2.Htmls 页面解析
1 import csv 2 import os 3 import random 4 import time 5 import pandas as pd 6 from lxml import etree 7 import requests 8 from retry.api import retry_call 9 10 11 # 异常重试函数,防止网络不稳定导致抓取数据中断等。 12 def retry_request(crawl_url, req_type='get', retry_times=6): 13 while retry_times: 14 retry_times -= 1 15 try: 16 # 请求头 User-Agent 17 headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"} 18 resp = retry_call(getattr(requests, req_type), fargs=[crawl_url], 19 fkwargs={"timeout": 60, "headers": headers}, delay=0, tries=1) 20 # 判断请求状态码以及响应是否为空,为空则继续,反之则返回请求体 21 if resp.status_code == 200 and resp.content: 22 return resp.text 23 except Exception as e: 24 print(e) 25 # 重试次数用完,则直接返回异常数据 26 if not retry_times: 27 return '<html></html>' 28 # 随机休眠 1-3s 29 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) 30 31 32 # 抓取翻页数据 33 def get_pages(url): 34 page_html = retry_request(url) 35 html_obj = etree.HTML(page_html) 36 # xpath获取每个房屋部分 37 ports = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="info clear"]') 38 lis = [] 39 for port in ports: 40 # 解析详情url 41 try: 42 url = port.xpath('.//*[@class="title"]/a[1]/@href')[0] 43 except: 44 url = '' 45 # 解析总价 46 try: 47 total_price = port.xpath('.//*[@class="totalPrice totalPrice2"]//text()') 48 total_price = ''.join(total_price).strip().replace('\n', '') 49 except: 50 total_price = '' 51 # 解析单价 52 try: 53 unit_price = port.xpath('.//*[@class="unitPrice"]//text()') 54 unit_price = ''.join(unit_price) 55 except: 56 unit_price = '' 57 # 将当前房屋数据加到house列表里 58 list_data = [url, unit_price, total_price] 59 lis.append(list_data) 60 return lis 61 62 63 # 抓取房屋详情信息 64 def get_detail(infos, city_name): 65 de_url = infos[0] 66 page_html = retry_request(de_url) 67 html_obj = etree.HTML(page_html) 68 # 解析所在行政区 69 try: 70 xzu = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="areaName"]//span[@class="info"]//text()') 71 xzu = ''.join(xzu) 72 xzq = xzu.split('\xa0')[0] 73 except Exception as e: 74 xzq = '' 75 # 解析所在地址 76 try: 77 szqy = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="areaName"]//span[@class="info"]//text()') 78 szqy = ''.join(szqy) 79 szqy = szqy.split('\xa0')[1:] 80 szqy = ''.join(szqy).strip() 81 except Exception as e: 82 szqy = '' 83 # 解析小区名称 84 try: 85 xqmc = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="communityName"]/a[1]//text()') 86 xqmc = ''.join(xqmc).strip() 87 except Exception as e: 88 xqmc = '' 89 # 解析所在楼层 90 try: 91 szlc = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="base"]//ul/li[2]//text()') 92 szlc = ''.join(szlc).replace('所在楼层', '').strip() 93 except Exception as e: 94 szlc = '' 95 # 解析房屋面积 96 try: 97 house_area = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="area"]/div[@class="mainInfo"]//text()') 98 house_area = ''.join(house_area).strip() 99 except Exception as e: 100 house_area = '' 101 # 解析房屋朝向 102 try: 103 fwcx = html_obj.xpath('//span[text()="房屋朝向"]/parent::*/text()') 104 fwcx = ''.join(fwcx) 105 fwcx = fwcx.replace('房屋朝向', '').strip() 106 except Exception as e: 107 fwcx = '' 108 # 解析关注人数 109 try: 110 gzrs = html_obj.xpath('//*[@id="favCount"]/text()')[0] 