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时间:2023-07-02 16:00:45浏览次数:51  
标签:01 const int graph TNEGraph 03Snap Snap return EId







/// Undirected graph. ##TUNGraph::Class
class TUNGraph



/// Directed graph. ##TNGraph::Class
class TNGraph



/// Bipartite graph. ##Bipartite_graph
class TBPGraph



/// Directed multigraph. ##TNEGraph::Class
class TNEGraph




  1 class TNEGraph   
2 public: 
3 typedef TNEGraph TNet;
4 typedef TPt<TNEGraph> PNet; 5 public: 6 class TNode {//节点类型定义;并friend class TNEGraph}; 7 class TEdge {//边的类型定义;并friend class TNEGraph}; 8 class TNodeI {//节点迭代器类型定义;并友元TNEGraph }; 9 class TEdgeI {//边迭代器类型定义;并友元TNEGraph }; 10 private: 11 TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); } 12 const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); } 13 TEdge& GetEdge(const int& EId) { return EdgeH.GetDat(EId); } 14 const TEdge& GetEdge(const int& EId) const { return EdgeH.GetDat(EId); } 15 private: 16 TCRef CRef; 17 TInt MxNId, MxEId; 18 THash<TInt, TNode> NodeH; 19 THash<TInt, TEdge> EdgeH; 20 public: 21 TNEGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), MxEId(0) { } 22 /// Constructor that reserves enough memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges. 23 explicit TNEGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : CRef(), MxNId(0), MxEId(0)
{ Reserve(Nodes, Edges); } 24 TNEGraph(const TNEGraph& Graph) :
MxNId(Graph.MxNId), MxEId(Graph.MxEId), NodeH(Graph.NodeH), EdgeH(Graph.EdgeH) { } 25 /// Constructor for loading the graph from a (binary) stream SIn. 26 TNEGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), MxEId(SIn), NodeH(SIn), EdgeH(SIn) { } 27 /// Saves the graph to a (binary) stream SOut. 28 void Save(TSOut& SOut) const
{ MxNId.Save(SOut); MxEId.Save(SOut); NodeH.Save(SOut); EdgeH.Save(SOut);} 29 /// Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph.
///Call: PNEGraph Graph = TNEGraph::New(). 30 static PNEGraph New() { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph()); } 31 /// Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph and reserves enough memory for
///memory for Nodes nodes and Edges edges. ##TNEGraph::New
32 static PNEGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges)
{ return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph(Nodes, Edges));}
33 // Static constructor that loads the graph from a stream SIn and returns a pointer to it.
 34   static PNEGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph(SIn)); }
 35   /// Allows for run-time checking the type of the graph (see the TGraphFlag for flags).
 36   bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
 37   TNEGraph& operator = (const TNEGraph& Graph) { if (this!=&Graph) {
 38     MxNId=Graph.MxNId; MxEId=Graph.MxEId; NodeH=Graph.NodeH; EdgeH=Graph.EdgeH; }
return *this; } 39 40 /// Returns the number of nodes in the graph. 41 int GetNodes() const { return NodeH.Len(); } 42 /// Adds a node of ID NId to the graph. ##TNEGraph::AddNode 43 int AddNode(int NId = -1); 44 /// Adds a node of ID NodeI.GetId() to the graph. 45 int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeId) { return AddNode(NodeId.GetId()); } 46 /// Deletes node of ID NId from the graph. ##TNEGraph::DelNode 47 void DelNode(const int& NId); 48 /// Deletes node of ID NodeI.GetId() from the graph. 49 void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); } 50 /// Tests whether ID NId is a node. 51 bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.IsKey(NId); } 52 /// Returns an iterator referring to the first node in the graph. 53 TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI(), this); } 54 /// Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end node in the graph. 55 TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI(), this); } 56 /// Returns an iterator referring to the node of ID NId in the graph. 57 TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId), this); } 58 /// Returns an ID that is larger than any node ID in the graph. 59 int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; } 60 61 /// Returns the number of edges in the graph. 62 int GetEdges() const { return EdgeH.Len(); } 63 /// Adds an edge with ID EId between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId to the graph.
/// ##TNEGraph::AddEdge 64 int AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, int EId = -1); 65 /// Adds an edge between EdgeI.GetSrcNId() and EdgeI.GetDstNId() to the graph. 66 int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI)
{ return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId(), EdgeI.GetId()); } 67 /// Deletes an edge with edge ID EId from the graph. 68 void DelEdge(const int& EId); 69 /// Deletes all edges between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId from the graph.
///##TNEGraph::DelEdge 70 void DelEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true); 71 /// Tests whether an edge with edge ID EId exists in the graph. 72 bool IsEdge(const int& EId) const { return EdgeH.IsKey(EId); } 73 /// Tests whether an edge between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId exists in the graph. 74 bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true) const
{ int EId; return IsEdge(SrcNId, DstNId, EId, IsDir); } 75 /// Tests whether an edge between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId exists in the graph.
/// if an edge exists, return its edge ID in EId 76 bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, int& EId, const bool& IsDir = true)
const; 77 /// Returns an edge ID between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId,
/// if such an edge exists. Otherwise, return -1. 78 int GetEId(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const
{ int EId; return IsEdge(SrcNId, DstNId, EId)?EId:-1; } 79 /// Returns an iterator referring to the first edge in the graph. 80 TEdgeI BegEI() const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.BegI(), this); } 81 /// Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end edge in the graph. 82 TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.EndI(), this); } 83 /// Returns an iterator referring to edge with edge ID EId. 84 TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.GetI(EId), this); } 85 /// Returns an iterator referring to edge (SrcNId, DstNId) in the graph. 86 TEdgeI GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const
{ return GetEI(GetEId(SrcNId, DstNId)); } 87 88 /// Returns an ID of a random node in the graph. 89 int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); } 90 /// Returns an interator referring to a random node in the graph. 91 TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); } 92 /// Returns an ID of a random edge in the graph. 93 int GetRndEId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return EdgeH.GetKey(EdgeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); } 94 /// Returns an interator referring to a random edge in the graph. 95 TEdgeI GetRndEI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetEI(GetRndEId(Rnd)); } 96 /// Gets a vector IDs of all nodes in the graph. 97 void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const; 98 /// Gets a vector IDs of all edges in the graph. 99 void GetEIdV(TIntV& EIdV) const; 100 101 /// Tests whether the graph is empty (has zero nodes). 102 bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; } 103 /// Deletes all nodes and edges from the graph. 104 void Clr() { MxNId=0; MxEId=0; NodeH.Clr(); EdgeH.Clr(); } 105 /// Reserves memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges. 106 void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { 107 if (Nodes>0) { NodeH.Gen(Nodes/2); } if (Edges>0) { EdgeH.Gen(Edges/2); } } 108 /// Defragments the graph. ##TNEGraph::Defrag 109 void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false); 110 /// Checks the graph data structure for internal consistency. ##TNEGraph::IsOk 111 bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const; 112 /// Print the graph in a human readable form to an output stream OutF. 113 void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const; 114 /// Returns a small multigraph on 5 nodes and 6 edges. ##TNEGraph::GetSmallGraph 115 static PNEGraph GetSmallGraph(); 116 friend class TPt<TNEGraph>; 117 }; 118 119 // set flags 120 namespace TSnap { 121 template <> struct IsMultiGraph<TNEGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; }; 122 template <> struct IsDirected<TNEGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; }; 123 }




From: https://www.cnblogs.com/yuweng1689/p/17520872.html


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