- 用A*算法实现最优路径规划,绿色五角星为起点,红色四角星为终点,黑色方块为障碍物,如下图所示。简要介绍问题的估价函数、算法步骤、搜索路径、代码实现和代码运行结果。
import math from random import randint import pygame from enum import Enum # 定义全局变量:地图中节点的像素大小 CELL_WIDTH = 50 # 单元格宽度 CELL_HEIGHT = 50 # 单元格长度 BORDER_WIDTH = 1 # 边框宽度 BLOCK_NUM = 5 # 地图中的障碍物数量 class Color(Enum): ''' 颜色 ''' RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GREY = (128, 128, 128) @staticmethod def random_color(): '''设置随机颜色''' r = randint(0, 255) g = randint(0, 255) b = randint(0, 255) return (r, g, b) class Map(object): def __init__(self, mapsize): self.mapsize = mapsize def generate_cell(self, cell_width, cell_height): ''' 定义一个生成器,用来生成地图中的所有节点坐标 :param cell_width: 节点宽度 :param cell_height: 节点长度 :return: 返回地图中的节点 ''' x_cell = -cell_width for num_x in range(self.mapsize[0] // cell_width): y_cell = -cell_height x_cell += cell_width for num_y in range(self.mapsize[1] // cell_height): y_cell += cell_height yield (x_cell, y_cell) class Node(object): def __init__(self, pos): self.pos = pos self.father = None self.gvalue = 0 self.fvalue = 0 def compute_fx(self, enode, father): if father == None: print('未设置当前节点的父节点!') gx_father = father.gvalue # 采用欧氏距离计算父节点到当前节点的距离 # gx_f2n = math.sqrt((father.pos[0] - self.pos[0])**2 + (father.pos[1] - self.pos[1])**2) gx_f2n = abs(father.pos[0] - self.pos[0]) + abs(father.pos[1] - self.pos[1]) gvalue = gx_f2n + gx_father # hx_n2enode = math.sqrt((self.pos[0] - enode.pos[0])**2 + (self.pos[1] - enode.pos[1])**2) hx_n2enode = abs(self.pos[0] - enode.pos[0]) + abs(self.pos[1] - enode.pos[1]) fvalue = gvalue + hx_n2enode return gvalue, fvalue def set_fx(self, enode, father): self.gvalue, self.fvalue = self.compute_fx(enode, father) self.father = father def update_fx(self, enode, father): gvalue, fvalue = self.compute_fx(enode, father) if fvalue < self.fvalue: self.gvalue, self.fvalue = gvalue, fvalue self.father = father class AStar(object): def __init__(self, mapsize, pos_sn, pos_en): self.mapsize = mapsize # 表示地图的投影大小,并非屏幕上的地图像素大小 self.openlist, self.closelist, self.blocklist = [], [], [] self.snode = Node(pos_sn) # 用于存储路径规划的起始节点 self.enode = Node(pos_en) # 用于存储路径规划的目标节点 self.cnode = self.snode # 用于存储当前搜索到的节点 def run(self): self.openlist.append(self.snode) while (len(self.openlist) > 0): # 查找openlist中fx最小的节点 fxlist = list(map(lambda x: x.fvalue, self.openlist)) index_min = fxlist.index(min(fxlist)) self.cnode = self.openlist[index_min] del self.openlist[index_min] self.closelist.append(self.cnode) # 扩展当前fx最小的节点,并进入下一次循环搜索 self.extend(self.cnode) # 如果openlist列表为空,或者当前搜索节点为目标节点,则跳出循环 if len(self.openlist) == 0 or self.cnode.pos == self.enode.pos: break if self.cnode.pos == self.enode.pos: self.enode.father = self.cnode.father return 1 else: return -1 def get_minroute(self): minroute = [] current_node = self.enode while (True): minroute.append(current_node.pos) current_node = current_node.father if current_node.pos == self.snode.pos: break minroute.append(self.snode.pos) minroute.reverse() return minroute def extend(self, cnode): nodes_neighbor = self.get_neighbor(cnode) for node in nodes_neighbor: # 判断节点node是否在closelist和blocklist中,因为closelist和blocklist中元素均为Node类,所以要用map函数转换为坐标集合 if node.pos in list(map(lambda x: x.pos, self.closelist)) or node.pos in self.blocklist: continue else: if node.pos in list(map(lambda x: x.pos, self.openlist)): node.update_fx(self.enode, cnode) else: node.set_fx(self.enode, cnode) self.openlist.append(node) def setBlock(self, blocklist): ''' 获取地图中的障碍物节点,并存入self.blocklist列表中 注意:self.blocklist列表中存储的是障碍物坐标,不是Node类 :param blocklist: :return: ''' self.blocklist.extend(blocklist) def get_neighbor(self, cnode): # offsets = [(-1,1),(0,1),(1,1),(-1,0),(1,0),(-1,-1),(0,-1),(1,-1)] offsets = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)] nodes_neighbor = [] x, y = cnode.pos[0], cnode.pos[1] for os in offsets: x_new, y_new = x + os[0], y + os[1] pos_new = (x_new, y_new) # 判断是否在地图范围内,超出范围跳过 if x_new < 0 or x_new > self.mapsize[0] - 1 or y_new < 0 or y_new > self.mapsize[1]: continue nodes_neighbor.append(Node(pos_new)) return nodes_neighbor def main(): mapsize = tuple(map(int, input('请输入地图大小,以逗号隔开:').split(','))) pos_snode = tuple(map(int, input('请输入起点坐标,以逗号隔开:').split(','))) pos_enode = tuple(map(int, input('请输入终点坐标,以逗号隔开:').split(','))) myAstar = AStar(mapsize, pos_snode, pos_enode) blocklist = gen_blocks(mapsize[0], mapsize[1]) myAstar.setBlock(blocklist) routelist = [] # 记录搜索到的最优路径 if myAstar.run() == 1: routelist = myAstar.get_minroute() print(routelist) showresult(mapsize, pos_snode, pos_enode, blocklist, routelist) else: print('路径规划失败!') def gen_blocks(width, height): ''' 随机生成障碍物 :param width: 地图宽度 :param height: 地图高度 :return:返回障碍物坐标集合 ''' i, blocklist = 0, [] block = (1, 0) if block not in blocklist: blocklist.append(block) block = (3, 1) if block not in blocklist: blocklist.append(block) block = (2, 3) if block not in blocklist: blocklist.append(block) block = (4, 3) if block not in blocklist: blocklist.append(block) block = (1, 5) if block not in blocklist: blocklist.append(block) return blocklist def showresult(mapsize, pos_sn, pos_en, blocklist, routelist): # 初始化导入的Pygame模块 pygame.init() # 此处要将地图投影大小转换为像素大小,此处设地图中每个单元格的大小为CELL_WIDTH*CELL_HEIGHT像素 mymap = Map((mapsize[0] * CELL_WIDTH, mapsize[1] * CELL_HEIGHT)) pix_sn = (pos_sn[0] * CELL_WIDTH, pos_sn[1] * CELL_HEIGHT) pix_en = (pos_en[0] * CELL_WIDTH, pos_en[1] * CELL_HEIGHT) # 对blocklist和routelist中的坐标同样要转换为像素值 bl_pix = list(map(transform, blocklist)) rl_pix = list(map(transform, routelist)) # 初始化显示的窗口并设置尺寸 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(mymap.mapsize) # 设置窗口标题 pygame.display.set_caption('A*算法路径搜索演示:') # 用白色填充屏幕3 screen.fill(Color.WHITE.value) # 绘制屏幕中的所有单元格 for (x, y) in mymap.generate_cell(CELL_WIDTH, CELL_HEIGHT): if (x, y) in bl_pix: # 绘制黑色的障碍物单元格,并留出2个像素的边框 pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color.BLACK.value, ( (x + BORDER_WIDTH, y + BORDER_WIDTH), (CELL_WIDTH - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH, CELL_HEIGHT - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH))) else: # 绘制绿色的可通行单元格,并留出2个像素的边框 pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color.GREEN.value, ( (x + BORDER_WIDTH, y + BORDER_WIDTH), (CELL_WIDTH - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH, CELL_HEIGHT - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH))) # 绘制起点和终点 pygame.draw.circle(screen, Color.BLUE.value, (pix_sn[0] + CELL_WIDTH // 2, pix_sn[1] + CELL_HEIGHT // 2), CELL_WIDTH // 2 - 1) pygame.draw.circle(screen, Color.RED.value, (pix_en[0] + CELL_WIDTH // 2, pix_en[1] + CELL_HEIGHT // 2), CELL_WIDTH // 2 - 1) # 绘制搜索得到的最优路径 for (x, y) in mymap.generate_cell(CELL_WIDTH, CELL_HEIGHT): if (x, y) in rl_pix and (x, y) != (pix_sn[0], pix_sn[1]) and (x, y) != (pix_en[0], pix_en[1]): pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color.GREY.value, ( (x + BORDER_WIDTH, y + BORDER_WIDTH), (CELL_WIDTH - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH, CELL_HEIGHT - 2 * BORDER_WIDTH))) # pygame.draw.aalines(screen, Color.RED.value, False, rl_pix) keepGoing = True while keepGoing: pygame.time.delay(100) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: keepGoing = False pygame.display.flip() def transform(pos): xnew, ynew = pos[0] * CELL_WIDTH, pos[1] * CELL_HEIGHT return (xnew, ynew) if __name__ == '__main__': main()