""" This is the implementation of Knn(KdTree), which is accessible in https://github.com/FlameCharmander/MachineLearning, accomplished by FlameCharmander, and my csdn blog is https://blog.csdn.net/tudaodiaozhale, contact me via 13030880@qq.com. """ import numpy as np class Node: def __init__(self, data, lchild = None, rchild = None): self.data = data self.lchild = lchild self.rchild = rchild class KdTree: def __init__(self): self.kdTree = None def create(self, dataSet, depth): #创建kd树,返回根结点 if (len(dataSet) > 0): m, n = np.shape(dataSet) #求出样本行,列 midIndex = int(m / 2) #中间数的索引位置 axis = depth % n #判断以哪个轴划分数据 sortedDataSet = self.sort(dataSet, axis) #进行排序 node = Node(sortedDataSet[midIndex]) #将节点数据域设置为中位数,具体参考下书本 # print sortedDataSet[midIndex] leftDataSet = sortedDataSet[: midIndex] #将中位数的左边创建2改副本 rightDataSet = sortedDataSet[midIndex+1 :] print(leftDataSet) print(rightDataSet) node.lchild = self.create(leftDataSet, depth+1) #将中位数左边样本传入来递归创建树 node.rchild = self.create(rightDataSet, depth+1) return node else: return None def sort(self, dataSet, axis): #采用冒泡排序,利用aixs作为轴进行划分 sortDataSet = dataSet[:] #由于不能破坏原样本,此处建立一个副本 m, n = np.shape(sortDataSet) for i in range(m): for j in range(0, m - i - 1): if (sortDataSet[j][axis] > sortDataSet[j+1][axis]): temp = sortDataSet[j] sortDataSet[j] = sortDataSet[j+1] sortDataSet[j+1] = temp print(sortDataSet) return sortDataSet def preOrder(self, node): if node != None: print("tttt->%s" % node.data) self.preOrder(node.lchild) self.preOrder(node.rchild) # def search(self, tree, x): # node = tree # depth = 0 # while (node != None): # print node.data # n = len(x) #特征数 # axis = depth % n # if x[axis] < node.data[axis]: # node = node.lchild # else: # node = node.rchild # depth += 1 def search(self, tree, x): self.nearestPoint = None #保存最近的点 self.nearestValue = 0 #保存最近的值 def travel(node, depth = 0): #递归搜索 if node != None: #递归终止条件 n = len(x) #特征数 axis = depth % n #计算轴 if x[axis] < node.data[axis]: #如果数据小于结点,则往左结点找 travel(node.lchild, depth+1) else: travel(node.rchild, depth+1) #以下是递归完毕后,往父结点方向回朔 distNodeAndX = self.dist(x, node.data) #目标和节点的距离判断 if (self.nearestPoint == None): #确定当前点,更新最近的点和最近的值 self.nearestPoint = node.data self.nearestValue = distNodeAndX elif (self.nearestValue > distNodeAndX): self.nearestPoint = node.data self.nearestValue = distNodeAndX print(node.data, depth, self.nearestValue, node.data[axis], x[axis]) if (abs(x[axis] - node.data[axis]) <= self.nearestValue): #确定是否需要去子节点的区域去找(圆的判断) if x[axis] < node.data[axis]: travel(node.rchild, depth+1) else: travel(node.lchild, depth + 1) travel(tree) return self.nearestPoint def dist(self, x1, x2): #欧式距离的计算 return ((np.array(x1) - np.array(x2)) ** 2).sum() ** 0.5 dataSet = [[2, 3], [5, 4], [9, 6], [4, 7], [8, 1], [7, 2]] x = [3, 4.5] kdtree = KdTree() tree = kdtree.create(dataSet, 0) kdtree.preOrder(tree) print(kdtree.search(tree, x))
标签:node,kd,复杂度,sortDataSet,过过,depth,data,self,axis From: https://www.cnblogs.com/copyjames/p/17855924.html