111 except Exception as e: 112 gzrs = '' 113 # 解析房屋核心卖点 114 try: 115 house_good = ''.join(html_obj.xpath('//div[text()="核心卖点"]/following-sibling::div[1]//text()')) 116 house_good = house_good.strip() 117 except Exception as e: 118 house_good = '' 119 # 解析装修状态 120 try: 121 zx_status = ''.join(html_obj.xpath('//span[text()="装修情况"]/parent::*/text()')) 122 zx_status = zx_status.strip() 123 except Exception as e: 124 zx_status = '' 125 # 获取房屋单价 126 unit_price = infos[1] 127 # 获取房屋总价 128 total_price = infos[2]
1 # 清洗数据 2 def clean_data(): 3 # 将 每平方米价格 清洗成整数 4 df['每平方米价格'] = df.每平方米价格.str.replace('[^\d]', '',regex=True) 5 df['每平方米价格'] = df.每平方米价格.astype('int') 6 # 将 每平方米价格 清洗成小数,并生成价格区间列 7 df['建筑面积'] = df.建筑面积.str.replace('[^\d\.]', '',regex=True) 8 df['建筑面积'] = df.建筑面积.astype('float') 9 df['面积区间'] = df.建筑面积.apply(lambda x: '20㎡以下' if x <= 20 else '20.1-45㎡' if x <= 45 10 else '45.1-80㎡' if x <= 80 11 else '80.1-120㎡' if x <= 120 else '120.1㎡以上') 12 # 将 整套房总价 清洗成整数 13 df['整套房总价'] = df.整套房总价.str.replace('[^\d]', '',regex=True) 14 df['整套房总价'] = df.整套房总价.astype('int') 15 16 # 清洗 关注人数 并转换数据类型为整数类型 17 df['关注人数'] = df.关注人数.astype('str') 18 df['关注人数'] = df.关注人数.str.replace('[^\d]', '',regex=True) 19 df['关注人数'] = df.关注人数.astype('int')20 21 return df 22 23 # 接收清洗的结果集 24 clean_df = clean_data()
3.文本分析:wordcloud 的分词可视化
1 # 提取 房屋亮点 列,生成词云图 2 useful_df = clean_df[clean_df.房屋亮点.notnull()] 3 sentence_str = ''.join(list(useful_df.房屋亮点)) 4 # 构造词字典,统计个各个词出现的总次数 5 data_dict = {} 6 # jieba分词 7 fc_list = jieba.lcut(sentence_str) 8 # 遍历每个词并统计 9 for key in fc_list: 10 # 长度等于1的字,不做统计 11 if len(key) < 2: 12 continue 13 index = data_dict.get(key) 14 if index: 15 value = index + 1 16 else: 17 value = 1 18 data_dict[key] = value 19 # 加载词云背景图 20 pic_read = Image.open('bgc_pic.webp') 21 # 使用numpy获取图片外形 22 pic_mask = np.array(pic_read) 23 # 构造词云 24 word_cloud = wordcloud.WordCloud( 25 background_color='skyblue', # 设定图背景色 26 font_path=r'C:\Windows\Fonts\STHUPO.ttf',# 加载图字体 27 width=800,# 设定图宽度 28 height=800, # 设定图高度 29 mask=pic_mask, # 设定图外形 30 ) 31 # 将词填充到图上 32 word_cloud.fit_words(data_dict) 33 plt.imshow(word_cloud) 34 # 关闭图坐标轴 35 plt.axis('off') 36 plt.show()
1 clean_df_city = clean_df.groupby('行政区').mean().sort_values(by='每平方米价格', ascending=False) 2 3 # 设置图片大小 4 plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) 5 # 设置网格线 6 plt.grid(color='steelblue', linestyle='-.') 7 # 绘制饼图 8 plt.bar(x=clean_df_city.index, height=[round(i, 2) for i in list(clean_df_city.每平方米价格)], 9 align='center', color='skyblue') 10 # 加上每个值的数据标签 11 for a, b in enumerate([round(i, 2) for i in list(clean_df_city.每平方米价格)]): 12 plt.text(a, b / 1, "%d元" % round(b, 2), ha='center', fontsize=12, color='r') 13 # 设置x和y以及title标签 14 plt.xlabel('所在地区', labelpad=10, size=15) 15 plt.ylabel('房屋均价', labelpad=15, size=15) 16 plt.title('各行政区房屋均价展示', pad=20, size=20) 17 plt.show()
1 clean_df_xzfl = clean_df.groupby('面积区间').count() 2 plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) 3 # 构造饼图生成器 4 wedges, texts, autotexts = plt.pie(clean_df_xzfl.小区名称, 5 autopct="%4.2f%%", 6 textprops=dict(color="w")) 7 # 为饼图添加图例 8 plt.legend(wedges, 9 clean_df_xzfl.index, 10 fontsize=12, 11 title="房屋面积区间", 12 loc="center left", 13 bbox_to_anchor=(0.91, 0, 0.3, 1)) 14 # 绘制饼图形状大小 15 plt.setp(autotexts, size=15, weight="bold") 16 plt.setp(texts, size=15) 17 plt.title("各面积区间房屋数量占比图", size=20) 18 plt.show()
