1. 目标是把最底下,最大的盘从起始柱子移到终点柱子
2. 那我们要先把除了最大的盘的其他盘子从起始柱子移到临时柱子上
3. 然后把最大的盘子从起始柱子移到终点柱子
4. 把除了最大盘的其他盘子从临时柱子移到终点柱子
1. 把top N-1的盘子从开始柱子移到临时柱子
2. 把第N个盘子从开始柱子移到终点柱子
3. 把N-1个盘子从临时柱子移到终点柱子
var numberOfDisks = 3; var hanoi = function (n, a, b, c) { if (n > 0) { hanoi(n - 1, a, c, b); console.log("Move disk " + n + " from " + a + " to " + c + "!"); hanoi(n - 1, b, a, c); } } hanoi(numberOfDisks, "starting", "temporary", "destination");
Move disk 1 from starting to destination!
Move disk 2 from starting to temporary!
Move disk 1 from destination to temporary!
Move dist 3 from starting to destination!
Move disk 1 from temporary to starting!
Move disk 2 from temporary to destination!
Move disk 1 from starting to destination!
hanoi(3, starting, temporary, destination) hanoi(2, starting, destination, temporary) hanoi(1, starting, temporary, destination) hanoi(0, starting, destination, temporary) // Move disk 1 from starting to destination! hanoi(0, temporary, starting, destination) // Move disk 2 from starting to temporary! hanoi(1, destination, starting, temporary) hanoi(0, destination, temprary, starting) // Move disk 1 from destination to temporary! hanoi(0, starting, destination, temporary) // Move disk 3 from starting to destination! hanoi(2, temporary, starting, destination) hanoi(1, temporary, destination, starting) // Move disk 1 from temporary to starting! hanoi(0, destination, temporary, starting) // Move disk 2 from temporary to destination! hanoi(1, starting, temporary, destination) hanoi(0, starting, destination, temporary) // Move disk 1 from starting to destination! hanoi(0, temporary, starting, destination)
可以看到移到汉诺塔是需要反复递归执行的。传说和尚移动的汉诺塔是有64层的。如果要移动64层要移动多少次呢?答案是2^64 - 1次!加入移动一次要花1秒,那么移动64层需要花18,446,744,073,709,551,615秒,大概是5850亿年!
标签:Move,15,Towers,destination,hanoi,汉诺塔,temporary,disk,starting From: https://www.cnblogs.com/Eagle6970/p/18677598