# 代理模式 Proxy Pattern from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import abc import random class ISubject(metaclass=ABCMeta): "An interface implemented by both the Proxy and Real Subject" @staticmethod @abstractmethod def request(): "A method to implement" class RealSubject(ISubject): "The actual real object that the proxy is representing" def __init__(self): # hypothetically enormous amounts of data self.enormous_data = [1, 2, 3,'geovindu','Geovin Du','涂聚文'] def request(self): return self.enormous_data class Proxy(ISubject): """ The proxy. In this case the proxy will act as a cache for `enormous_data` and only populate the enormous_data when it is actually necessary """ def __init__(self): self.enormous_data = [] self.real_subject = RealSubject() def request(self): """ Using the proxy as a cache, and loading data into it only if it is needed """ if self.enormous_data == []: print("从真实主体提取数据") self.enormous_data = self.real_subject.request() return self.enormous_data print("从代理缓存中提取数据") return self.enormous_data class AbstractClass(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ interface for real and proxy object """ @abc.abstractmethod def sort_digits(self, reverse=False): pass class RealClass(AbstractClass): """ RealClass that holds a larger object """ def __init__(self): self.digits = [] for i in range(1000000): self.digits.append(random.random()) def sort_digits(self, reverse=False): self.digits.sort() if reverse: self.digits.reverse() class ProxyClass(AbstractClass): """ A proxy class that has the same interface as RealClass. """ ref_count = 0 def __init__(self): """ Creates an object if it doesn't exist and caches it otherwise """ if not getattr(self.__class__, '缓存对象', None): self.__class__.cached_object = RealClass() print('生成新对象') else: print('使用缓存的对象') self.__class__.ref_count += 1 print('引用计数:', self.__class__.ref_count) def sort_digits(self, reverse=False): print('排序方法') print(locals().items()) # invokes the sort_digits method of real class self.__class__.cached_object.sort_digits(reverse=reverse) def __del__(self): """ Delete the object when the number of reference is 0 """ self.__class__.ref_count -= 1 if self.__class__.ref_count == 0: print('删除缓存对象') del self.__class__.cached_object print('引用计数:', self.__class__.ref_count)
main.py 调用
# 代理模式 Proxy Pattern duSubject = DuProxy.Proxy() # use SUBJECT print(id(duSubject)) # load the enormous amounts of data because now we want to show it. print(duSubject.request()) # show the data again, but this time it retrieves it from the local cache print(duSubject.request()) print("\n") proxA = DuProxy.ProxyClass() print() proxB = DuProxy.ProxyClass() print() proxC = DuProxy.ProxyClass() print() proxA.sort_digits(reverse=True) print() print('删除对象 proxA') del proxA print('删除对象 proxB') del proxB print('删除对象 proxC') del proxC
1830765068000 从真实主体提取数据 [1, 2, 3, 'geovindu', 'Geovin Du', '涂聚文'] 从代理缓存中提取数据 [1, 2, 3, 'geovindu', 'Geovin Du', '涂聚文'] 生成新对象 引用计数: 1 生成新对象 引用计数: 2 生成新对象 引用计数: 3 排序方法 dict_items([('self', <DuProxy.ProxyClass object at 0x000001AA4219FFA0>), ('reverse', True)]) 删除对象 proxA 引用计数: 2 删除对象 proxB 引用计数: 1 删除对象 proxC 删除缓存对象 引用计数: 0
标签:__,enormous,Python,Pattern,self,Proxy,print,data,class From: https://www.cnblogs.com/geovindu/p/16817584.html