采用三维人脸贴图算法conformal energy minimization,将二维图片贴到三维人脸模型中。
clc; clear; close all; warning off; addpath(genpath(pwd)); addpath 'mesh' 'subprograms' filename = 'sliu_neutral'; load([filename '.mat']); figure; trimesh(F, V(:,1), V(:,2), V(:,3),'LineWidth',1,'EdgeColor','b'); grid on axis equal % axis([-110,110,-120,160,-40,120]); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('z'); % Display the inputted surface figure PlotMesh(F, V, Vrgb); title('The inputted surface'); pause(0.01) fprintf(['Model Name : ' filename '\n']); fprintf( 'Number of vertices: %6d\n', size(V,1)); fprintf( 'Number of faces : %6d\n', size(F,1)); % Disk map via the conformal energy minimization tic; uv = Diskmap_CEM(F,V); fprintf( 'Time cost : %1.4f seconds\n\n', toc); % Display parameterization result figure PlotMesh(F, uv, Vrgb); title('The conformal parameterization'); A_042
标签:贴图,仿真,figure,CEM,filename,人脸,matlab,fprintf From: https://www.cnblogs.com/51matlab/p/17052637.html