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asp.net core identity tables

时间:2023-07-13 14:34:51浏览次数:35  
标签:tables asp dbo core role user table net SELECT



SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetUsers --has data
SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetUserLogins
SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetUserRoles--has data
SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetUserTokens
SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetUserClaims

SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetRoles --has data
SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetRoleClaims

It appears that when you create a new user using ASP.NET Core Identity, only the AspNetUsers, AspNetUserLogins, and AspNetUserRoles tables have data, while the AspNetUserTokens and AspNetUserClaims tables are empty.

This behavior is expected. Let's briefly explain the purpose of each table:

  1. AspNetUsers: This table stores information about the registered users, such as their user ID, username, email, password hash, and other user-specific properties.

  2. AspNetUserLogins: This table is used to store external login information for users who choose to authenticate using external providers (e.g., Google, Facebook). It keeps track of the linked login provider and the user's unique identifier for that provider.

  3. AspNetUserRoles: This table associates users with roles. It stores the user ID and role ID for each user-role relationship, allowing for role-based authorization.

  4. AspNetUserTokens: This table is used to store authentication tokens for users. These tokens are primarily utilized for features like password reset and email confirmation. Tokens are generated and stored in this table for each user.

  5. AspNetUserClaims: This table stores claims associated with each user. Claims represent specific pieces of information about the user (e.g., name, email, role) and are used for authorization purposes.

The AspNetRoles and AspNetRoleClaims tables you mentioned are separate from the user-related tables and are related to role management:

  1. AspNetRoles: This table stores information about the available roles in your application. Each role has a unique ID and a name.

  2. AspNetRoleClaims: This table stores claims associated with each role. Role claims represent specific pieces of information associated with a role (e.g., permissions, policies).

If you are not seeing data in the AspNetUserTokens and AspNetUserClaims tables, it might indicate that no tokens or additional claims have been generated or associated with the users at the moment.

Remember that data in these tables will be populated as you perform specific actions such as generating tokens, associating claims with users, or using external login providers.

Please note that this is a general explanation, and the actual behavior and table structures may vary based on your specific implementation and any customizations you have made.




From: https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/17550368.html


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