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COMP1038 An airstrike planner game

时间:2024-12-20 20:08:37浏览次数:3  
标签:code planner should will game program airstrike your exercise

COMP1038 Coursework 2 – An airstrike planner game

Introduction This is the second COMP1038 Coursework. It is worth 45% of the module mark. It

requires you to write an interactive, menu-driven program that acts as an airstrike gameand a report. The deadline for this exercise is 23:00 on Friday 20th of December 2024.

Read the entire document before beginning the exercise.

If you have any questions about this exercise, please ask in the Q&A forum on Moodle,after a tutorial session, or during the advertised office hours. Do not post your programor parts of your program to Moodle as you are not allowed to share your courseworkprograms with other students. If any questions require this exercise to be clarified, thenthis document will be updated and everyone will be notified via Moodle.


You must submit two files: a C source code file containing all your code for thisexercise and a report in PDF format describing the details of your program. The C codeacomment which contains your student ID number, username, and full name, of theform:// 6512345 zy12345 Joe BlogsThe file must compile without warnings or errors when I use the command

gcc -std=c99 -lm airstrikeplanner.c -o airstrikeplanner

This command will be run on our Linux server cs-linux. If it does not compile, for anyreason, then you will lose all the marks for testing (common reasons in the past havebeen submitting a file with the wrong filename or developing your solution on yourpersonal computer without having tested it on our Linux server). If the file compiles buthas warnings, then you will lose some marks for not correcting the warnings.

The report must be named report.pdf and should not exceed 500 words.Before you submit your source code file, you must complete the Coursework submission coversheet on Moodle.The completed source code file should be uploaded to the Coursework 2 Submission link on the COMP1038 Moodle page. You may submit as many times as you wishbefore the deadline (the last submission before the deadline will be used). After the

deadline has passed, if you have already submitted your exercise then you will not beable to submit again. If you have not already submitted, then you will be allowed tosubmit once.Late submissions: Late submissions will lose 5 percentage points per hour, rounded upto the next whole hour. This is to better represent the large benefit a small amountofextra time can give at the end of a programming exercise. No late submissions will beaccepted more than 24 hours after the exercise deadline. If you have extenuatingcircumstances, you should file them before the deadline.


You should complete this coursework on your own. Anyone suspected of plagiarism willbe investigated and punished in accordance with the university policy on plagiarism(see your student handbook and the University Quality Manual). This may include amark of zero for this coursework.You should write the source code required for this assignment yourself. If you use codefrom other sources (books, web pages, etc), you should use comments to acknowledgethis (and marks will be heavily adjusted down accordingly). The only exception to this is 代写COMP1038  An airstrike planner game the example programs given in lectures and tutorials; you may use them, with or without modification, without penalty. You must not copy or share source code with other students. You must not worktogether on your solution. You can informally talk about higher-level ideas but not to alevel of detail that would allow you all to create the same source code.Remember, it is quite easy for experienced lecturers to spot plagiarism in source code. Ifyou are having problems, you should ask questions rather than plagiarize. If youare notable to complete the exercise, then you should still submit your incomplete program asthat will still get you some of the marks for the parts you have done (but make sureyour incomplete solution compiles and partially runs!).Task An airstrike planner game, developed by a computer science student, is available onMoodle. The game includes functionalities such as reading target files, searching fortargets, planning airstrikes, and executing airstrikes.Your task is to,

➢ Test the given program,

➢ Implement a C program with the same functionalities,

➢ Write a report detailing your work, and

➢ Submit both your program and the report.

Marking The marking scheme will be as follows:

  1. Tests (60%):Your program will be tested against several test cases to verify if it meets therequirements. These tests are secret, but examples include:Handling typical valid inputs,dealing with boundary values,Properly managing invalid inputs, andMaintaining a user interface identical to the given executable.If your program does not compile, you will lose all testing marks.
  1. Report (20%):A report detailing your program should be submitted along with the source code file. Inthe report, you should explain the main components, such as data structures,functions,and how they interact, and address the following questions:How do you determine whether a target file is valid or invalid?What is the minimum distance between targets?How do you test your program for memory leaks?
  1. Appropriate use of language features (10%):Your program should use the appropriate C language features in your solution. You can

use any language features or techniques that you have seen in the course, or you havelearned on your own, as long as they are appropriate to your solution. Examples of this might be:Have you broken your program down into separate functions?Are all your function arguments being used?If your functions return values, are they being used?If you have complex data, are you using structures?Are you using loops to avoid repeating many lines of code?Do you use dynamic memory allocation properly, e.g. no memory leak?

  1. Source code formatting (10%):Your program should be correctly formatted and easy to understand by a competent C

programmer. This includes, but is not limited to, indentation, bracketing,variable/function naming, and use of comments. See the textbook for examples ofcorrectly formatting programs.End Notes This exercise is designed to test your understanding of key programming concepts.Submitting a working program with a complete report and following proper coding

standards will maximize your marks. Good luck!

From: https://www.cnblogs.com/MATH1131/p/18619102


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