Several years ago, I was deploying overseas so I decided to leave my black cat Larry with my mother.
It was hard. Because I love my cat so much. I couldn't imagine living without him.
Plus, my mother had been feeling alone lately, and I hoped he would change that.
Those days were difficult, because Larry was already like a son to me.
I asked mother to share video of Larry online as frequently as possible.
After two years, I was ready to get him back.
Before I could do that, I got a call from my mother.
She said she had fallen asleep earlier and woke up to him on her chest, meowing and pushing her face.
He had never done that before.
She smelled something funny, jumped out of bed, and found the kitchen on fire.
Oh God, my mom is alive because of Larry. He had been protecting us in his way. He really sees us as his family.
I guess this is what love is. It doesn't matter whether you are a human or a cat. You give love and you get love.
And I know that Larry loves us, just like we love him.
Oh, by the way, he’s my mother's now. She just couldn't leave Larry after that.
And I'm totally OK with it.
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