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时间:2024-12-07 22:21:35浏览次数:4  
标签:how Robot robotframework Framework framework test



Robot Framework Guides

You want to get started with Robot Framework? Need some hints and examples? Then proceed here


Robot Framework User Guide

The full reference manual for the Robot Framework Core. Learn about the syntax, file types, how to extend it and much more.


Standard Library

The Libraries which bundled with Robot Framework. Find out which Keywords are available and how to use them.


API Documentation

Want to use the API to intearct with the Robot Framework Model create your own tools? This is the place to start.



Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and RPA


Robot Framework ® is a generic open source automation framework for acceptance testing, acceptance test driven development (ATDD), and robotic process automation (RPA). It has simple plain text syntax and it can be extended easily with generic and custom libraries.

Robot Framework is operating system and application independent. It is implemented using Python which is also the primary language to extend it. The framework has a rich ecosystem around it consisting of various generic libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects. For more information about Robot Framework and the ecosystem, see http://robotframework.org.

Robot Framework project is hosted on GitHub where you can find source code, an issue tracker, and some further documentation. Downloads are hosted on PyPI.

Robot Framework development is sponsored by non-profit Robot Framework Foundation. If you are using the framework and benefiting from it, consider joining the foundation to help maintaining the framework and developing it further.




Web testing with Robot Framework and SeleniumLibrary

Robot Framework is a generic open source test automation framework and SeleniumLibrary is one of the many test libraries that can be used with it. In addition to showing how they can be used together for web testing, this demo introduces the basic Robot Framework test data syntax, how tests are executed, and how logs and reports look like.



Robot Framework Demo

Robot Framework is a generic open source test automation framework. In addition to introducing Robot Framework test data syntax, this demo shows how to execute test cases, how generated reports and logs look like, and how to extend the framework with custom test libraries.


From: https://www.cnblogs.com/lightsong/p/18592764


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