(3)构造 各行政区房屋数量分布地图
1 ct_map = Map( 2 init_opts=opts.InitOpts(width="1200px", height='600px') 3 ) 4 # 添加地图title并选定地区为上海市 5 ct_map.add('行政区房屋数量', data_pair=data_list, maptype='上海', is_map_symbol_show=False) 6 ct_map.set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True)) 7 ct_map.set_global_opts( 8 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title='各行政区房屋数量分布图', subtitle='数据来源:链家上海二手房'), 9 visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts( 10 # 设定各区间值,该值区间表示的是各个行政区拥有的房屋数量区间 11 pieces=[ 12 {"max": 1000, "min": 450, "label": ">450", "color": "#0000CD"}, 13 {"max": 450, "min": 350, "label": "350-450", "color": "#0000FF"}, 14 {"max": 350, "min": 250, "label": "250-350", "color": "#00BFFF"}, 15 {"max": 250, "min": 180, "label": "180-250", "color": "#00BFFF"}, 16 {"max": 180, "min": 120, "label": "120-180", "color": "#87CEFA"}, 17 {"max": 120, "min": 60, "label": "60-120", "color": "#87CEEB"}, 18 {"max": 60, "min": 30, "label": "30-60", "color": "#ADD8E6"}, 19 {"max": 30, "min": 10, "label": "10-30", "color": "#B0E0E6"}, 20 {"max": 10, "min": 1, "label": "1-10", "color": "#F0F8FF"}, 21 ], 22 is_piecewise=True 23 ) 24 )
1 # pandas读取csv文件并保存为Excel文件 2 def csv2excel(city_name): 3 df = pd.read_csv(f'{city_name}链家二手房.csv', header=None, names=['行政区', '小区名称', '每平方米价格', 4 '整套房总价', '建筑面积', '所在楼层', '房屋朝向', 5 '关注人数', '所在区域', '装修类型', '房屋亮点'], 6 encoding='utf-8') 7 df.to_excel(f'{city_name}链家二手房.xlsx', index=False) 8 # 删除原csv文件 9 os.remove(f'{city_name}链家二手房.csv') 10 print('文件转换成功')
try: os.mkdir('分析结果') except Exception as e: print(e)
1 import csv 2 import os 3 import random 4 import time 5 import pandas as pd 6 from lxml import etree 7 import requests 8 from retry.api import retry_call 9 10 11 # 异常重试函数,防止网络不稳定导致抓取数据中断等。 12 def retry_request(crawl_url, req_type='get', retry_times=6): 13 while retry_times: 14 retry_times -= 1 15 try: 16 # 请求头 User-Agent 17 headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"} 18 resp = retry_call(getattr(requests, req_type), fargs=[crawl_url], 19 fkwargs={"timeout": 60, "headers": headers}, delay=0, tries=1) 20 # 判断请求状态码以及响应是否为空,为空则继续,反之则返回请求体 21 if resp.status_code == 200 and resp.content: 22 return resp.text 23 except Exception as e: 24 print(e) 25 # 重试次数用完,则直接返回异常数据 26 if not retry_times: 27 return '<html></html>' 28 # 随机休眠 1-3s 29 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 3)) 30 31 32 # 抓取翻页数据 33 def get_pages(url): 34 page_html = retry_request(url) 35 html_obj = etree.HTML(page_html) 36 # xpath获取每个房屋部分 37 ports = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="info clear"]') 38 lis = [] 39 for port in ports: 40 # 解析详情url 41 try: 42 url = port.xpath('.//*[@class="title"]/a[1]/@href')[0] 43 except: 44 url = '' 45 # 解析总价 46 try: 47 total_price = port.xpath('.