- 2023-05-11双语美文:告诉自己,没关系!
It's okay to feel out of place.当你觉得自己不再状态,告诉自己,没关系It's okay not to be okay.当你觉得自己不太好,告诉自己,没关系It's okay to be moody at times.当你觉得自己有些情绪化,告诉自己,没关系It's okay to feel like a fool at tim
- 2023-05-10双语美文:付出爱,就会收获爱
Several years ago, I was deploying overseas so I decided to leave my black cat Larry with my mother.几年前,我要被调配到海外工作,所以我决定把我的黑猫拉瑞托付给我妈。It was hard. Because I love my cat so much. I couldn't imagine
- 2023-05-09双语美文:聪明人大多选择起早床
Morning offers several benefits that can’t be found at other times of the day. Shifting your schedule might take some adjustment , but it’s worth it.早上有很多好处是其他时段所没有的。虽然你可能需要一些适应时间才能改变你的时间表,