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为什么全球升温要控制在1.5度以内? | 经济学人全球早报精选

时间:2022-11-07 10:03:23浏览次数:57  
标签:conference 1.5 climate countries will 全球 final 升温

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)


Hope springs eternal: COP26

为什么全球升温要控制在1.5度以内? | 经济学人全球早报精选_sed

COP26, the UN climate summit, is in its second and final week. Tuesday’s main session is on the “science and innovation” needed to keep global temperatures to no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It will probably produce little of note. The most important work will happen behind closed doors, as ministers and negotiators try to draft a final agreement from the conference that all countries can stomach.

Over the weekend, with early negotiations complete, the summit’s organisers released an outline of what they hope will be achieved by the end of the conference. This includes rules for an international carbon market, a framework for “loss-and-damage” financing (reparations for the countries already suffering economically from climate change) and a system to check whether countries are living up to their climate goals. All are issues that several successive COP summits have failed to resolve. Any advances should be celebrated, but expect the final document to embody only slow progress.

Hope springs eternal: COP26


COP26, the UN climate summit, is in its second and final week. Tuesday’s main session is on the “science and innovation” needed to keep global temperatures to no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It will probably produce little of note. The most important work will happen behind closed doors, as ministers and negotiators try to draft a final agreement from the conference that all countries can stomach.


innovation 创造 ;  创新 ;  改革 ;  新思想 ;  新方法 

temperatures 温度 ;  气温 ;  体温 ;  temperature的复数 

no more than 不过是 ;  仅仅 

pre-industrial 工业化前的 ;  未工业化的

of note 显要的;有名的 

most important 重要的 ;  有重大影响的 ;  有巨大价值的 ;  影响很大的 ;  权威的 ;  important的最高级 

ministers 部长,大臣 ;  牧师 ;  公使 ;  外交使节 ;  辅助 ;  服侍 ;  照顾 ;  帮助 ;  服务 ;  minister的第三人称单数和复数 

negotiators 谈判代表 ;  协商者 ;  negotiator的复数 

try to 设法 ;  试图 ;  试着 

draft 草稿 ;  草案 ;  草图 ;  汇票 ;  运动员选拔制 ;  初步画出或的 ;  正在起草中的,草拟的 ;  以草稿形式的 ;  草图的 ;  起草 ;  草拟 ;  选派 ;  抽调 

final agreement 最后协议,最后协定 

stomach 胃 ;  腹部 ;  欣赏 ;  欣然接受 ;  喜欢和…相处 ;  能吃 ; 

Over the weekend, with early negotiations complete, the summit’s organisers released an outline of what they hope will be achieved by the end of the conference. This includes rules for an international carbon market, a framework for “loss-and-damage” financing (reparations for the countries already suffering economically from climate change) and a system to check whether countries are living up to their climate goals. All are issues that several successive COP summits have failed to resolve. Any advances should be celebrated, but expect the final document to embody only slow progress.


negotiations 谈判 ;  磋商 ;  协商 ;  negotiation的复数 

released 释放 ;  放出 ;  放走 ;  放开 ;  松开 ;  使自由移动 ;  发泄 ;  宣泄 ;  release的过去分词和过去式 

outline 概述 ;  略述 ;  显示…的轮廓 ;  勾勒…的外形 ;  梗概 ;  轮廓线 ;  略图 

by the end of 到…结束时 ;  在…尽头 

conference 会议 ;  研讨会 ;  讨论会 ;  商讨会 ;  体育协会

framework 框架 ;  构架 ;  结构 ;  信仰 ;  观点 ;  准则 ;  机制 

financing 提供资金 ;  finance的现在分词 ;  理财 

reparations 赔款 ;  赔偿 ;  弥补 ;  补偿 ;  reparation的复数 

suffering 疼痛 ;  痛苦 ;  折磨 ;  苦难 ;  苦恼 ;  受苦,受难,受折磨 ;  遭受 ;  蒙受 ;  变差 ;  变糟 ;  suffer的现在分词 ;  苦恼的 

live up to 遵守(诺言);符合(期望);不辜负

climate 气候 ;  气候区 ;  倾向 ;  思潮 ;  风气 ;  环境气氛 

successive 连续的 ;  接连的 ;  相继的 

resolve 决定 ;  决心 ;  解决 ;  作出决定 ;  作出决议 ;  表决 ;  坚定的信念 

advances 前进,行进 ;  进步 ;  进展 ;  预付款 ;  发展,进步 ;  促进 ;  推动 ;  advance的第三人称单数和复数 

celebrated 著名的 ;  闻名的 ;  驰名的 ;  庆祝 ;  庆贺 ;  主持宗教仪式 ;  赞美 ;  颂扬 ;  歌颂 ;  celebrate的过去分词和过去式 

embody 体现 ;  包含 ;  具体表现 ;  代表 ;  收录 

slow progress 缓慢的前进




COP的全称为“Conference of the Parties”(缔约方大会)。缔约方是《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)的签署国,该公约于1994年达成,拥有197个缔约方(196个国家以及欧盟)。由英国与意大利在格拉斯哥主办的2021年会议将是缔约方的第26次会议,这就是其COP26简称的由来。




该协定的效力是自上而下的:每个国家,无论大小,都签署了减少碳排放以限制全球变暖程度远低于2℃,而理想情况下为比工业化前水平高1.5℃;同时它也是自下而上的:因为它为每个国家留下了各自规划国家气候战略的空间,而这些战略被称为“国家自主贡献”(Nationally Determined Contributions,简称NDCs)。 








From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15858664/5827861


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