# 责任链模式 Chain of Responsibility import enum # Item Types: # An enum we'll attach to every game object to specify type: # Requires Python 3.4 + class ItemType(enum.Enum): Sword = 0, Armor = 1, Potion = 2, Ring = 3, QuestItem = 4, Undefined = 5 # Equipment Item: # For brevity, we'll just use a base class. # In a real-world scenario, you'd want to subclass for more abilities. class EquipmentItem(object): def __init__(self, name, itemType): self.name = name self.type = itemType print(str(self.name)+""+str(self.type)) # Item Chest: # A sortage container class: class ItemChest(object): def __init__(self, name): self.chestName = name self.items = [] def putAway(self, item): self.items.append(item) def printItems(self): # print(str(self.items.count)) if self.items.count > 0: print("项目: " + str(self.chestName) + ": ") for item in self.items: print("\t" + str(item.name)) else: print(str(self.chestName) + " 是空的项目!") # Chest Sorter Chain of Responsibility: class ChestSorter(object): def __init__(self, chest, sortType): self.chest = chest self.sortType = sortType self.next = None def setNext(self, sorter): self.next = sorter def handle(self, item): if item.type == self.sortType: self.chest.putAway(item) elif self.next is not None: self.next.handle(item) def printChain(self): self.chest.printItems() if self.next is not None: self.next.printChain() # Null Sorter: # The Null sorter gracefully handles a scenario where no item has a fit: class NullSorter(ChestSorter): def __init__(self, chest): super(NullSorter, self).__init__(chest, ItemType.Undefined) def handle(self, item): self.chest.putAway(item) # 二种 class AbstractHandler(object): """Parent class of all concrete handlers""" def __init__(self, nxt): """change or increase the local variable using nxt""" self._nxt = nxt def handle(self, request): """It calls the processRequest through given request""" handled = self.processRequest(request) """case when it is not handled""" if not handled: self._nxt.handle(request) def processRequest(self, request): """throws a NotImplementedError""" raise NotImplementedError('第一次实现它 !') class FirstConcreteHandler(AbstractHandler): """Concrete Handler # 1: Child class of AbstractHandler""" def processRequest(self, request): '''return True if request is handled ''' if 'a' < request <= 'e': print("这是 {} 处理请求的 '{}'".format(self.__class__.__name__, request)) return True class SecondConcreteHandler(AbstractHandler): """Concrete Handler # 2: Child class of AbstractHandler""" def processRequest(self, request): '''return True if the request is handled''' if 'e' < request <= 'l': print("这是 {} 处理请求的 '{}'".format(self.__class__.__name__, request)) return True class ThirdConcreteHandler(AbstractHandler): """Concrete Handler # 3: Child class of AbstractHandler""" def processRequest(self, request): '''return True if the request is handled''' if 'l' < request <= 'z': print("这是 {} 处理请求的 '{}'".format(self.__class__.__name__, request)) return True class DefaultHandler(AbstractHandler): """Default Handler: child class from AbstractHandler""" def processRequest(self, request): """Gives the message that the request is not handled and returns true""" print("T这是 {} 告诉您请求 '{}' 现在没有处理程序.".format(self.__class__.__name__, request)) return True class User: """User Class""" def __init__(self): """Provides the sequence of handles for the users""" initial = None self.handler = FirstConcreteHandler(SecondConcreteHandler(ThirdConcreteHandler(DefaultHandler(initial)))) def agent(self, user_request): """Iterates over each request and sends them to specific handles""" for request in user_request: self.handler.handle(request)
main.py 调用:、
# 责任链模式 Chain of Responsibility user = DuChain.User() string = "geovindu" requests = list(string) user.agent(requests) print("\n") swordChest = DuChain.ItemChest("剑膛") armorChest = DuChain.ItemChest("胸甲") potionChest = DuChain.ItemChest("魔药") otherItems = DuChain.ItemChest("杂项.") # Create the chain of responsibility: swords = DuChain.ChestSorter(swordChest, DuChain.ItemType.Sword) armor = DuChain.ChestSorter(armorChest, DuChain.ItemType.Armor) potions = DuChain.ChestSorter(potionChest, DuChain.ItemType.Potion) # Null sorter for item's that don't have an explicit chest: other = DuChain.NullSorter(otherItems) # Link the chains: swords.setNext(armor) armor.setNext(potions) potions.setNext(other) # Pointer to the head of the list: # Implementation note: You can create another class to maintain all the sorting items! sortingMachine = swords # Insert a few items into the sorting machine: sortingMachine.handle(DuChain.EquipmentItem("强大的剑", DuChain.ItemType.Sword)) sortingMachine.handle(DuChain.EquipmentItem("救命药水", DuChain.ItemType.Potion)) sortingMachine.handle(DuChain.EquipmentItem("无穷之刃", DuChain.ItemType.Sword)) sortingMachine.handle(DuChain.EquipmentItem("护胸垫", DuChain.ItemType.Armor)) sortingMachine.handle(DuChain.EquipmentItem("千经真理卷", DuChain.ItemType.QuestItem)) sortingMachine.handle(DuChain.EquipmentItem("西铎的克星", DuChain.ItemType.Ring)) # Display all the chests' contents: 未有对象数据 # sortingMachine.printChain(sortingMachine)
这是 SecondConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'g' 这是 FirstConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'e' 这是 ThirdConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'o' 这是 ThirdConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'v' 这是 SecondConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'i' 这是 ThirdConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'n' 这是 FirstConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'd' 这是 ThirdConcreteHandler 处理请求的 'u' 强大的剑ItemType.Sword 救命药水ItemType.Potion 无穷之刃ItemType.Sword 护胸垫ItemType.Armor 千经真理卷ItemType.QuestItem 西铎的克星ItemType.Ring
标签:ItemType,Chain,DuChain,Python,self,item,Responsibility,class,def From: https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/16817844.html