/*create table f0810(
id number
,times varchar2(50));
insert into f0810 values(1,'2019-12-25 11:01');
insert into f0810 values(2,'2019-12-25 11:03');
insert into f0810 values(3,'2019-12-25 11:05');
insert into f0810 values(4,'2019-12-25 11:09');
insert into f0810 values(5,'2019-12-25 11:17');
insert into f0810 values(6,'2019-12-25 11:19');
insert into f0810 values(7,'2019-12-25 11:29');
insert into f0810 values(8,'2019-12-25 11:37');*/
select id,substr(to_char(times),-5,5) mi from f0810;
with tt as(
select sum(case when t.mi<'15' then 1 else 0 end) first,
sum(case when t.mi<'30' and t.mi > '15' then 1 else 0 end) second,
sum(case when t.mi>'30' then 1 else 0 end) third
from (select id,substr(to_char(times),-2) mi from f0810) t)
select '2019-12-25 11:15:00' "Times",first cnt from tt
union all
select '2019-12-25 11:15:00' ,second from tt
union all
select '2019-12-25 11:15:00' ,third from tt
with a as(
(select sum(case when mi<=15 then 1 end) "2019-12-25 11:g15",
sum(case when mi>15 and mi<=30 then 1 end) "2019-12-25 11:30",
sum(case when mi>30 and mi<=45 then 1 end) "2019-12-25 11:45"
(select id,substr(times,15) mi from f0810)))
select '2019-12-25 11:15:00' as times,"2019-12-25 11:15" as cnt from a
union all
select '2019-12-25 11:30:00',"2019-12-25 11:30" from a
union all
select '2019-12-25 11:45:00',"2019-12-25 11:45" from a
with ff as(
(select sum(case when s between 0 and 15 then 1 end) a,
sum(case when s between 16 and 30 then 1 end) b,
sum(case when s between 31 and 45 then 1 end) c
(select id,substr(times,instr(times,':')+1,2) s from f0810)))
select '2019-12-25 11:15:00' times,a cnt from ff
union all
select '2019-12-25 11:30:00',b from ff
union all
select '2019-12-25 11:45:00',c from ff
select * from user_indexes where table_name = 'EMP_BAK';
create index index_emp_bak_empno on emp_bak(empno);
create bitmap index index_emp_bak_job on emp_bak(job);
create index emp_bak_lower_ename on emp_bak(lower(ename));
create unique index index_unique_empno on emp_bak(empno);
create index index_empno_ename_job on emp_bak(empno,ename,job);
select * from user_indexes where table_name = 'DEPT_BAK';
create unique index index_dept_bak_dname on dept_bak(dname);
create index index_ename_deptno on emp_bak(ename,deptno);
create index index_sal on emp_bak(sal desc);
drop index index_sal;
--4.创建一个 只读 视图v_emp_salesman,内容是所有的SALESMAN信息:
create view v_emp_salesman
as select * from emp where job = 'SALESMAN'
with read only;
select * from v_emp_salesman
create view v_mg_salary
as select e2.ename,max(e1.sal) 最高薪水,min(e1.sal) 最低薪水
from emp e1
join emp e2 on e1.mgr = e2.empno group by e2.ename;
select * from v_mg_salary
create view v_dname_salary as
select d.dname,min(e.sal) 最低工资,max(e.sal) 最高工资,
avg(e.sal) 平均工资 from emp e
join dept d on d.deptno = e.deptno group by d.dname;
select * from v_dname_salary;
/*create table card( --借书卡
cno number --卡号
,name varchar2(30) --姓名
,class varchar2(30)); --班级
insert into card(cno, name, class)values(01, 'Tony','C01');
insert into card(cno, name, class)values(02, 'Jack', 'A02');
insert into card(cno, name, class)values(03, 'Lisa', 'B03');
insert into card(cno, name, class)values(04, 'TOM', 'B01');
insert into card(cno, name, class)values(05, 'JERRY', 'A03');
insert into card(cno, name, class)values(06, 'YIFAN', 'C02');*/
drop table borrow;
/*create table borrow( --借书记录。
cno number -- 借书卡号,
,bno number -- 书号,
,rdate date --借书日期
,getdate date); --还书日期
insert into borrow
values(01, 111, to_date('2022-09-25','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');
insert into borrow
values(01, 131, to_date('2022-09-25','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');
insert into borrow
values(03, 131, to_date('2022-05-24','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');
insert into borrow
values(03, 161, to_date('2022-05-24','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');
insert into borrow
values(04, 151, to_date('2022-04-13','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');
insert into borrow
values(04, 161, to_date('2022-04-13','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');
insert into borrow
values(05, 171, to_date('2022-12-23','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');
insert into borrow
values(06, 181, to_date('2022-08-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'');*/
/*create table bookss( --图书
bno number --书号
,bname varchar2(30) --书名
,author varchar2(30) --作者
,price varchar2(30) --单价
,quantity number); --库存册数
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(111, '水浒', 'qwe', '35', 5);
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(121, '网络安全', 'asd', '40', 3);
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(131, '计算方法', 'zxc', '78', 4);
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(141, '计算方法习题集', 'qaz', '24', 8);
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(151, '数据库技术及应用', 'wsx', '28', 6);
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(161, '组合数学', 'wsx', '56', 7);
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(171, '高等数学', 'edc', '99', 3);
insert into bookss(bno, bname, author, price, quantity)
values(181, '石岩水库', 'rfv', '47', 2);*/
select * from card;
select * from borrow;
select * from bookss;
alter table bookss add constraint bno_pri primary key(bno);
alter table card add constraint card_pri primary key(cno);
alter table borrow add constraint fk_bno foreign key(bno) references bookss;
alter table borrow add constraint fk_cno foreign key(cno) references card;
select b.cno,count(*) from borrow b group by b.cno having count(*) > 5;
select name,class from card where cno in
(select cno from borrow where bno in
(select bno from bookss where bname = '水浒'));
select cno,bno,getdate from borrow where getdate is null;
select bno,bname,author from bookss where bname like '%网络%';
select bname,author from bookss
where price = (select max(price) from bookss);
select cno from borrow
where bno in
(select bno from bookss where bname = '计算方法')
bno not in (select bno from bookss where bname = '计算方法习题集')
order by cno desc;
update borrow set getdate=getdate+7 where cno in
(select cno from card where class = 'C01');
delete from bookss where bno not in
(select bno from borrow);
create index index_bookss_bname on bookss(bname);
select * from user_indexes where table_name = 'BOOKSS';
create view v_name_bname as
select c.name,bo.bname from card c,borrow b, bookss bo
where c.cno = b.cno and b.bno = bo.bno and c.class = 'C01';
select * from v_name_bname;
select cno,count(*) from borrow where bno in
(select bno from bookss where bname in ('计算方法','组合数学'))
group by cno having count(*) = 2 order by cno ;
alter table bookss add constraint bno_pri primary key(bno);
--14.将CARD 表中的CNAME最大列宽增加到10个字符:(假定原为6个字符)
alter table card modify cname char(10);
alter table bookss add xname varchar2(30);