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DevExpress offers a robust suite CRACK

时间:2024-12-17 23:27:06浏览次数:8  
标签:AI DevExpress offers suite developers tools across

  DevExpress offers a robust suite CRACK

  DevExpress v24.2 adds AI-powered extensions for advanced document editing, smart actions, and versatile AI chat components across platforms.

  DevExpress offers a robust suite of developer tools designed to streamline application development across platforms, including .NET MAUI for cross-platform mobile and desktop solutions, ASP.NET and Blazor for modern, web-based applications, and WinForms and WPF for rich, desktop-centric experiences. Each product delivers a comprehensive set of features, from high-performance UI components to advanced data management tools, enabling developers to build sophisticated, responsive, and visually compelling applications tailored to diverse user needs. With a focus on efficiency and versatility, these tools empower developers to achieve faster time-to-market while maintaining exceptional quality.

  The DevExpress 24.2 update introduces AI-powered extensions that streamline application development with lightweight APIs and pre-built UI elements for Natural Language Processing (NLP) across WinForms, WPF, Blazor, and .NET MAUI. With seamless support for OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, self-hosted models like Ollama, and other AI services via the Semantic Kernel, developers can easily integrate cutting-edge AI functionality into their applications. These enhancements enable advanced document editing, contextual search, and AI chat components, simplifying the adoption of natural language processing and automation. By reducing development complexity and boosting productivity, these tools empower developers to create modern, user-centric solutions across a wide range of platforms.

From: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45330297/article/details/144547051


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