//*[@class="totalPrice totalPrice2"]//text()') 48 total_price = ''.join(total_price).strip().replace('\n', '') 49 except: 50 total_price = '' 51 # 解析单价 52 try: 53 unit_price = port.xpath('.//*[@class="unitPrice"]//text()') 54 unit_price = ''.join(unit_price) 55 except: 56 unit_price = '' 57 # 将当前房屋数据加到house列表里 58 list_data = [url, unit_price, total_price] 59 lis.append(list_data) 60 return lis 61 62 63 # 抓取房屋详情信息 64 def get_detail(infos, city_name): 65 de_url = infos[0] 66 page_html = retry_request(de_url) 67 html_obj = etree.HTML(page_html) 68 # 解析所在行政区 69 try: 70 xzu = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="areaName"]//span[@class="info"]//text()') 71 xzu = ''.join(xzu) 72 xzq = xzu.split('\xa0')[0] 73 except Exception as e: 74 xzq = '' 75 # 解析所在地址 76 try: 77 szqy = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="areaName"]//span[@class="info"]//text()') 78 szqy = ''.join(szqy) 79 szqy = szqy.split('\xa0')[1:] 80 szqy = ''.join(szqy).strip() 81 except Exception as e: 82 szqy = '' 83 # 解析小区名称 84 try: 85 xqmc = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="communityName"]/a[1]//text()') 86 xqmc = ''.join(xqmc).strip() 87 except Exception as e: 88 xqmc = '' 89 # 解析所在楼层 90 try: 91 szlc = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="base"]//ul/li[2]//text()') 92 szlc = ''.join(szlc).replace('所在楼层', '').strip() 93 except Exception as e: 94 szlc = '' 95 # 解析房屋面积 96 try: 97 house_area = html_obj.xpath('//*[@class="area"]/div[@class="mainInfo"]//text()') 98 house_area = ''.join(house_area).strip() 99 except Exception as e: 100 house_area = '' 101 # 解析房屋朝向 102 try: 103 fwcx = html_obj.xpath('//span[text()="房屋朝向"]/parent::*/text()') 104 fwcx = ''.join(fwcx) 105 fwcx = fwcx.replace('房屋朝向', '').strip() 106 except Exception as e: 107 fwcx = '' 108 # 解析关注人数 109 try: 110 gzrs = html_obj.xpath('//*[@id="favCount"]/text()')[0] 111 except Exception as e: 112 gzrs = '' 113 # 解析房屋核心卖点 114 try: 115 house_good = ''.join(html_obj.xpath('//div[text()="核心卖点"]/following-sibling::div[1]//text()')) 116 house_good = house_good.strip() 117 except Exception as e: 118 house_good = '' 119 # 解析装修状态 120 try: 121 zx_status = ''.join(html_obj.xpath('//span[text()="装修情况"]/parent::*/text()')) 122 zx_status = zx_status.strip() 123 except Exception as e: 124 zx_status = '' 125 # 获取房屋单价 126 unit_price = infos[1] 127 # 获取房屋总价 128 total_price = infos[2] 129 # 数据写入csv文件里 130 data_item = [xzq, xqmc, unit_price, total_price, house_area, szlc, 131 fwcx, gzrs, szqy, zx_status, house_good] 132 print(data_item) 133 with open(f'{city_name}链家二手房.csv', 'a', encoding='utf-8', newline='') as f: 134 csvwriter = csv.writer(f) 135 csvwriter.writerow(data_item) 136 137 138 # pandas读取csv文件并保存为Excel文件 139 def csv2excel(city_name): 140 df = pd.read_csv(f'{city_name}链家二手房.csv', header=None, names=['行政区', '小区名称', '每平方米价格', 141 '整套房总价', '建筑面积', '所在楼层', '房屋朝向', 142 '关注人数', '所在区域', '装修类型', '房屋亮点'], 143 encoding='utf-8') 144 df.to_excel(f'{city_name}链家二手房.xlsx', index=False) 145 # 删除原csv文件 146 os.remove(f'{city_name}链家二手房.csv') 147 print('文件转换成功') 148 149 150 # 程序执行主函数 151 def main(): 152 city_name = '上海市' 153 # 翻页1 - 60页,共计抓取一千多套房屋 154 for page in range(1, 61): 155 print(f'正在抓取城市:{city_name} 的第{page}页') 156 page_url = f'https://sh.lianjia.com/ershoufang/pg{page}/' 157 infos = get_pages(page_url) 158 # 遍历每套房屋,抓取其详情信息 159 for info in infos: 160 try: 161 get_detail(info, city_name) 162 except Exception as e: 163 print(e) 164 time.sleep(random.randint(1, 2)) 165 try: 166 csv2excel(city_name) 167 except Exception as e: 168 print(e) 169 170 171 main()
