1. flameshot couldn't work properly. after running, it doesn't act to enable selecting area as expected, but pop out a frame and I need to click 'share' and then could select area.
I did two actions, 1. install the newest package; 2. disable wayland and reboot.
/etc/gdm3$ diff custom.conf custom.conf.original
< WaylandEnable=false
> #WaylandEnable=false
reference: https://flameshot.org/docs/guide/wayland-help/
2. add a 'start icon' for an application, here let's take IDEA as an example
add a file ended with .desktop under '/usr/share/applicaitons'
/usr/share/applications$ cat idea.desktop [Desktop Entry] Name=IDEA Terminal=false Type=Application Exec=[omit]/idea-IC-223.8836.41/bin/idea.sh Icon=[omit]/idea-IC-223.8836.41/bin/idea.svg
标签:assembly,problems,when,idea,desktop,wayland,flameshot,false,share From: https://www.cnblogs.com/highhill/p/17254534.html