原 MySQL SQL语句:
SELECT DISTINCT l.MALL_NAME '项目', t.CONT_NO '合同编号', t.COMPANY_NAME '租户', t.STORE_NOS '铺位号', (select GROUP_CONCAT(r.FLOOR_NAME SEPARATOR ',') from bfbfbf r where r.id in ( select s.FLOOR_ID from bsssb s where s.id in ( select substring_index(substring_index(t1.store_ids, ',', b.help_topic_id + 1), ',', -1) a from bc t1 left join mysql.help_topic b on b.help_topic_id < (length(t1.store_ids) - length(replace(t1.store_ids, ',', '')) + 1) where t1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO) )) '楼层', t.BRAND_NAME '品牌', l1.DICT_NAME '一级业态', l2.DICT_NAME '二级业态', l3.DICT_NAME '三级业态', t.LAYOUT_NAME '签约业态', t.SHARE_SQUARE '套内面积', t.RENT_SQUARE '计租面积', t.STRUCTURE_SQUARE '建筑面积', t.CONT_BEGIN_DATE A, IFNULL( CONT_FAIL_DATE, CONT_END_DATE ) B, CASE t.`STATUS` WHEN '0' THEN '未签约' WHEN '1' THEN '已审核' WHEN '2' THEN '已解约' WHEN '3' THEN '待审核' WHEN '5' THEN '已结算' ELSE '未知类型' END '状态', (SELECT RENT_TYPE FROM bccdq e where e.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO and e.IS_DEL = '0' and e.RENT_TYPE is not null order by e.CREATED_DATE desc limit 1) '计租方式', (select CONFIRM_AMOUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202301' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年1月销售额', (select CONFIRM_COUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202301' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年1月销售笔数', (select CONFIRM_AMOUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202302' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年2月销售额', (select CONFIRM_COUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202302' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年2月销售笔数', (select CONFIRM_AMOUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202303' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年3月销售额', (select CONFIRM_COUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202303' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年3月销售笔数', (select CONFIRM_AMOUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202304' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年4月销售额', (select CONFIRM_COUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202304' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年4月销售笔数', (select CONFIRM_AMOUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202305' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年5月销售额', (select CONFIRM_COUNT from msamsuo m1 where SALE_YM = '202305' and m1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO limit 1) '2023年5月销售笔数', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '01' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-01' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年1月固定租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '01' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-02' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年2月固定租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '01' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-03' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年3月固定租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '01' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-04' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年4月固定租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '01' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-05' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年5月固定租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '1010' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-01' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年1月提成租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '1010' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-02' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年2月提成租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '1010' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-03' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年3月提成租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '1010' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-04' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年4月提成租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '1010' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2023-05' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年5月提成租金', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '02' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2022-01' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年1月物业管理费', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '02' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2022-02' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年2月物业管理费', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '02' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2022-03' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年3月物业管理费', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '02' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2022-04' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年4月物业管理费', (select RECE_AMOUNT from FIRCVWZZZZ e where e.cont_no = t.cont_no and e.FEE_TYPE = '02' and FINANCE_PERIOD = '2022-05' and IS_DEL = '0' limit 1) '2023年5月物业管理费' FROM bc t LEFT JOIN bms l ON l.id = t.MALL_ID LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM bsggldddict WHERE `LEVEL` = 4 ) l4 ON l4.ID = t.LAYOUT LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM bsggldddict WHERE `LEVEL` = 3 ) l3 ON ( l3.ID = t.LAYOUT OR l4.PARENT_ID = l3.ID ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM bsggldddict WHERE `LEVEL` = 2 ) l2 ON ( l2.ID = t.LAYOUT OR l3.PARENT_ID = l2.ID ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM bsggldddict WHERE `LEVEL` = 1 ) l1 ON l2.PARENT_ID = l1.ID WHERE l.MALL_TYPE = '1' and t.IS_DEL = '0' AND t.STATUS IN ( 1, 2, 5 ) AND t.CONT_BEGIN_DATE <= '2023-05-31' AND IFNULL( CONT_FAIL_DATE, CONT_END_DATE ) >= '2023-01-01';
这条SQL是首先改成postgresql 兼容的语法,其实要改的内容不多,只有一个标量子查询处需要改写:
(select GROUP_CONCAT(r.FLOOR_NAME SEPARATOR ',') from bfbfbf r where r.id in ( select s.FLOOR_ID from bsssb s where s.id in ( select substring_index(substring_index(t1.store_ids, ',', b.help_topic_id + 1), ',', -1) a from bc t1 left join mysql.help_topic b on b.help_topic_id < (length(t1.store_ids) - length(replace(t1.store_ids, ',', '')) + 1) where t1.CONT_NO = t.CONT_NO) )) '楼层',
这里开发很聪明,使用了个小技巧使用 help_topic_id 递增的 help_topic_id 字段 + 进行 GROUP_CONCAT 函数进行行转列。
postgresql 由于没有 mysql.help_topic 表、GROUP_CONCAT、substring_index 这类函数所以需要等价改写上面的逻辑。
标签:rows,postgresql,..,NO,适配,time,改写,text,CONT From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuzhijian/p/17586235.html