1 import os 2 3 import jieba 4 import wordcloud 5 from PIL import Image 6 import numpy as np 7 import pandas as pd 8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 9 import matplotlib 10 from pyecharts import options as opts 11 from pyecharts.charts import Map 12 matplotlib.use('TkAgg') 13 plt.style.use('seaborn') 14 15 # 设置图片背景色 16 plt.style.use('seaborn') 17 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 用于正常显示中文标签 18 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 用于正常显示负号 19 20 # 读取数据集 21 df = pd.read_excel('上海市链家二手房.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', header=0) 22 23 # 创建存储分析文件的文件夹 24 try: 25 os.mkdir('分析结果') 26 except Exception as e: 27 print(e) 28 29 # 清洗数据 30 def clean_data(): 31 # 将 每平方米价格 清洗成整数 32 df['每平方米价格'] = df.每平方米价格.str.replace('[^\d]', '',regex=True) 33 df['每平方米价格'] = df.每平方米价格.astype('int') 34 # 将 每平方米价格 清洗成小数,并生成价格区间列 35 df['建筑面积'] = df.建筑面积.str.replace('[^\d\.]', '',regex=True) 36 df['建筑面积'] = df.建筑面积.astype('float') 37 df['面积区间'] = df.建筑面积.apply(lambda x: '20㎡以下' if x <= 20 else '20.1-45㎡' if x <= 45 38 else '45.1-80㎡' if x <= 80 39 else '80.1-120㎡' if x <= 120 else '120.1㎡以上') 40 # 将 整套房总价 清洗成整数 41 df['整套房总价'] = df.整套房总价.str.replace('[^\d]', '',regex=True) 42 df['整套房总价'] = df.整套房总价.astype('int') 43 44 # 清洗 关注人数 并转换数据类型为整数类型 45 df['关注人数'] = df.关注人数.astype('str') 46 df['关注人数'] = df.关注人数.str.replace('[^\d]', '',regex=True) 47 df['关注人数'] = df.关注人数.astype('int') 48 # 将清洗的结果存到文件 上海市链家二手房.xlsx 49 df.to_excel(r'分析结果\上海市链家二手房.xlsx') 50 51 return df 52 53 # 接收清洗的结果集 54 clean_df = clean_data() 55 56 # 绘制各行政区房屋均价 57 clean_df_city = clean_df.groupby('行政区').mean().sort_values(by='每平方米价格', ascending=False) 58 59 # 设置图片大小 60 plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) 61 # 设置网格线 62 plt.grid(color='steelblue', linestyle='-.') 63 # 绘制饼图 64 plt.bar(x=clean_df_city.index, height=[round(i, 2) for i in list(clean_df_city.每平方米价格)], 65 align='center', color='skyblue') 66 # 加上每个值的数据标签 67 for a, b in enumerate([round(i, 2) for i in list(clean_df_city.每平方米价格)]): 68 plt.text(a, b / 1, "%d元" % round(b, 2), ha='center', fontsize=12, color='r') 69 # 设置x和y以及title标签 70 plt.xlabel('所在地区', labelpad=10, size=15) 71 plt.ylabel('房屋均价', labelpad=15, size=15) 72 plt.title('各行政区房屋均价展示', pad=20, size=20) 73 # 保存图片到 分析结果文件夹中 74 plt.savefig('分析结果/各行政区房屋均价展示.jpg') 75 plt.show() 76 77 # 绘制各行政区房屋数量占比图 78 clean_df_xzfl = clean_df.groupby('面积区间').count() 79 plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) 80 # 构造饼图生成器 81 wedges, texts, autotexts = plt.pie(clean_df_xzfl.