Count digits, white spaces(‘ ’,’\n’ ,’\t’) and other characters from a text stream ending with EOF.输入
A text stream ending with EOF输出
Print the numbers of digits, white spaces and other characters in three lines.样例输入
This is a test. It has 2 lines and 9 spaces.
digit=2 white space=11 other=32
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ char n; //int digit[1000]={0}; int whitespece=0; int other=0; int digits=0; while((n=getchar())!=EOF){ if(n==' ' || n=='\t' || n=='\n') whitespece++; else if(n>='0' && n<='9') digits++; else other++; } printf("digit=%d\nwhite space=%d\nother=%d\n",digits,whitespece,other); return 0; }
标签:Count,digits,EOF,stream,int,text,other From: https://www.cnblogs.com/luoxiaoluo/p/16867537.html