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How to Check Engine Oil Level in a Porsche Using a PIWIS Tester

时间:2024-12-09 21:44:20浏览次数:5  
标签:Engine PIWIS Oil Tester Porsche oil level your

Maintaining the proper engine oil level in your Porsche is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. While traditional methods may suffice, using a PIWIS Tester offers enhanced accuracy and ensures that your vehicle operates smoothly. This guide will walk you through the steps to check your engine oil level using a PIWIS Tester, especially important after every oil change.

Why Use a PIWIS Tester?

The PIWIS Tester is a sophisticated diagnostic tool designed specifically for Porsche vehicles. It provides detailed information directly from the vehicle's onboard systems, allowing you to check the oil level with precision that standard methods may not offer.

Steps to Check Oil Level

1. Connect the PIWIS Tester by plugging in the PIWIS Tester and turning the vehicle's ignition to the "on" position without starting the engine.

2. Launch the Diagnostic Program: Start the diagnostic software on the PIWIS Tester and select your specific vehicle model from the options provided.

3. Access the DME Control Unit: In the overview menu, navigate to the DME (Digital Motor Electronics) control unit. Press [F12] to proceed to the next step.

4. Enter the Maintenance/Repair Menu: Once in the DME control unit, locate the "Maintenance/Repair" menu and press [F12] again to access oil level functions.

5. Select the Oil Fill Function: Choose the "Oil Fill" function from the menu and confirm your selection by pressing [F12].

6. Start the Engine: With the tester set, start the engine. Allow it to run until the oil temperature reaches 90°C. You may need to accelerate gently to facilitate faster heating.

7. Automatic Oil Level Measurement: After the oil temperature reaches the required level, the oil level measurement will start automatically. This process might take a few moments, so be patient.

8. Stop the Engine: Once the measurement is complete, turn off the engine.

9. Adjust Oil Level as Needed: Based on the reading from the PIWIS Tester, add the specified amount of oil to the engine if necessary. This ensures that the oil level is optimal for peak performance.

10. Disconnect the Tester: Finally, carefully remove the PIWIS Tester from the vehicle, ensuring that all connections are safely disengaged.


Regularly checking your Porsche's engine oil level using a PIWIS Tester not only prolongs the life of your engine but also enhances your driving experience.

Porsche Piwis 4


Porsche PIWIS 3



Porsche PIWIS 2


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/alice88auto/p/18596088


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