CPT205 Computer Graphics
~1~CPT20T – Computer Graphics (2024-25) Assessment 2 – 3D Modelling Project Assessment number2 Contribution to overall module assessment15% Date on which assessment givenMonday, 4 November 2024 Submission deadlineSunday, 8 December 2024Learning Outcomes for this Assessment
This assessment aims at assessing your understanding of the topics and knowledge of the theory andmethods by applying and implementing a range of the techniques / algorithms covered in the lecture and labsessions. You will demonstrate substantial work throughappropriate design and implementation of a threedimensional (3D) scene with a number of objects.
- The TaskYou will create a well-thought 3D scene, which is suitable to demonstrate your knowledge and skills incomputer graphics. A key objective of the assignment is to make effective use of the graphics techniquesand OpenGL functions covered in the module. In particular, you should consider the following in completingthis assignment:
- A well-thought design of 3D scene with a number of static and moving objects (the scene, which isnot necessarily very complex, but could still represent daily life, e.g., the train track used in the lab);A range of graphics techniques utilised in an appropriate manner, e.g., creation of geometry,hierarchical modelling, transformations, viewing and projection, lighting and materials, texturemapping, animation and interactions;Effective use of relevant OpenGL libraries in freeglut (no other OpenGL libraries to be used);
- Good programming practice (e.g., necessary comments and neat format of the code) –appropriately acknowledge sources used in your assignment work.
- The Written ReportYou are required to produce a report of up to 5 A4 sides that
- a) shows basic information – module code and title, and your name, ID and degree programme;
- b) describes the design and features of your work (relating to graphics techniques used but notexplaining your code in detail);c) provides a brief readme / instruction section about how your program can be run effectively (e.g.,interactive commands with the mouse and keyboard);d) contains a set of typical screenshots to show your program in action.Submission of Work
a) Compress your written report in pdf, source code (.cpp), executable file (.exe) and textureimage files (not the whole MS VS solution/project which can have a very large file size) into asingle zip/rar file. Reduce the resolution of your image files wherenecessary.Name your zip/rarfile in the following way: YourID_Surnamae_GivenName (e.g. 2298765_Yue_Yong).) Submit your zip/rar file in the LMC module site, by Sunday, 8 December 2024.
Late submission will receive penalty in the marking in accordance with the University Code of Practice on
Assessment. For each working day after the deadline, 5 marks (out of 100) will be deducted for up to 5days. However, the mark will not be reduced below the pass markforthe assessment. Work CPT205 Computer Graphics~2~assessed below the pass mark will not be penalised for late submission of up to five days. Work received than 5 working days after the deadline will receive a mark of 0.
- and Academic OffencesBackup your work. As good 代写CPT205 Computer Graphics practice, you should always make sure that your work is securely backed up.This assignment is individual work. Plagiarism (e.g., misrepresenting another’s work or concept withoutproper acknowledgement and citation of the sources) and collusion (unauthorised collaboration or cooperation with others in preparation and production of assessment work) are serious academic offences.
Academic offences will be dealt with in accordance with the University Code of Practice on Assessment.Guidance to MarkingStudents may be required to attend an interview to explain their work if deemed necessary for effectiveassessment of their submission. the following table, each category builds on the requirements contained in the preceding category forassessment.
Category Requirement First Class (≥70%) Overall outstanding work. Very neat program implements effectively relevant graphicstechniques covered.
Excellent 3D model produced with realistic / real-life content and visual effect.Well-structured and concise written report providing all the required information within thepage limit.Second
Upper (60 to 69%) program that utilises effectively the full range of relevant graphicstechniques covered. Good commenting and layout of the program.An impressive 3D model produced with a good range of features achieved by calling OpenGL functions.A comprehensive and clear report containing all required information.Second Lower Substantial working program implements a good range of relevant graphics techniques
标签:program,CPT205,work,will,Computer,Graphics,your,3D From: https://www.cnblogs.com/comp9021T2/p/18558440