast the return values of getc(),fgetc() and getchar() to character and compare it to EOF
    • race condition with non-interlocked access after InterlockedDecrement() call
    • expression 'x = x++;' depends on order of evaluation of side effects
    • overlapping write of union
    • either division by zero or useless condition
    • access of moved or forwarded variable.
    • redundant data copying for const variable
    • subsequent assignment or copying to a variable or buffer
    • passing parameter by value
    • Passing NULL pointer to function with variable number of arguments leads to UB.
    • C-style pointer cast in C++ code
    • casting between incompatible pointer types
    • Incomplete statement
    • check how signed char variables are used
    • variable scope can be limited
    • unusual pointer arithmetic. For example: "abc" + 'd'
    • redundant assignment, increment, or bitwise operation in a switch statement
    • redundant strcpy in a switch statement
    • Suspicious case labels in switch()
    • assignment of a variable to itself
    • Comparison of values leading always to true or false
    • Clarify calculation with parentheses
    • suspicious comparison of '\0' with a char* variable
    • duplicate break statement
    • unreachable code
    • testing if unsigned variable is negative/positive
    • Suspicious use of ; at the end of 'if/for/while' statement.
    • Array filled incompletely using memset/memcpy/memmove.
    • NaN (not a number) value used in arithmetic expression.
    • comma in return statement (the comma can easily be misread as a semicolon).
    • prefer erfc, expm1 or log1p to avoid loss of precision.
    • identical code in both branches of if/else or ternary operator.
    • redundant pointer operation on pointer like &*some_ptr.
    • find unused 'goto' labels.
    • function declaration and definition argument names different.
    • function declaration and definition argument order different.
    • shadow variable.
    • variable can be declared const.
    • calculating modulo of one.
    • known function argument, suspicious calculation.
  • STL usage:
    Check for invalid usage of STL:

    • out of bounds errors
    • misuse of iterators when iterating through a container
    • mismatching containers in calls
    • same iterators in calls
    • dereferencing an erased iterator
    • for vectors: using iterator/pointer after push_back has been used
    • optimisation: use empty() instead of size() to guarantee fast code
    • suspicious condition when using find
    • unnecessary searching in associative containers
    • redundant condition
    • common mistakes when using string::c_str()
    • useless calls of string and STL functions
    • dereferencing an invalid iterator
    • reading from empty STL container
    • iterating over an empty STL container
    • consider using an STL algorithm instead of raw loop
    • incorrect locking with mutex
  • Sizeof:
    sizeof() usage checks

    • sizeof for array given as function argument
    • sizeof for numeric given as function argument
    • using sizeof(pointer) instead of the size of pointed data
    • look for 'sizeof sizeof ..'
    • look for calculations inside sizeof()
    • look for function calls inside sizeof()
    • look for suspicious calculations with sizeof()
    • using 'sizeof(void)' which is undefined
  • String:
    Detect misusage of C-style strings:

    • overlapping buffers passed to sprintf as source and destination
    • incorrect length arguments for 'substr' and 'strncmp'
    • suspicious condition (runtime comparison of string literals)
    • suspicious condition (string/char literals as boolean)
    • suspicious comparison of a string literal with a char* variable
    • suspicious comparison of '\0' with a char* variable
    • overlapping strcmp() expression
  • Type:
    Type checks

    • bitwise shift by too many bits (only enabled when --platform is used)
    • signed integer overflow (only enabled when --platform is used)
    • dangerous sign conversion, when signed value can be negative
    • possible loss of information when assigning int result to long variable
    • possible loss of information when returning int result as long return value
    • float conversion overflow
  • Uninitialized variables:
    Uninitialized variables

    • using uninitialized local variables
    • using allocated data before it has been initialized
  • Unused functions:
    Check for functions that are never called

  • UnusedVar:
    UnusedVar checks

    • unused variable
    • allocated but unused variable
    • unread variable
    • unassigned variable
    • unused struct member
  • Using postfix operators:
    Warn if using postfix operators ++ or -- rather than prefix operator

  • Vaarg:
    Check for misusage of variable argument lists:

    • Wrong parameter passed to va_start()
    • Reference passed to va_start()
    • Missing va_end()
    • Using va_list before it is opened
    • Subsequent calls to va_start/va_copy()


# 分析目录
cppcheck <path to dir>

# 分析单个文件
cppcheck <path to cpp file>


valgrind 是一个动态分析工具,包含memcheckcachegrind,massif等模块,可以用来检查内存使用,堆栈分析,CPU缓存操作等。


# 使用memcheck工具,需保证<program>带有符号信息,即`-g`编译
valgrind <program>


int main() {
  int *i = new int(9);
  std::cout << *i << std::endl;

  // delete i;




Sanitizers是Google发起的开源工具集,包括AddressSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, LeakSanitizer
Sanitizers 项目本是LLVM项目的一部分,但GNU也将该系列工具加入到了自家的GCC编译器中。


Sanitizer 用法示例 说明
AddressSanitizer gcc -fsanitize=address -g -o program program.c 检测内存错误,如使用未初始化的内存、内存泄漏、缓冲区溢出等。
ThreadSanitizer gcc -fsanitize=thread -g -o program program.c 检测多线程程序中的数据竞争问题。
MemorySanitizer gcc -fsanitize=memory -g -o program program.c 检测未初始化的内存访问。
UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSan) gcc -fsanitize=undefined -g -o program program.c 检测C/C++程序中的未定义行为。例如,整数溢出、空指针引用等。
LeakSanitizer (实验性) gcc -fsanitize=leak -g -o program program.c 检测内存泄漏。


set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer")


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ericling0529/p/18113147


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