PostgreSQL 的多主应用部署
原创 kenyon_君羊 PostgreSQL架构 2014/09/02 18:41 阅读数 1.3W 本文被收录于专区 PostgreSQL 进入专区参与更多专题讨论 postgresql 的现有版本没有提供内置的多主复制功能,这个一般需要自己写工具或使用其他第三方工具来实现。网上已经有不少现成的成熟的工具,比如 rubyrep,bucardo,尤其是 bucardo 最近发布的 version 5 已经实现了多主多从以及跨数据库类别进行数据复制的功能,功能很丰富,操作维护也相对简单。这对跨机房的数据库双向同步特别有用,Bucardo 采用的是 perl 写的触发器级别的异步数据复制,遵循的是 BSD 协议。下面其实也主要是描述一下其安装和简单使用过程。题外话,bucardo 这个英文单词是一种西班牙野山羊的名称,这种野山羊已经于 2000 年灭绝了,起用这个单词可能带有些纪念的意思。
我想要实现类似如下的功能: 其中主从之间的功能可以通过内置的 stream replication 来实现。
CentOS 6.5
DB 9.4beta2
master1 port 5432 db_name db_ken
master2 port 5432 db_name db_ken
1. 安装准备依赖包
[root@localhost ~]# yum install -y perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-DBD-Pg perl-Encode-Locale perl-Sys-Syslog perl-boolean perl-Time-HiRes perl-Test-Simple perl-Pod-Parser
[root@localhost ~]# yum install -y cpan
[root@localhost ~]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
Terminal does not support AddHistory.
cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.9402)
Enter 'h' for help.
cpan[1]> install boolean
CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.20)
Going to read '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:41:02 GMT
boolean is up to date (0.42).
cpan[2]> install boolean
boolean is up to date (0.42).
cpan[3]> install Encode::Locale
Encode::Locale is up to date (1.03).
cpan[4]> install DBIx::Safe
DBIx::Safe is up to date (1.2.5).
2. 下载安装 bucardo
可以去他的官网下载:,目前最新版本是 5.1.1
[root@localhost soft]# export INSTALL_BUCARDODIR=/home/postgres/bucardo
[root@localhost soft]# tar -zxvf Bucardo-5.1.1
[root@localhost soft]# cd Bucardo-5.1.1
[root@db1 Bucardo-5.1.1]# perl Makefile.PL
Writing Makefile for Bucardo
[root@db1 Bucardo-5.1.1]# make
cp bucardo.schema blib/share/bucardo.schema
cp blib/lib/
cp bucardo blib/script/bucardo
/usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/bucardo
Manifying blib/man1/bucardo.1pm
Manifying blib/man3/Bucardo.3pm
[root@localhost Bucardo-5.1.1]# make install
Installing /home/postgres/bucardo/
Installing /home/postgres/bucardo/bucardo.1pm
Installing /home/postgres/bucardo/Bucardo.3pm
Installing /home/postgres/bucardo/bucardo
Installing /home/postgres/bucardo/bucardo.schema
Appending installation info to /home/postgres/bucardo/perllocal.pod
[root@db1 postgres]# mkdir bucardo_ken
[root@db1 postgres]# chmod 777 bucardo_ken/
3. 初始化 bucardo-- 切换到 postgres 用户的 bucardo 安装路径下
[root@db1 postgres]# su - postgres
[postgres@db1 ~]$ cd /home/postgres/bucardo/
[postgres@db1 bucardo]$ ./bucardo install -U postgres -d postgres
This will install the bucardo database into an existing Postgres cluster.
Postgres must have been compiled with Perl support,
and you must connect as a superuser
Current connection settings:
1. Host:
2. Port: 5432
3. User: postgres
4. Database: postgres
5. PID directory: /var/run/bucardo
Enter a number to change it, P to proceed, or Q to quit: 5
Change the PID directory to: /tmp
Changed PID dir to: /tmp
Current connection settings:
1. Host:
2. Port: 5432
3. User: postgres
4. Database: postgres
5. PID directory: /tmp
Enter a number to change it, P to proceed, or Q to quit: P
Postgres version is: 9.4beta
Creating superuser 'bucardo'
Attempting to create and populate the bucardo database and schema
Database creation is complete
Updated configuration setting "piddir"
Installation is now complete.
If you see errors or need help, please email
You may want to check over the configuration variables next, by running:
./bucardo show all
Change any setting by using: ./bucardo set foo=bar
-- 这个时候就有 bucardo 的基础数据在 postgresql 数据库上了,可以看一看
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ psql bucardo bucardo
psql (9.4beta2)
Type "help" for help.
bucardo=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
bucardo | bucardo_config | table | bucardo
bucardo | bucardo_custom_trigger | table | bucardo
bucardo | bucardo_log_message | table | bucardo
bucardo | bucardo_rate | table | bucardo
bucardo | customcode | table | bucardo
bucardo | customcode_map | table | bucardo
bucardo | customcols | table | bucardo
bucardo | customname | table | bucardo
bucardo | db | table | bucardo
bucardo | db_connlog | table | bucardo
bucardo | dbgroup | table | bucardo
bucardo | dbmap | table | bucardo
bucardo | dbrun | table | bucardo
bucardo | goat | table | bucardo
bucardo | herd | table | bucardo
bucardo | herdmap | table | bucardo
bucardo | sync | table | bucardo
bucardo | syncrun | table | bucardo
bucardo | upgrade_log | table | bucardo
(19 rows)
bucardo=# \df
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
bucardo | bucardo_delete_sync | trigger | | trigger
bucardo | bucardo_log_message_notify | trigger | | trigger
bucardo | bucardo_tablename_maker | text | text | normal
bucardo | check_bucardo_config | trigger | | trigger
bucardo | db_change | trigger | | trigger
bucardo | db_getconn | text | text | normal
bucardo | db_testconn | text | text | normal
bucardo | find_unused_goats | SETOF text | | normal
bucardo | herdcheck | trigger | | trigger
bucardo | magic_update | text | | normal
bucardo | plperlu_test | text | | normal
bucardo | table_exists | boolean | text, text | normal
bucardo | validate_all_syncs | integer | | normal
bucardo | validate_all_syncs | integer | integer | normal
bucardo | validate_goat | trigger | | trigger
bucardo | validate_sync | trigger | | trigger
bucardo | validate_sync | text | text | normal
bucardo | validate_sync | text | text, integer | normal
(18 rows)
4. 配置 bucardo在配置 bucardo 前,调整一下 pg_hba.conf 文件的内容,各新增一条访问权限信息
host all all trust --72 服务器上
host all all trust --71 服务器上
a. 增加 db 配置
在 71 服务器上配置(postgres 用户), 在 72 服务器上反着也做一遍
-- 新增目标配置
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo add dbs target_db_ken host= dbport=1949 dbuser=postgres dbname=db_ken
-- 新增本地配置
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo add dbs source_db_ken host= dbport=1949 dbuser=postgres dbname=db_ken
b. 增加 db 组配置
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo add dbgroup tgroup source_db_ken:source target_db_ken:target
c. 增加表集群
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo add table tbl_ken herd=therd
d. 增加同步信息
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo add sync sync1 herd=therd dbs=tgroup ping=false
e. 启动 bucardo
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo start
f. 关闭 bucardo
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo stop
g. 暂停 / 恢复同步
[postgres@localhost bucardo]$ bucardo parse/resume sync1
在 71 和 72 服务器上都部署完 bucardo 并启动后,可以发现被同步的表可以在 71 和 72 上可以互相更新。
五、参考 标签:bucardo,PostgreSQL,postgres,部署,text,db,多主,table,localhost From: