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土耳其央行行长当得不容易 | 经济学人早报精选

时间:2022-11-02 21:35:16浏览次数:48  
标签:Kavcioglu 当得 rate inflation rates bank 行长 早报 利率

文 / 王不留(微信公众号:考研英语笔记)

Cut to the core: Turkey’s interest rates

土耳其央行行长当得不容易 | 经济学人早报精选_其他


Sahap Kavcioglu, the head of Turkey’s central bank since March, has promised to keep lending rates above the inflation rate to keep prices from spiralling. So with inflation now at 19.25%, a touch above the bank’s benchmark rate of 19%, Mr Kavcioglu should be considering a moderate rate increase at the bank’s monetary policy board meeting on Thursday. 

土耳其央行行长当得不容易 | 经济学人早报精选_微信公众号_02


Instead he seems determined to loosen the purse strings—if not now, then later this autumn. The latest indication came in early September when the governor said he would make decisions on the basis of core inflation, which excludes food and energy prices, and which came in at 16.76% last month. The lira fell on the news. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president and an avowed enemy of high rates, has been promising cuts since the start of the summer. He may get his wish. Otherwise, Mr Kavcioglu may get the boot.

Cut to the core: Turkey’s interest rates


Cut to 将…减少到 ;  彻底打败 ;  触及痛处,伤感情 

interest rates 利率 ;  interest rate的复数





Sahap Kavcioglu, the head of Turkey’s central bank since March, has promised to keep lending rates above the inflation rate to keep prices from spiralling. So with inflation now at 19.25%, a touch above the bank’s benchmark rate of 19%, Mr Kavcioglu should be considering a moderate rate increase at the bank’s monetary policy board meeting on Thursday. 

萨哈普 · 卡夫乔格鲁 ( Sahap Kavcioglu ) 自今年3月份担任土耳其央行行长,便承诺保持贷款利率在通货膨胀率之上,以防价格螺旋式上涨。因此,目前通胀率为19.25%,略高于该行19%的基准利率,卡夫乔格鲁应该在周四召开的央行货币政策委员会上考虑适度加息。

central bank 中央银行 

lending rates 贷款利率 ;  放款利率 ;  lending rate的复数 

inflation rate 通货膨胀率 

spiralling 螺旋式上升 ;  盘旋上升 ;  急剧增长 ;  spiral的现在分词 

inflation 通货膨胀 ;  通胀率 ;  充气 

a touch 稍许;略微 

increase at 以…增长 

monetary policy 货币政策

贷款利率,是银行等金融机构发放贷款时向借款人收取利息的利率。主要分为三类:中央银行对商业银行的贷款利率; 商业银行对客户的贷款利率; 同业拆借利率。


Instead he seems determined to loosen the purse strings—if not now, then later this autumn. The latest indication came in early September when the governor said he would make decisions on the basis of core inflation, which excludes food and energy prices, and which came in at 16.76% last month. The lira fell on the news. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s president and an avowed enemy of high rates, has been promising cuts since the start of the summer. He may get his wish. Otherwise, Mr Kavcioglu may get the boot. 

然而,恰恰相反,他似乎决定把钱管得松一些,如果现在不做,今年秋天晚些时候也会执行。最新迹象出现在9月初,当时这位官员表示他将根据不包括食品和能源价格的核心通胀做出决定,上月核心通胀率为16.76%。土耳其里拉闻声下跌。土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)是高利率的反对者,他自今夏之始就承诺降低利率。他可能会实现愿望。否则,卡夫乔格鲁可能会“下课”。

loosen the purse strings 乱花钱,增加开支 

on the basis of 在…基础上

avowed 公开承认的 ;  公开宣称的 ;  声明 ;  公开宣称 ;  avow的过去分词和过去式 

get the boot 被解雇 ;  被抛弃



From: https://blog.51cto.com/u_15858664/5818353
