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Top 50+ Linux Commands You MUST Know

时间:2023-10-07 10:50:40浏览次数:48  
标签:files Commands used Top 50 command Linux Command Display



Top 50 Linux Commands You Must Know as a Regular User

  1. ls - The most frequently used command in Linux to list directories
  2. pwd - Print working directory command in Linux
  3. cd - Linux command to navigate through directories
  4. mkdir - Command used to create directories in Linux
  5. mv - Move or rename files in Linux
  6. cp - Similar usage as mv but for copying files in Linux
  7. rm - Delete files or directories
  8. touch - Create blank/empty files
  9. ln - Create symbolic links (shortcuts) to other files
  10. cat - Display file contents on the terminal
  11. clear - Clear the terminal display
  12. echo - Print any text that follows the command
  13. less - Linux command to display paged outputs in the terminal
  14. man - Access manual pages for all Linux commands
  15. uname - Linux command to get basic information about the OS
  16. whoami - Get the active username
  17. tar - Command to extract and compress files in Linux
  18. grep - Search for a string within an output
  19. head - Return the specified number of lines from the top
  20. tail - Return the specified number of lines from the bottom
  21. diff - Find the difference between two files
  22. cmp - Allows you to check if two files are identical
  23. comm - Combines the functionality of diff and cmp
  24. sort - Linux command to sort the content of a file while outputting
  25. export - Export environment variables in Linux
  26. zip - Zip files in Linux
  27. unzip - Unzip files in Linux
  28. ssh - Secure Shell command in Linux
  29. service - Linux command to start and stop services
  30. ps - Display active processes
  31. kill and killall - Kill active processes by process ID or name
  32. df - Display disk filesystem information
  33. mount - Mount file systems in Linux
  34. chmod - Command to change file permissions
  35. chown - Command for granting ownership of files or folders
  36. ifconfig - Display network interfaces and IP addresses
  37. traceroute - Trace all the network hops to reach the destination
  38. wget - Direct download files from the internet
  39. ufw - Firewall command
  40. iptables - Base firewall for all other firewall utilities to interface with
  41. apt, pacman, yum, rpm - Package managers depending on the distro
  42. sudo - Command to escalate privileges in Linux
  43. cal - View a command-line calendar
  44. alias - Create custom shortcuts for your regularly used commands
  45. dd - Majorly used for creating bootable USB sticks
  46. whereis - Locate the binary, source, and manual pages for a command
  47. whatis - Find what a command is used for
  48. top - View active processes live with their system usage
  49. useradd and usermod - Add new user or change existing users data
  50. passwd - Create or update passwords for existing users

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/shoshana-kong/p/17745760.html


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