with popup as (
-- 弹窗点击
select distinct_id
, sc_user_id
, time click_at
, test_flag
, plan_id
, bucket_desc
, exper_id
, page_type
, sc_city
, ds
from events
where ds in ('${yesterday}','${today}')
and plan_id != ''
and event = 'popupClick'
), pay as (
-- 支付
select distinct_id
, order_id
, sc_user_id
, time pay_at
, ds
from events
where ds in ('${yesterday}','${today}')
and event = 'submitOrder'
), orders as (
select user_id
, order_id
, real_amount + gift_card_amount order_amount
from orders
where ds = '${today}'
and paid_at != '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
, diff as (
-- 取24小时支付
select pay.distinct_id
, pay.sc_user_id
, pay.pay_at
, popup.click_at
, popup.test_flag
, popup.plan_id
, popup.bucket_desc
, popup.exper_id
, popup.page_type
, datediff(to_date(pay_at ,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.ff3'), to_date(click_at , 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.ff3'), 'ss') diff
, popup.sc_city
, popup.ds
, coalesce(orders.order_id) order_id
, coalesce(cast(orders.order_amount as decimal(16, 4)), 0) order_amount
from pay
inner join popup
on popup.distinct_id = pay.distinct_id
inner join orders
on orders.user_id = pay.distinct_id
and orders.order_id = pay.order_id
where datediff(to_date(pay_at ,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.ff3'), to_date(click_at , 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.ff3'), 'ss') >= 0
and datediff(to_date(pay_at ,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.ff3'), to_date(click_at , 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.ff3'), 'ss') <= 86400
), rk as (
-- 排序
select distinct_id
, sc_user_id
, pay_at
, click_at
, test_flag
, plan_id
, bucket_desc
, exper_id
, page_type
, diff
, order_amount
, order_id
, sc_city
, row_number() over(partition by distinct_id order by pay_at asc) pay_rk
, row_number() over(partition by distinct_id order by click_at desc) click_rk
, ds
from diff
insert overwrite table dwd_log_track_reach_pay_attribution_di partition (ds)
-- 取距离最近的一次点击和支付行为和点击
select distinct_id
, sc_user_id
, pay_at
, click_at
, test_flag
, plan_id
, bucket_desc
, exper_id
, page_type
, diff
, order_amount
, order_id
, sc_city
, ds
from rk
where pay_rk = 1
and click_rk = 1
From: https://www.cnblogs.com/dch-21/p/17133265.html