%network topology dmatrix= zeros(Nnode,Nnode); matrix = zeros(Nnode,Nnode); Trust = zeros(Nnode,Nnode); for i = 1:Nnode for j = 1:Nnode Dist = sqrt((X(i) - X(j))^2 + (Y(i) - Y(j))^2); %a link; if Dist <= Radius matrix(i,j) = 1; Trust(i,j) = 1-((T(i)+T(j))/2); dmatrix(i,j) = Dist; else matrix(i,j) = inf; Trust(i,j) = inf; dmatrix(i,j) = inf; end; end; end; pathS = 1; pathE = Nnode; ....................................................................... %Get the best weight w1s=cpop(1,1); w2s=cpop(1,2); w1 = w1s/(w1s + w2s); w2 = w2s/(w1s + w2s); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for ni = 1:length(Nnodes); ni %节点个数 Nnode = Nnodes(ni); Delays2 = zeros(1,MTKL);%end-to-end delay consmp2 = zeros(1,MTKL);%Network topology control overhead Srate2 = zeros(1,MTKL);%Packet delivery rate for jn = 1:MTKL X = rand(1,Nnode)*SCALE; Y = rand(1,Nnode)*SCALE; T = rand(1,Nnode); Delays = zeros(Times,1); consmp = zeros(Times,1); Srate = zeros(Times,1); for t = 1:Times if t == 1 X = X; Y = Y; else %Nodes send random moves X = X + Vmax*rand; Y = Y + Vmax*rand; end %network topology dmatrix= zeros(Nnode,Nnode); matrix = zeros(Nnode,Nnode); Trust = zeros(Nnode,Nnode); for i = 1:Nnode for j = 1:Nnode Dist = sqrt((X(i) - X(j))^2 + (Y(i) - Y(j))^2); %a link; if Dist <= Radius matrix(i,j) = 1; Trust(i,j) = 1-((T(i)+T(j))/2); dmatrix(i,j) = Dist; else matrix(i,j) = inf; Trust(i,j) = inf; dmatrix(i,j) = inf; end; end; end; %Defines the communication start node and termination node tmp = randperm(Nnode); for i = 1:Nnode distA(i) = sqrt((X(i))^2 + (Y(i))^2); distB(i) = sqrt((X(i)-SCALE)^2 + (Y(i)-SCALE)^2); end [Va,Ia] = min(distA); [Vb,Ib] = min(distB); Sn = Ia; En = Ib; [paths,costs] = func_dijkstra_BF(Sn,En,dmatrix,Trust,w1,w2); path_distance=min(Va,Vb); for d=2:length(paths) path_distance= path_distance + dmatrix(paths(d-1),paths(d)); end %end-to-end delay path_hops = min(length(paths)-1,1); %The delay is calculated based on distance, packet length, and data packet rate Delays(t) = path_distance*(SLen/Smax)/1e3; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Packet delivery rate Ps = rand/5; tmps = 0; for ii = 1:path_hops tmps = tmps + path_distance*Ps^ii/1e3; end Srate(t) = 1-tmps; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Network topology control overhead consmp(t)= 1000*path_distance*(Eelec+Eelec+Efs); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end Delays2(jn) = mean(Delays); Srate2(jn) = mean(Srate); consmp2(jn) = mean(consmp); end ind1 = find(Delays2 > 1e5); ind2 = find(Delays2 < 0); ind = unique([ind1,ind2]); Delays2(ind) = []; Delayn(ni) = mean(Delays2); ind1 = find(Srate2 > 1); Srate2(ind1) = []; Sraten(ni) = mean(Srate2); ind1 = find(consmp2 < 0); consmp2(ind1)= []; consmpn(ni) = mean(consmp2); end figure; for i = 1:Nnode plot(X(i),Y(i), 'ro'); text(X(i),Y(i), num2str(i)); hold on end for i = 1:length(paths)-1 line([X(paths(i)) X(paths(i+1))], [Y(paths(i)) Y(paths(i+1))], 'LineStyle', '-'); hold on end figure; plot(Nnodes,Delayn,'b-o'); grid on xlabel('number of noders'); ylabel('End-To-End delay'); axis([Nnodes(1),Nnodes(end),0,120]); figure; plot(Nnodes,Sraten,'b-o'); grid on xlabel('number of noders'); ylabel('Packet delivery rate'); axis([Nnodes(1),Nnodes(end),0.8,1.05]); figure; plot(Nnodes,consmpn,'b-o'); grid on xlabel('number of noders'); ylabel('Energy consumption'); axis([Nnodes(1),Nnodes(end),0,0.1]); save R_new1.mat Nnodes Delayn Sraten consmpn
标签:ABC,Nnode,网络,算法,Nnodes,传感器,优化,无线 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/51matlab/p/17437957.html