小区名称, 82 autopct="%4.2f%%", 83 textprops=dict(color="w")) 84 # 为饼图添加图例 85 plt.legend(wedges, 86 clean_df_xzfl.index, 87 fontsize=12, 88 title="房屋面积区间", 89 loc="center left", 90 bbox_to_anchor=(0.91, 0, 0.3, 1)) 91 # 绘制饼图形状大小 92 plt.setp(autotexts, size=15, weight="bold") 93 plt.setp(texts, size=15) 94 plt.title("各面积区间房屋数量占比图", size=20) 95 # 保存图片到 分析结果文件夹中 96 plt.savefig('分析结果/各面积区间房屋数量占比图.jpg') 97 plt.show() 98 99 # 统计行政区列,并生成字典数据,记录每个行政区拥有的房屋数量 100 xzq_dict = {} 101 xzq_list = list(clean_df.行政区) 102 for zxq in xzq_list: 103 # 构建上海市各行政区列表 104 area_list = ['黄浦区', '徐汇区', '长宁区', '静安区', '普陀区', '虹口区', '杨浦区', '浦东新区', '闵行区', '宝山区', 105 '嘉定区', '金山区', '松江区', '青浦区', '奉贤区', '崇明区'] 106 # 遍历并取到当前key对应的行政区名称 107 for area in area_list: 108 if zxq in area: 109 new_area = area 110 break 111 # 获取值,如果值存在,则加1,否则赋值为1 112 data = xzq_dict.get(new_area) 113 if data: 114 value = data + 1 115 else: 116 value = 1 117 xzq_dict[new_area] = value 118 119 # 将统计行政区结果转成list数据 120 data_list = list(xzq_dict.items()) 121 print(data_list) 122 # 构造 各行政区房屋数量分布地图 123 ct_map = Map( 124 init_opts=opts.InitOpts(width="1200px", height='600px') 125 ) 126 # 添加地图title并选定地区为上海市 127 ct_map.add('行政区房屋数量', data_pair=data_list, maptype='上海', is_map_symbol_show=False) 128 ct_map.set_series_opts(label_opts=opts.LabelOpts(is_show=True)) 129 ct_map.set_global_opts( 130 title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title='各行政区房屋数量分布图', subtitle='数据来源:链家上海二手房'), 131 visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts( 132 # 设定各区间值,该值区间表示的是各个行政区拥有的房屋数量区间 133 pieces=[ 134 {"max": 1000, "min": 450, "label": ">450", "color": "#0000CD"}, 135 {"max": 450, "min": 350, "label": "350-450", "color": "#0000FF"}, 136 {"max": 350, "min": 250, "label": "250-350", "color": "#00BFFF"}, 137 {"max": 250, "min": 180, "label": "180-250", "color": "#00BFFF"}, 138 {"max": 180, "min": 120, "label": "120-180", "color": "#87CEFA"}, 139 {"max": 120, "min": 60, "label": "60-120", "color": "#87CEEB"}, 140 {"max": 60, "min": 30, "label": "30-60", "color": "#ADD8E6"}, 141 {"max": 30, "min": 10, "label": "10-30", "color": "#B0E0E6"}, 142 {"max": 10, "min": 1, "label": "1-10", "color": "#F0F8FF"}, 143 ], 144 is_piecewise=True 145 ) 146 ) 147 # 保存结果到 各行政区房屋数量分布图.html 文件中 148 ct_map.render('分析结果/各行政区房屋数量分布图.html') 149 150 # 提取 房屋亮点 列,生成词云图 151 useful_df = clean_df[clean_df.房屋亮点.notnull()] 152 sentence_str = ''.join(list(useful_df.房屋亮点)) 153 # 构造词字典,统计个各个词出现的总次数 154 data_dict = {} 155 # jieba分词 156 fc_list = jieba.lcut(sentence_str) 157 # 遍历每个词并统计 158 for key in fc_list: 159 # 长度等于1的字,不做统计 160 if len(key) < 2: 161 continue 162 index = data_dict.get(key) 163 if index: 164 value = index + 1 165 else: 166 value = 1 167 data_dict[key] = value 168 # 加载词云背景图 169 pic_read = Image.open('bgc_pic.webp') 170 # 使用numpy获取图片外形 171 pic_mask = np.array(pic_read) 172 # 构造词云 173 word_cloud = wordcloud.WordCloud( 174 background_color='skyblue', # 设定图背景色 175 font_path=r'C:\Windows\Fonts\STHUPO.ttf',# 加载图字体 176 width=800,# 设定图宽度 177 height=800, # 设定图高度 178 mask=pic_mask, # 设定图外形 179 ) 180 # 将词填充到图上 181 word_cloud.fit_words(data_dict) 182 plt.imshow(word_cloud) 183 # 关闭图坐标轴 184 plt.axis('off') 185 plt.show() 186 # 词云保存到文件里 187 word_cloud.to_file(r'分析结果\房屋亮点词云图.png')
标签:Python,text,取及,except,链家,try,df,html,房屋 From: https://www.cnblogs.com/ovo9jie/p/17001929.html